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Die in dieser Reihe erscheinenden Bände widmen sich in systematischer Perspektive dem philosophischen Denken von Karl Marx. Auf der Grundlage der derzeit erscheinenden Kritischen Edition Karl Marx Friedrich Engels Gesamtausgabe (MEGA) sollen zentrale philosophische Konzeptionen und Fragestellungen im Gesamtwerk von Marx expliziert und auf ihre systematische Tragfähigkeit hin untersucht werden.

The volumes published in this series are dedicated to the philosophical thought of Karl Marx from a systematic perspective. Based on the currently published Critical Edition Karl Marx Friedrich Engels Gesamtausgabe (MEGA), central philosophical conceptions and questions in Marx's complete works will be explicated and examined for their systematic viability.
Machiavellian Studies
The peer-reviewed book series Thinking in Extremes: Machiavellian Studies has a double aim. First, it aims to become the international reference for Machiavellian studies, the site where the main critical traditions (Anglo-American, French, and Italian) can not only meet but also interact and reciprocally influence each other. Second, the series aims to establish a new methodological approach to the study of Machiavelli and, more generally, early modern political thought: a methodology grounded on the trans-disciplinary – and probably anti-disciplinary – dimension of his thought. This fundamental characteristic is not sufficiently clear in the field that is still divided between the image of Machiavelli as a ‘pure scholar,’ and reader of ancient manuscripts versus the image of Machiavelli as a ‘pure politician,’ almost ignorant of political philosophy and barely capable of repeating someone else’s opinion. The fact that Machiavelli was an active and practical politician is too often considered as an handicap. In fact, because of his cultural background and his social origin, Machiavelli opens up the possibility of a new original intellectual approach, in which theory and practice, culture and politics cannot be separated. For this reason, the study of his thought can be carried on only by intertwining multiple codes and languages and by recognizing the positive dimensions of his multiplicity of approaches.
Die Reihe ist abgeschlossen.
Brill's Companions to Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy Online is an expanding e-book collection of specially commissioned research companions. The focus is on contemporary religion, theology and philosophy. Peer reviewed and written by experts, these handbooks offer balanced accounts at an advanced level, along with an overview of the state of scholarship and a synthesis of debate, pointing the way for future research. Designed for students and scholars, the books explain what sources there are, what methodologies and approaches are appropriate in dealing with them, what issues arise and how they have been treated, and what room there is for disagreement. All volumes are in English.

“Brill’s Companions to Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy Online offer both students and scholars a range of topics and approaches to the study of religion. Whether they seek to engage with developments and currents in established religions like Christianity or new religious movements or look for topics such as anarchism or religion and science, they will find in this series a collection of essays that will introduce them to current scholarship on that topic. With each volume a considerable resource in its own right, combined, the companions form a repository and platform of academic discussion and study, offering peer-reviewed content which covers the state of existing research, methodologies, contemporary debates, and the directions future research might or should take.”
Elisabeth Arweck, University of Warwick

“The Brill’s Companion series has established itself as one of the essential reference collections that should find a place in the library of every Religious Studies scholar. Building on state-of-play surveys on a wide variety of topics, they also point to exciting new avenues for investigation. These volumes bring together cutting edge research by both established and emerging thinkers, and are invaluable both in the classroom and the study.”
Douglas E. Cowan, Renison University College

“Brill Companions greatly expand the possibilities for the study of religions, theologies and philosophies. Individual volumes are already a remarkable resource that enrich understanding of specific complexes and arenas of debate. They are focused and expert but accessible and inspiring. Together, this online collection not only surveys the state of the field but offers rich provocations for improved approaches, methods and discussion.”
Graham Harvey, The Open University, UK

“This new Brill online series is a great resource for scholars and students, drawing on twenty outstanding handbooks of sharp, accessible essays. The collections combine leading edge theory and method with rich empirical data and they communicate unrivalled expertise clearly and concisely. A fabulous set of tools for the study of religion/s!”
Steven Sutcliffe, University of Edinburgh

The first online collection of Brill’s flagship series in intellectual history (Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History) presents new approaches to history, the history of philosophy and theology, and the history of ideas. Special attention is given to the use of interdisciplinary methods and insights, such as those of cultural anthropology, semiotics and linguistic analysis. Occasionally volumes contain papers of eminent scholars and proceedings of conferences, which would otherwise be difficult to obtain. Includes the subseries Brill's Studies in Art, Art History and Intellectual History and Brill's Texts and Sources in Intellectual History.
The series has been discontinued.

Contemporary Whitehead Studies solicits manuscripts from scholars with contemporary and innovative approaches to Whitehead studies, that is, Whitehead’s philosophy and Whitehead's text (as a whole), by giving special focus to projects that:
• explore the connections between Whitehead and contemporary Continental philosophy, especially sources, like Heidegger, or contemporary streams like poststructuralism,
• reconnect Whitehead to pragmatism, analytical philosophy and philosophy of language, as a matter of source and recourse for an understanding of the tradition out of which Whitehead formulated his philosophic concepts or as a matter of engagement in areas that has excluded Whitehead,
• explore creative East/West dialogues facilitated by Whitehead’s work,
• explore the interconnections of the mathematician with the philosopher and the contemporary importance of these part of Whitehead's work for the dialogue between sciences and humanities,
• reconnect Whitehead to the wider field of philosophy, the humanities, the sciences and academic research with Whitehead's pluralistic impulses in the context of a pluralistic world,
• address Whitehead’s philosophy (and, per example, of philosophy per se) in the midst of contemporary problems facing humanity, such as climate change, war & peace, race, and the future development of civilization.
Contemporary Whitehead Studies is a special series in the Value Inquiry Book Series.
Contemporary Whitehead Studies is affiliated with the Whitehead Research Project.
This series aims to publish authoritative, innovative and informative studies on topics in East Asian Buddhist philosophy (broadly construed) from any period, including the modern period. It is devoted to publishing specialist monographs on influential texts, thinkers and philosophical topics; broad comparative studies, such as, but not limited to, Buddhist and Confucian comparative philosophical studies, East Asian and Indian comparative philosophical studies, and East Asian and Western comparative philosophical studies; as well as more specialist studies on topics in Buddhist logic, epistemology, metaphysics, ontology and ethics. East Asian Buddhist Philosophy welcomes studies of how Indian philosophical materials were adopted, adapted, modified, recontextualized, and developed in China, Japan and Korea, as well as studies dealing with Korean and Japanese philosophical texts written in Chinese script.