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Opium, Henbane and Hashish: What do the pre-modern Arabic-Islamic sources say about them? This book examines all aspects of use and abuse: Use in classical Arabic medicine, use as poisons, the juridical discourse on their use and their abuse as intoxicants. Furthermore, the monographs on narcotics that were written from the 13th century onwards are examined and the question of a premodern understanding of addiction is pursued. The period from 1100 to 1800 reveals trends in drug consumption, numerous, changing legal positions can be placed side by side and a multifaceted picture of drug users in their living environments emerges.
Opium, Henbane and Hashish: What do the pre-modern Arabic-Islamic sources say about them? This book examines all aspects of use and abuse: Use in classical Arabic medicine, use as poisons, the juridical discourse on their use and their abuse as intoxicants. Furthermore, the monographs on narcotics that were written from the 13th century onwards are examined and the question of a premodern understanding of addiction is pursued. The period from 1100 to 1800 reveals trends in drug consumption, numerous, changing legal positions can be placed side by side and a multifaceted picture of drug users in their living environments emerges.
Early Modern History, Modern History, Global History, History of Central and Eastern Europe, Atlantic History, Jewish History, Church History, Reformation History, History of Ideas, History of Science, Book History, History of Warfare, (European) Art
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