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Theories, Methods, Pedagogies, and Praxes
Volume Editors: , , and
While mobilizing the metaphor of ‘burning’, we remain ambiguous of the racial-geographical signifier of ‘Asian’. On one hand, ‘Asia’ as an idea emerged as a part of the colonial cartography of the world, divided subsequently into sub areas such as East Asia, South, Central and Western Asia. People from said geographies are treated as homogenous groups locatable by an index of skin colour, facial feature, culture, and language (Sakai, 2019). In this sense, the racialization of ‘Asia’ suggests the continuation of the racial-colonial-capitalist project of which Canada is an integral part. On the other, ‘Asia’ itself is diverse and heterogenous, fraught with internal tensions between ethnic groups and nation-states. It is perhaps only when ‘Asia-ness’ becomes a minoritarian experience that such diversity can potentially unify under the identity ‘Asian’. Even so, the uniformity is full of political, ethnic, gender, and economic divides. Therefore, we deploy Asian Canadian experiences not as a fixed referent by time and space, but as an ongoing engagement with the settler state and other racialized groups. In other words, we treat Asian Canadian as a process of encounter rather than a given ‘identity’ we are born into. ‘Asian Canadian’ might be at best a way of describing how people who either identify as Asians or come from Asian countries experience settler Canada’s state power, regulation, and governmentality, within a global capitalist system of exploitation and oppression. Depending on one’s immigration status, age, gender, sexuality, ability, and class, those perceived as ‘Asian’ might have completely different sets of experiences, identifications and affective relationships to settler Canada and their ‘places of origins’. Simultaneously, these differentiated social structures also mean that people identifying themselves as ‘Asians’ become complicit in the exploitation, marginalization and oppressions of other groups, as well as, simultaneously implicated in global racial capitalism, colonialism, anti-Indigenous racism, anti-Black racism, homo and transphobia, sexism and ableism. ‘Asian Canadian experiences,’ therefore, are best understood as relational, contradictory and becoming. This collection is concerned with moments and places of tensions, confrontations, relations, and solidarity. We offer no roadmap for liberation but stories of insurgent encounters as people who identify or become ‘Asian’ migrate, navigate, and implicate uneven global systems to make new dreams, histories and intimacies.
Brill's Asian Studies E-Books Online, Collection 2025 is the electronic version of the book publication program of Brill in the field of Asian Studies in 2025.
Coverage: China, Japan, Korea, Tibet, Central Asia, South Asia, South East Asia, History, Archeology, Sociology, Anthropology, Religion, Philosophy, Languages
This E-Book Collection is part of Brill's Asian Studies E-Books Online Collection.
The title list and free MARC records are available for download here.

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Series Editor:
As China is becoming an economic, political, and technological global power, Chinese transnational migrations have intensified and diversified. Such increased diversity and connectivity for overseas Chinese in all parts of the world, as well as return migration to China, call for renewed perspectives from various disciplines on Chinese migration in a global context.

This handbook series covers the interplay between new migration modalities and the changing practices and identities of Chinese overseas. It brings people, communities, states, cultures in the new geopolitical context, and provide directions for future work in the field of migration and diaspora studies, human and social mobilities, transnational connections, and cultural identities.
Volume Editors: and
During the colonial and early independence periods, the Chinese community in Batavia/Jakarta was governed by the semi-autonomous Kong Koan (Chinese Council). Its members, known as Chinese officers, regularly convened to discuss civil registration, taxation, religion, finances, health, education, safety, legal matters, and other community concerns.

This volume presents the Council's annotated Malay minutes: unique archival material that provides insights into the daily life of Indonesia’s vibrant Chinese-descended community. While much existing scholarship relies on Dutch sources, this volume offers a perspective from within.
Volume Editors: and
During the colonial and early independence periods, the Chinese community in Batavia/Jakarta was governed by the semi-autonomous Kong Koan (Chinese Council). Its members, known as Chinese officers, regularly convened to discuss civil registration, taxation, religion, finances, health, education, safety, legal matters, and other community concerns.

This volume presents the Council's annotated Malay minutes: unique archival material that provides insights into the daily life of Indonesia’s vibrant Chinese-descended community. While much existing scholarship relies on Dutch sources, this volume offers a perspective from within.
Kang Youwei and the Chinese Empire Reform Association in North America, 1899-1911
Series:  Chinese Overseas
A Chinese Reformer in Exile is an encyclopaedic reference work documenting the exile years of imperial China’s most famous reformer, Kang Youwei, and the political organization he mobilized in North America and worldwide to transform China’s autocratic empire into a constitutional monarchy. Chinese in Canada, the United States, and Mexico formed at least 160 Chinese Empire Reform Association chapters, incorporating schools, newspapers, military academies, women’s associations, businesses, and political pressure campaigns. Based on Robert Worden’s 1972 Georgetown University Ph.D. dissertation, a multinational team of historians contribute new insights from 50 years of additional scholarship and previously unknown archival materials.