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Marxist Perspectives on Capitalism and Technology
Much has been written about the prospects of automation in recent years. While many have raised concerns over the threat of technological mass unemployment, others have anticipated a fully automated communist utopia which will provide material abundance to everyone. (De)Automating the Future gathers chapters that critically investigate automation’s ambivalences from inter-disciplinary Marxist perspectives. The contributions raise questions about automation’s affordances for postcapitalism, its transformation of manual and mental labour, and its role in the intensification of class antagonisms and exploitation.
Military Entrepreneurs in the Early Modern World
Volume Editors: and
“Money, money, and more money.” In the eyes of early modern warlords, these were the three essential prerequisites for waging war. The transnational studies presented here describe and explain how belligerent powers did indeed rely on thriving markets where military entrepreneurs provided mercenaries, weapons, money, credit, food, expertise, and other services. In a fresh and comprehensive examination of pre-national military entrepreneurship – its actors, structures and economic logic – this volume shows how readily business relationships for supplying armies in the 17th and 18th centuries crossed territorial and confessional boundaries.
By outlining and explicating early modern military entrepreneurial fields of action, this new transnational perspective transcends the limits of national historical approaches to the business of war.
Contributors are Astrid Ackermann, John Condren, Jasmina Cornut, Michael Depreter, Sébastien Dupuis, Marian Füssel, Julien Grand, André Holenstein, Katrin Keller, Michael Paul Martoccio, Tim Neu, David Parrott, Alexander Querengässer, Philippe Rogger, Guy Rowlands, Benjamin Ryser, Regula Schmid, and Peter H. Wilson.
Editor / Translator:
Karl Marx wrote extensively on crisis but never presented a coherent theory of crisis. Samezo Kuruma, a Japanese Marxian economist, aimed to complete Marx’s unfinished theory.
Starting from Marx’s observation that the crises of the world market are the 'real concentration and forcible adjustment of all the contradictions of the bourgeois economy', Kuruma seeks to grasp the inherent contradictions that drive forward and limit capitalism. His focus on the contradictory dynamics of capitalism sets him apart from Marxian thinkers who try to identify a single, primary cause of crisis. This volume brings together all of his writings related to crisis.
Focusing on the career of the Soviet historian M.N. Pokrovskii, the author examines the evolution of historical writing in the first decade of Soviet rule. As Deputy People’s Commissar for Education, Pokrovskii was among those who established the academic institutions of the new regime. The study of Pokrovskii’s writings and the political context in which they were conceived helps explain the origin of interpretations of modern Russian history current in Soviet times. The book can for that reason be regarded as a preliminary to the study of the Russian revolutionary era, and a key to the critical evaluation of the historical sources for the period.
Historical materialism as Marx understood this was always an integrated conception or field of research, not one divided into separate disciplines. The essays gathered in this volume are a remarkable example of how this works across a wide range of subjects as diverse as agrarian history, capitalism, Hegel’s influence on Marx, and class struggles in India. They were written over some fifty years of both activism and academic work, embodying Banaji’s lifelong engagement with Marxist theory. His recent papers on merchant capitalism can also be found here, along with a biographical sketch that sets all of his work in context.
Der Band reflektiert systematisch das Verhältnis der Unternehmensgeschichte zu anderen Disziplinen der Geschichtswissenschaft, indem die Beiträge die methodischen wie inhaltlichen Schnittpunkte für zukünftige Forschungen aufzeigen – etwa zwischen Unternehmensgeschichte und Sozialgeschichte, Kulturgeschichte, Geschlechtergeschichte, Umweltgeschichte, Kolonialgeschichte, Wissenschaftsgeschichte oder Rechtsgeschichte. Jedes der instruktiven Kapitel gibt Anregungen dafür, wie die Unternehmensgeschichte in besonderer Weise dazu beitragen kann, wirtschaftliche Themen auch fernab quantitativer Verfahren für Historiker:innen verständlich zu machen und so maßgeblich zur ökonomischen Fundierung der Geschichtswissenschaft beizutragen.