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‘This is the essential book today for understanding maritime security law” -Prof. James Kraska (US Naval War College & Harvard Law School)

The recrudescence of great power competition at sea raises several legal problems. Maritime Security Law in Hybrid Warfare brings together authors from various fields of international law to address such challenges in the legal intersection between naval war, military activities, maritime law enforcement, and hybrid warfare. This book explores the means for increasing legal resilience against the emerging trend of weaponization of commercial ships, underwater cables and pipelines, lawfare, and migration by hybrid adversaries.
This volume contains the texts of written pleadings, minutes of public sittings and other documents from the proceedings in the Dispute concerning delimitation of the maritime boundary between Mauritius and Maldives in the Indian Ocean (Mauritius/Maldives), Merits. The documents are reproduced in their original language.
The Special Chamber delivered its Judgment on 28 April 2023. It is published in the ITLOS Reports 2022-2023.

Le présent volume reproduit les pièces de la procédure écrite, les procès-verbaux des audiences publiques et d’autres documents relatifs à la procédure concernant le Différend relatif à la délimitation de la frontière maritime entre Maurice et les Maldives dans l’océan Indien (Maurice/Maldives), fond. Les documents sont publiés dans la langue originale utilisée.
La Chambre spéciale a rendu son arrêt le 28 avril 2023. L’arrêt est publié dans le TIDM Recueil 2022-2023.
This policy-oriented jurisprudence presents the latest research findings on legal challenges faced by the international regulatory framework, as posed by the increasing deployment of uncrewed vessels at sea. It is the first publication that offers discussions and opinions reflecting a combined international and comparative (especially, eastern) perspective. The contributors from multiple jurisdictions elaborate on legal implications of the use of uncrewed vessels for military, commercial, scientific-research, and law-enforcement purposes from such diverse angles as the law of the sea, international humanitarian law, the law of war, global shipping regulation, marine environment protection, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence and law.
Digging deep into the fields of international law (IL) and international relations (IR) theory, this book offers a groundbreaking interdisciplinary exploration of legal solutions to the South China Sea dispute. Youngmin Seo navigates the complex terrain of the role of international law in times of power redistribution, presenting unique insights that redefine perspectives. Seamlessly blending IR and IL perspectives and providing a nuanced understanding of this global issue in the Indo-Pacific, this work is a beacon in turbulent waters.
Volume Editor:
The ITLOS Yearbook 2022 provides information on the composition and organization of the Tribunal and reports on its judicial activities in 2022, in particular concerning Cases Nos. 28, 30 and 31. The Yearbook is prepared by the Registry of the Tribunal.

Le TIDM Annuaire 2022 fournit des informations sur la composition et l’organisation du Tribunal et rend compte des activités judiciaires de celui-ci au cours de l’année 2022, en particulier en ce qui concerne les affaires Nos. 28, 30 et 31. L’Annuaire est préparé par le Greffe du Tribunal.
What happens after a judgment is delivered by a tribunal constituted under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea? In this ground-breaking book, all the decisions issued by the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea or Annex VII arbitral tribunals are examined to determine what results transpired following the judgment or order. The authors consider what compliance means and whether it has been achieved in UNCLOS dispute settlement. We suggest what other outcomes have sometimes eventuated from UNCLOS dispute settlement and propose steps that may be taken to enhance judgment compliance.
This volume contains the texts of written pleadings and other documents from the proceedings in The M/T “Heroic Idun” Case (Marshall Islands v. Equatorial Guinea), Prompt Release. The documents are reproduced in their original language.
The Order of 15 November 2022 placing on record the discontinuance of the proceedings is published in the ITLOS Reports 2022-2023.

Le présent volume reproduit les pièces de la procédure écrite et d’autres documents relatifs à la procédure concernant L’affaire du navire « Heroic Idun » (Îles Marshall c. Guinée équatoriale), prompte mainlevée. Les documents sont publiés dans la langue originale utilisée.
L’ordonnance du 15 novembre 2022 prenant acte du désistement de l’instance est publiée dans le TIDM Recueil 2022-2023.
There are various environmental and legal challenges arising from offshore renewable energy activities which were not foreseen at the time of the negotiation of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). This book explores how UNCLOS has evolved to adapt to these new challenges through legal mechanisms and examines what gaps may remain and how they should be filled. The book highlights the process of normative reinforcement in the regulation of offshore renewable energy activities whilst maintaining the fundamental balance of interests between the coastal State and other States.
Governance Challenges and Approaches in Canadian Arctic Waters
Shipping in Inuit Nunangat is a timely multidisciplinary volume offering novel insights into key maritime governance issues in Canadian Arctic waters that are Inuit homeland (Inuit Nunangat) in the contemporary context of climate change, growing accessibility of Arctic waters to shipping, the need to protect a highly sensitive environment, and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The volume includes policy, legal and institutional findings and recommendations intended to inform scholars and policymakers on managing the interface between shipping, the marine environment, and Indigenous rights in Arctic waters.
This volume contains the texts of written pleadings and other documents from the proceedings in The M/T “San Padre Pio” (No. 2) Case (Switzerland v. Nigeria). The documents are reproduced in their original language.
The President of the Tribunal delivered his Order recording the discontinuance of the proceedings on 29 December 2021. It is publis