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The Yearbook of International Disaster Law aims to represent a hub for critical debate in this area of research and policy and to foster the interest of academics, practitioners, stakeholders and policy-makers on legal and institutional issues relevant to all forms of natural, technological and human-made hazards. This Yearbook primarily addresses the international law dimension of relevant topics, alongside important regional and national dimensions relevant for further development of legal and policy initiatives. In the Thematic Section of Volume 5, entitled ‘Human Rights and Disasters’, distinguished scholars seek to understand how States can ensure that the persons affected by disasters are entitled to the respect for and protection of their human rights, in accordance with international law.
A Case for the Integrated Protection and Preservation of Shared Inland Water Ecosystems
This book anchors its arguments in Article 20 of the Watercourses Convention and explores consistencies and inconsistencies in parallel definitions, substantive and procedural obligations and institutional arrangements in IWL, and the Ramsar and Biodiversity Conventions with respect to the protection and preservation of ecosystems of shared inland waters. Dr. Yang Liu argues that the all-around informed and integrated application of IWL and MEAs is essential for the effective protection and preservation of shared inland water ecosystems. However, the degree of cross-fertilization of parallel provisions should be examined on a case-by-case basis in light of the legal analytical framework deployed in this study.
This book is an essential contribution to understanding Russian law for English speakers. In a time when the energy markets in Europe are changing away from Russian dependence on oil and gas, Dr Svendsen explains what the legal consequences will be if we would experience cross-border harm as a result of an oil spill from offshore installations on the Norwegian and the Russian side of the sea border in the Barents Sea. This book examines Russian and Norwegian rules governing liability, choice-of-law, recognition and enforcement, damage, third-party losses, environmental harm, and valuation of environmental harm.
Global risks present formidable challenges to international law. Although they have long been identified in many other scientific disciplines, they are currently only considered on a sectoral basis in international law in the absence of a legal definition. The aim of this book is threefold: to identify the main elements that characterise global risks in a legal perspective, to determine the characteristics that make them a new category of risk, and to analyse the changes they bring about in the main mechanisms of international law. Drawing on the relationship between international law and other legal systems, and in particular national law, this book highlights possible responses to the challenges posed by global risks. The study is based on extensive practice related to the examples of climate change and pandemics, but opens up perspectives on conclusions that could be common to other global risks, such as financial risks or cyber risks.

Interview with the author
Competition over the Nile watercourse is becoming a global crisis. As population growth, economic development, and urbanization increase the demand for water in the Nile Basin while climate change threatens its supply, the region faces a looming water crisis. An effective resolution of this multifaceted issue, which impacts 11 African countries, requires detailed multidisciplinary research. Until now the academic discourse regarding the Nile watercourse has been primarily dominated by monodisciplinary studies. This book fills that gap, providing a retrospective and prospective look at the Nile through multidisciplinary lenses—commingling history, hydro-politics, climate change, and law. It scrutinizes the legal and hydro-political trajectories of the Nile Basin, from the 4th century A.D. to 2022.
Short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs), including methane, black carbon, hydrofluorocarbons, and tropospheric ozone, have become part of climate policy debates. Discussion has revolved around the potential of their mitigation to slow down global warming in the short term and bring about co-benefits, for instance, for air quality and public health.
This book provides the first comprehensive analysis of global SLCP law and governance. A diverse array of contributors delves into the science and evolution of the concept of SLCPs, analyses the legal and governance responses developed under various international and transnational arenas, and discusses selected sectoral case studies.
An Introduction to the African Union Environmental Treaties sheds light on the African Union legal regime related to environmental issues and provides expert analysis of how the African Union has transitioned from the former management of natural resources approach to strategies of preservation and protection. This book explores different areas of the environment, from livestock to plants, fertilizers, minerals and marine environment. Ambassador Namira Negm convincingly demonstrates the extent to which environmental issues are of critical importance to the African Union. Together with insightful commentary, the book provides full treaty texts and is an indispensable resource for all those interested in the African Union and environmental legal regimes.
The Role of Secondary Law of Forest-related Multilateral Environmental Agreements
Despite covering almost a third of the globe, forests do not enjoy the protection of a singular global legal convention. Instead, International Forest Law is a complex ecosystem in its own right. This book sets out to examine this complexity by analyzing forest-related Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and how the decisions of the various corresponding Conferences of the Parties (COPs) may promote regime interaction in this field of law. Through an in-depth analysis of more than 60 decisions and resolutions of such COPs, Yilly Pacheco discusses how secondary law-making activity in forest-related MEAs may be strengthened and used to fill the gaps in International Forest Law.
There are various environmental and legal challenges arising from offshore renewable energy activities which were not foreseen at the time of the negotiation of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). This book explores how UNCLOS has evolved to adapt to these new challenges through legal mechanisms and examines what gaps may remain and how they should be filled. The book highlights the process of normative reinforcement in the regulation of offshore renewable energy activities whilst maintaining the fundamental balance of interests between the coastal State and other States.
Perspectives from National, European and International Law
Can—and should—participation be a means of achieving sustainability? The concepts of sustainability and participation are both in vogue, and many international, supranational and national legal texts and standards refer to these two concepts. However, there are still several unanswered questions that invite legal inquiry: which sustainability? Which kinds of participation? Participation by whom? How are the two concepts of sustainability and participation effectively interlinked in legal provisions? This book approaches the interconnection between sustainability and participation inductively and precisely in areas of law which are commonly associated with sustainability and sustainable development: national, European and international environmental and economic law.