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Change and Its Discontents. Religious Organizations and Religious Life in Central and Eastern Europe
Volume Editors: and
This volume presents a comparative study on the pivotal role of religion in social transformation of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) over the past three decades. Organized into four thematic sections, it examines divergent patterns of religiosity and non-religious worldviews, secularization, religious presence in public life, and processes of identity formation. Comparison across the countries in the CEE reveals the absence of uniform and synchronic dynamics in the region. The geopolitical and cultural heterogeneity, the need to understand post-1989 social processes in the context of a much longer historical development of the region, and the importance of incorporating religious factors — are central to all contributions in this volume.

Contributors are: Mikhail Antonov, Olga Breskaya, Zsuzsanna Demeter-Karászi, Jan Kaňák, Alar Kilp, Zsófia Kocsis, Tobias Koellner, Valéria Markos, András Máté-Tóth, Jerry G. Pankhurst, Gabriella Pusztai, Ringo Ringvee, Ariane Sadjed, Marjan Smrke, Miroslav Tížik, David Václavík, Jan Váně, Marko Veković, and Siniša Zrinščak.
[Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn: A Translation of Daivd Nicolle's Work on Saladin with Commentary]
ولكون ديفيد نيكول، مُؤرِّخًا عسكريًّا إنكليزيًّا، له كِتاباتٌ ثِقَالُ الوَطْأَة في الغرب، تتَّسمُ بالموضوعيَّة إلى حدٍّ كبيرٍ، ويأتي في سَنَام أعْماله هذا الكِتاب الذي نحنُ في رِحابه نتجوَّلُ وعمَّا قريبٍ سنقطفُ من ثماره اليُنْع؛ إذ يتناوَلُ الجانِبَ القياديَّ والإستراتيجيَّ والصِّراعيَّ من مسيرة صلاح الدِّين على نحوٍ أَخَصَّ، ومن ثَمَّ وقع عليه اخْتِياري. فالمُؤلِّف يتَّخذُ موقفَ بينَ بينَ من صلاح الدِّين، مُتجنِّبًا التَّفريط والإفْراط: فلا هو بالمُؤيِّد القُحِّ، ولا هو بالمُتحامِل الإدِّ، وإنْ كان إلى الحِياد أقرب

Saladin lived at a time when the Islamic world was going through profound changes. Since the later 11th century Turkish ruling elites had dominated most of the IslamicMiddle East. In military terms Arabs and Persians were being pushed aside, though they continued to dominate the religious, cultural and commercial elites.Meanwhile Kurds had only limited and localized importance, which makes the rise of a man of Kurdish origins like Saladin all the more unusual.