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[Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn: A Translation of Daivd Nicolle's Work on Saladin with Commentary]
ولكون ديفيد نيكول، مُؤرِّخًا عسكريًّا إنكليزيًّا، له كِتاباتٌ ثِقَالُ الوَطْأَة في الغرب، تتَّسمُ بالموضوعيَّة إلى حدٍّ كبيرٍ، ويأتي في سَنَام أعْماله هذا الكِتاب الذي نحنُ في رِحابه نتجوَّلُ وعمَّا قريبٍ سنقطفُ من ثماره اليُنْع؛ إذ يتناوَلُ الجانِبَ القياديَّ والإستراتيجيَّ والصِّراعيَّ من مسيرة صلاح الدِّين على نحوٍ أَخَصَّ، ومن ثَمَّ وقع عليه اخْتِياري. فالمُؤلِّف يتَّخذُ موقفَ بينَ بينَ من صلاح الدِّين، مُتجنِّبًا التَّفريط والإفْراط: فلا هو بالمُؤيِّد القُحِّ، ولا هو بالمُتحامِل الإدِّ، وإنْ كان إلى الحِياد أقرب

Saladin lived at a time when the Islamic world was going through profound changes. Since the later 11th century Turkish ruling elites had dominated most of the IslamicMiddle East. In military terms Arabs and Persians were being pushed aside, though they continued to dominate the religious, cultural and commercial elites.Meanwhile Kurds had only limited and localized importance, which makes the rise of a man of Kurdish origins like Saladin all the more unusual.
Volume Editors: and
The Gothic and Twenty-First-Century American Popular Culture examines the gothic mode deployed in a variety of texts that touch upon inherently US American themes, demonstrating its versatility and ubiquity across genres and popular media. The volume is divided into four main thematic sections, spanning representations related to ethnic minorities, bodily monstrosity, environmental anxieties, and haunted technology. The chapters explore both overtly gothic texts and pop culture artifacts that, despite not being widely considered strictly so, rely on gothic strategies and narrative devices.
Towards the History of the Working Class Movement in Delhi
The descent of working class movements that began with neoliberal globalization is nearing completion. However, the ascent is yet to begin. This period is witnessing novel forms of organization and resistance. For students, activists and academics, it is imperative to understand changes in the modus operandi of capital since the 1970s to explain the crisis of conventional trade unionism, as well as the spontaneous outbursts of creativity in movements of informal workers in recent times. Delhi has been a centre of such innovative experiments. In the Valley of Historical Time attempts to understand these new forms and strategies and possibilities of resurgence of working class movements.