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Brill's European History and Culture E-Books Online, Collection 2025 is the electronic version of the book publication program of Brill in the field of European History and Culture in 2025.

Early Modern History, Modern History, Global History, History of Central and Eastern Europe, Atlantic History, Jewish History, Church History, Reformation History, History of Ideas, History of Science, Book History, History of Warfare, (European) Art

This E-Book Collection is part of Brill's European History and Culture E-Books Online Collection.

The title list and free MARC records are available for download here.

For other pricing options, consortium arrangements and free 30-day trials contact us at (the Americas) or (Europe, Middle East, Africa & Asia-Pacific).
Mestizos Identities at the Margins of Portuguese Imperial Expansion
Filhos da Terra narrates the history over time of the so-called ‘Portuguese communities’ living outside the boundaries of the Portuguese Empire but identified locally and by other European empires as ‘Portuguese’. Concepts such as ‘tribe’, ‘diaspora’, and ‘society of métissage’ have been widely used to define these groups.

In Filhos da Terra, António Manuel Hespanha sets the stage to analyse a process of creolization that followed the Portuguese maritime expansion and consequent colonial buildup after 1415 and until 1800. This translated edition of his work opens up the possibility for future critical scholarly and public comparative discussions about diversity, identities, and identifications in the context of European empire building.

Contributors are: Cátia Antunes, Zoltan Biedermann, Tamar Herzog, Noelle Richardson, Sophie Rose, and Ângela Barreto Xavier.