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Winner of the 2015 Choice Outstanding Academic Title Award
Also available in paperback. The work is also included in the Chinese-English Dictionary Online.

A Student’s Dictionary of Classical and Medieval Chinese is the long-desired Chinese – English reference work for all those reading texts dating from the Warring States period through the Tang dynasty. Comprising 8,000+ characters, arranged alphabetically by Pinyin.
As a lexicon meant for practical use, it immensely facilitates reading and translating historical, literary, and religious texts dating from approximately 500 BCE to 1000 CE. Being primarily a dictionary of individual characters (zidian 字典) and the words they represent, it also includes an abundance of alliterative and echoic binomes (lianmianci 連綿詞) as well as accurate identifications of hundreds of plants, animals, and assorted technical terms in various fields. It aims to become the English-language resource of choice for all those seeking assistance in reading texts dating from the Warring States period through the Tang dynasty.
Previous Chinese-English dictionaries have persistently mixed together without clarification all eras and styles of Chinese. But written Chinese in its 3,000 year history has changed and evolved even more than English has in its mere millennium, with classical and medieval Chinese differing more from modern standard Chinese than the language of Beowulf or even that of Chaucer differs from modern English. This dictionary takes the user straight into the language of early and medieval texts, without the confusion of including meanings that developed only after 1000 CE. An added feature of the dictionary is its identification of meanings that were not developed and attached to individual graphs until the medieval period (approximately 250-1000 CE), setting these off where possible from earlier usages of the same graphs.
Those who have, or are acquiring, a basic understanding of classical grammar, whether approaching the language from a background either in modern Chinese or Japanese, will find it eases their labors appreciably and helps to solve countless problems of interpretation. Advanced students will find it to be the one reference work they want always close at hand.
The dictionary has an index by “radical” and stroke-number, and contains various appendices, including one with reign-eras and exact accession dates of emperors given according to both Chinese and Western calendars.

Corrections have been provided by William Baxter for some of the Middle Chinese (MC) readings in this revised edition of the dictionary. These are also reflected in the online version of the dictionary, available through They are also available in a downloadable file on this page under More Information for those who have purchased the first edition of this work.
Proceedings of the Third Congress of the Communist International, 1921
Editor / Translator:
Debates at world Communism’s 1921 congress reveal Lenin’s International at a moment of crisis. A policy of confrontational initiatives by a resolute minority contends with the perspective of winning majority working-class support on the road to the revolutionary conquest of power. A frank debate among many currents concludes with a classic formulation of Communist strategy and tactics. Thirty-two appendices, many never before published in any language, portray delegates’ behind-the-scenes exchanges. This newly translated treasure of 1,000 pages of source material, available for the first time in English, is supplemented by an analytic introduction, detailed footnotes, a glossary with 430 biographical entries, a chronology, and an index. The final instalment of a 4,500-page series on Communist congresses in Lenin’s time.
Part I: The Pre-Islamic Period
This is the first of two collections by top scholars working on the history of the Silk Road. This collection’s main focus is the first millennium CE when the Silk Road trade was at its height. Most of the entries are organized chronologically and geographically, concentrating on the sites (like Niya and Loulan) which flourished in the third and fourth centuries, then Turfan and Samarkand (500-800), and closes with the period after 800, when Tang China withdrew its troops from the region and the local peoples reverted to a largely barter economy. Coverage ends in 1000, when the first cities on the western edge of the Taklamakan converted to Islam. Introductory texts provide general overviews of the trade (including classic pre- and post-war studies), followed by a brief survey of the ancient trade routes. Of particular interest in this collection are the Silk Road’s most famous group of travellers, the Sogdians, a people from the region of Samarkand (in today's Uzbekistan) thanks to Chinese archaeologists who have recently uncovered several tombs that allow us to see how the Sogdians gradually adjusted to Chinese culture, decorating their tombs with detailed scenes of everyday life.
Despite the fact that there are several newer dictionaries of Written Mongolian, such as Lessing 1960, and BAMRS 2001-02, Schmidt's dictionary, the first of its kind, remains an important contribution to the study of the language and continues to be consulted by specialists. It is particularly valuable to historical linguists, because being published in 1835 it does not include any of the neologisms created in the twentieth century. In 1827, Schmidt was conferred the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by the University of Rostock ; he published he most important work, including his Mongolian Grammar (1831), between 1829 and 1842 when he developed a double cataract which severely impeded further research and writing.
Brill's Encyclopedia of China (see also Brill's Encyclopedia of China Online) is a convenient thousand-page reference on China from its early beginnings, with a clear focus on the modern period from the mid-nineteenth century to the 21st century. Arranged in alphabetical order, it covers the history, geography, society, economy, politics, science, and culture of China. All contributions are written by an international team of European, Asian, Australian and American experts, carefully selected from a wide spectrum of academic disciplines. Originally published and warmly received in German (edited by the GIGA Institute of Asian Studies in Hamburg, published by WBG, Darmstadt, 2003), this English translation, including a statistical data update, will serve both English-language students and faculty in conveniently providing a wealth of reliable and solid information on China. With illustrations, maps, tables, ample indices and bibliographies.

