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Friendship, Art and Erudition in the Network of Abraham Ortelius (1527-1598)
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Erudite Eyes explores the network of the Antwerp cartographer Abraham Ortelius (1527-1598), a veritable trading zone of art and erudition. Populated by such luminaries as Pieter Bruegel, Joris Hoefnagel, Justus Lipsius and Benedictus Arias Montanus, among others, this vibrant antiquarian culture yielded new knowledge about local antiquities and distant civilizations, and offered a framework for articulating art and artistic practice. These fruitful exchanges, undertaken in a spirit of friendship and collaboration, are all the more astonishing when seen against the backdrop of the ongoing wars. Based on a close reading of early modern letters, alba amicorum, printed books, manuscripts and artworks, this book situates Netherlandish art and culture between Bruegel and Rubens in a European perspective.

Konstruktion, Bewegung, Politik
Raum ist konstitutives Element jeder sinnlichen Wahrnehmung und wird doch zugleich in den unterschiedlichen Künsten je unterschiedlich konzipiert, ja von jedem Kunstwerk eigentümlich konstruiert. Der Band versammelt Beiträge aus einer Vielzahl unterschiedlicher theoretisch- philosophischer und kunstwissenschaftlicher Disziplinen. Einer Vielzahl gegenwärtiger Positionen wird in durchaus unterschiedlichen Textgenres theoretisch Raum gegeben. Neben theoretischen Beiträgen stehen Essays, Interviews und nicht zuletzt auch künstlerische Beiträge selbst, die auf der dem Buch beigefügten DVD zu finden sind.
Hubert Spierling gehört zu den herausragenden Glasgestaltern des 20. Jahrhunderts. Seit den 1950er Jahren hat er einen gewichtigen Beitrag zum künstlerischen Weltruf der modernen deutschen Glasmalerei geleistet.
Der 1925 im sauerländischen Menden geborene, heute in Krefeld lebende und in ungebrochener Schaffenskraft arbeitende Künstler hat zahlreiche Verglasungen für bedeutende mittelalterliche Kirchen wie den Dom zu Limburg oder die Abteikirche Maria Laach geschaffen. Zugleich entwarf Hubert Spierling Glasfenster für Meisterwerke der modernen Architektur. Zum 85. Geburtstag Hubert Spierlings 2010 wird hiermit eine reich illustrierte Aufsatzsammlung mitsamt Werkverzeichnis vorgelegt.
Volume Editors: and
Unlike many recent Joyce studies, De-familiarizing Readings eschews the theoretical and ideological and instead plants itself on firmer ground. Its seven outstanding Joyce scholars share a love of the “stuff” of texts, contexts, and intertexts: data and dates, food and clothing, letters and journals, literary allusions, and other quotidian desiderata. Their inductive approaches - whether to Dubliners, Portrait of the Artist, Ulysses, or Finnegans Wake - are thoroughly researched, argued with meticulous, even nit-picking, precision, and offer the pleasurable reading experience of forensic analysis. And in the end they provide the satisfaction of reaching persuasive conclusions that seem both striking and inevitable.
Domestic Politics and the American Novel of World War I
Embattled Home Fronts is an inquiry into the highly conflicted US American experience of World War I as it plays itself out in the diverse body of novelistic works to which it has given rise and by which it has been, in turn, shaped and commemorated. As such, this book naturally concerns itself with the formal aspects of artistic war representation. But rather than merely endeavoring to illustrate how American writers from various backgrounds chose to depict World War I, the present work seeks to uncover the particular ideologies and political practices that inform these representational choices.
To this end, Embattled Home Fronts examines both canonized and marginalized US American World War I novels within the context of contemporaneous debates over shifting class, gender, and race relations. The book contends that American literary representations of the Great War are shaped less by universal insights into modern society’s self-destructiveness than by concerted efforts to fashion class-, gender-, and race-specific experiences of warfare in ways that stabilize and heighten political group identities. In moving beyond the customary focus on ironic war representations, Embattled Home Fronts illustrates that the representational and ideological battles fought within American World War I literature not only shed light on the emergence of powerful identity-political concepts such as the New Woman and the New Negro, but also speak to the reappearance of utopian, communitarian, and social protest fictions in the early 1930s.
This study Embattled Home Fronts provides a new understanding of the relationship between war literature and home front politics that should be of interest to students and scholars working from a variety of disciplines and perspectives
Volume Editors: and
The apparent self-sufficiency of joie de vivre means that, despite the widespread use of the phrase since the late nineteenth century, the concept has rarely been explored critically. Joie de vivre does not readily surrender itself to examination, for it is in a sense too busy being what it is. However, as the essays in this collection reveal, joie de vivre can be as complex and variable a state as the more negative emotions or experiences that art and literature habitually evoke. This volume provides an urgently needed study of an intriguing and under-explored area of French literature and culture from the Middle Ages to the contemporary era. While the range and content of contributions embraces linguistics, literature, art, sport and politics, the starting point is, like that of the term joie de vivre itself, in French language and culture.
This volume will be of special interest to researchers across the full range of French studies, from literature and language to cultural studies. It will be of direct appeal to specialist readers, university libraries, graduate and undergraduate students, and general readers with a lively interest in French literature and culture of the medieval, early modern and broad modern periods. This book’s fresh perspectives on the theme of joie de vivre and its relation to questions of privacy, contemplation, voyeurism, feasting and nationhood will also be of relevance to researchers in comparative and cognate disciplines.
Best known as the author of The French Lieutenant’s Woman and The Magus, John Fowles achieved both critical and popular success as a writer of profound and provocative fiction. In this innovative new study, Brooke Lenz reconsiders Fowles’ controversial contributions to feminist thought. Combining literary criticism and feminist standpoint theory, John Fowles: Visionary and Voyeur examines the problems that women readers and feminist critics encounter in Fowles’ frequently voyeuristic fiction.
Over the course of his career, this book argues, Fowles progressively created women characters who subvert voyeuristic exploitation and who author alternative narratives through which they can understand their experiences, cope with oppressive dominant systems, and envision more authentic and just communities. Especially in the later novels, Fowles’ women characters offer progressive alternative approaches to self-awareness, interpersonal relationships, and social reform – despite Fowles’ problematic idealization of women and even his self-professed “cruelty” to the women in his own life. This volume will be of interest to critics and readers of contemporary fiction, but most of all, to men and women who seek a progressive, inclusive feminism.
Offspring Fictions: Salman Rushdie’s Family Novels is the first book-length study that examines families and especially the parent-child relationship in Rushdie’s core works. It argues that Sigmund Freud’s concept of the family and the author’s variations thereon are central to a full understanding of the four novels Midnight’s Children, Shame, the controversial The Satanic Verses and The Moor’s Last Sigh, a quasi-sequel to Rushdie’s first success. Through close readings that make use of a variety of critical approaches, Offspring Fictions provides a sustained examination of how the parents and children that people Rushdie’s fictions reflect the larger issues his work is concerned with: nationalism, religion, history and authorship. Aimed primarily at academics and students, but also of interest to the general reader, Offspring Fictions provides a clear and insightful analysis of Rushdie’s family tetralogy.
Fourteen Hard Questions and Straight Answers about a Baltic Country