Online edition
Next to the printed edition there is a separate online service with updates twice year, keeping users well-informed on new insights and developments relating to the vast subject. [For more information on the latter, please contact our sales department at or]
Late 19th-Century Photographs from the Meerkamp van Embden Collection
KITLV Press congratulates book designer Karl Frederick M. Castro and Ateneo de Manila University Press for winning the 2009 Philippines National Book Award in the category Book Design with The Philippines Through European Lenses.
Photographs of the Philippines during the nineteenth century have increasingly become accessible to the public through exhibits and publications. This present collection was made by P.K.A. Meerkamp van Embden, a Dutch businessman who later served as honorary consul of the Netherlands from 1889 to 1927. The years covered by his photographs witnessed the increasing integration of the Philippines into the world economy, the 1896 Revolution and the violent change of sovereignty from Spanish to American. The photographs are thus significant as a Dutchman’s perspective on a watershed period in Philippine history. The subjects are varied: the people, streets and homes of Ermita, where Meerkamp resided; the abaca trade; Romblon and Cebu. An added bonus are photographs of the peoples of the Cordillera by Dr. Alexander Schadenberg.
The text that ties together the ensemble was written by Dr. Otto van den Muijzenberg, a Dutch anthropologist who has spent years doing fieldwork in the Philippines and has a deep knowledge of its culture and history.
Also available in paperback.
Co-published with Ateneo de Manila University Press
Indische componisten, Indische composities, 1898-1945
De componist Constant van de Wall klaagde dat Indische componisten in de muziekgeschiedenis niet werden opgemerkt of domweg werden overgeslagen. De oostenwind waait naar het westen haalt Indische componisten en Indische composities eindelijk uit de vergetelheid.
Henk Mak van Dijk vertelt het fascinerende levensverhaal van componisten, die zich lieten inspireren door gamelan- en krontjongmuziek zoals Constant van de Wall, Paul Seelig, Linda Bandara, Benhard van den Sigtenhorst Meyer, Frans Wiemans, Theo Smit Sibinga en Fred Belloni. Frans Schreuder beschrijft in zijn bijdrage aan dit boek de ontwikkeling van het Europese muziekleven in Indië. De cd bij dit boek geeft unieke voorbeelden van muziek uit Indië in oude en nieuwe opnamen: gamelanmuziek, besproken door Jaap Kunst, historische opnamen van Constant van de Wall met zijn vrouw Maria, krontjong van Belloni en het orkest Eurasia, en opnamen van Renate Arends, zang en Henk Mak van Dijk, piano.
Archiefmateriaal vormt de belangrijkste bron van informatie over Indische componisten en hun muziek, aangevuld met gesprekken met nazaten, materiaal afkomstig uit privécollecties en berichten uit de Nederlandse en Indische pers. Met de talloze foto’s en afbeeldingen levert dit een uniek boek op over de verzonken wereld van de Indische componisten.
This dictionary offers a complete compilation and a historical-comparative reflection of the hereditary lexis of the Kartvelian (South Caucasian) language family. With this significantly enlarged (e.g. more than a thousand new etymologies) and revised successor of Surab Sardsheweladse's and Heinz Fähnrich's earlier dictionary (Brill, 1995) the author here represents the latest stage of etymological research. The dictionary contains a wealth of new lexical entries, corrections of earlier attempts and new reconstructions. The introduction provides a survey of general data of the four Kartvelian languages (Georgian, Mingrelian, Laz, Svan), characterizes the historical-comparative research in short and provides a detailed description of the system of regular phoneme correspondences in its newest form. The main part presents the Kartvelian lexis in separate entries. The reconstructed forms of the root- and affix morphemes are listed in alphabetical order of the Georgian script followed by instances of the Kartvelian languages. Each entry covers the phonological development of the lexical item from its original form to its present state and is amply supplemented by references.
Ruim 90 miljoen mensen spreken Javaans. Het Javaans is de grootste streektaal van Indonesië. Dit woordenboek is een een uitbreiding van de uitgave van 2007, die ongeveer 6.000 nieuwe woorden en vertalingen bevatte. In deze druk zijn dat er circa 20.500. Het aantal artikelen is gegroeid tot meer dan 55.000. Daarmee overtreft dit woordenboek alle tot op heden verschenen Javaanse woordenboeken.
In de huidige uitgave zijn alle spreektaalopnames uit 1996 verwerkt, steekproeven van dialecten uit gebieden die reiken van Serang in het westen tot Malang in het oosten. Verder zijn er romanteksten in verwerkt en stukken poëzie, vooral uit het gedicht Centhini.Tenslotte zijn de inzendingen van een romanwedstrijd uit 2010 allemaal in het woordenboek verwerkt.
Een ander belangrijk verschil met de vorige druk is dat alle artikelen nu op grondwoord gesorteerd staan, zoals gebruikelijk in een wetenschappelijk woordenboek. Veel gebruikers vinden dit prettiger dan de methode-Pigeaud waar bij woorden met een voorvoegsel eenvoudig onder de beginletter van dat voorvoegsel stonden. Nu staat bijvoorbeeld panerus onder het grondwoord, terus. Waar dat voor de gebruiker onduidelijkheid zou kunnen geven, staat een verwijzing, zodat ook de beginnende javanicus gemakkelijk iets kan opzoeken.
Well-considered answers to the many questions raised by the situation in Iraq, past and present, are rare. This first comprehensive, thematically organised, bibliography devoted to Iraq is based on the full Index Islamicus database and is drawn from a wide variety of European-language journals and books. Featuring an extensive introduction to the subject and its literature by Peter Sluglett, this bibliography will help readers to find their way through the massive secondary literature now available.
Following the pattern established by the Index Islamicus, both journal articles and book publications are included, as well as important internet resources. The editors have taken care to add much new material to bring its coverage up to date, and supplement the previously published volumes, while the most important and/or influential publications are conveniently highlighted in the introduction.
An indispensable gateway for all those with a more than superficial interest in what is, and what has been, happening in this nation so much the focus of attention today.