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Oriente Moderno was founded in 1921 by Carlo Alfonso Nallino and directed by him until his death in 1939. Later editors were Ettore Rossi and Paolo Minganti. Its current Editors and the Scientific Committee are composed of university professors and researchers from different Italian universities. The Oriente Moderno publishes scientific articles on all aspects of political, social, literary, and cultural aspects of the contemporary Middle East. It also contains translated documents, news on islamic and arabic research in Italy and reviews of books. Issues are available from Brill from 2013 on.
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Journal of Ancient, Modern and Digital Scripts and Inscriptions
Abgadiyat is a scientific peer-reviewed journal co-published by Brill and the Writing and Scripts Center affiliated to Bibliotheca Alexandrina. Its Arabic name means “alphabets".

Abgadiyat’s scope is the study, documentation, conservation, and interpretation of writing, calligraphy, paleography, epigraphy, and inscriptions throughout the world. The journal publishes new academic research in these areas to help better understand the history of all types of ancient writing and how they developed into current writing systems. Abgadiyat promotes the study of inscriptions and the history of writing universally and seeks to raise awareness and further knowledge about the relationships between ancient scripts, paleography, calligraphy, and epigraphy.
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Associate Editors: and
Al-Abhath is a double-anonymous peer-reviewed journal published by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of the American University of Beirut. The journal publishes articles and reviews in the fields of Arabic and Middle Eastern studies.​The journal encourages the submission of articles written in English or Arabic dealing with Arabic and Middle Eastern studies.​ Since its inception, Al-Abhath has covered many related fields of interest: Arab and Islamic studies, sociology, numismatics, history, economic, language, psychology and astrology, concentrating on the Arab world. It appears in both Arabic and English and is a necessary and useful reference for anyone interested in and engaged in the study of any aspect of this part of the world. For more information about the journal, please visit the Al-Abhath website.

الأبحاث مجلّة محكَّمة تصدرها كلّيّة الآداب والعلوم في الجامعة الأميركيّة في بيروت. تستقبل المجلّة الأبحاث الأصيلة ومراجعات الكتب باللغتين العربيّة والإنكليزيّة وتعنى بالدراسات العربية والشرق أوسطية. تغطي مجلة الأبحاث منذ نشأتها العديد من مجالات الاهتمام ذات الصلة: الدراسات العربية والإسلامية، وعلم الاجتماع، وعلم العملات، والتاريخ، والاقتصاد، وعلم اللغة، وعلم النفس، وعلم الفلك، مع تركيز خاص على العالم العربي. تنشر المجلة باللغتين العربيّة والإنكليزيّة وتشكل مرجعا ضروريا ومفيدا لأي شخص مهتم ومنشغل في دراسة أي جانب من جوانب هذه المنطقة. للمزيد من المعلومات حول المجلة يرجى زيارة موقع الأبحاث.
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Managing Editor:
Al-Karmil: Dirāsāt fī al-Lugha al-Arabiyya wa-l-Adab (Al-Karmil: Studies in Arabic Language and Literature) is a double anonymous peer reviewed journal published since 1980 by the Department of Arabic Language and Literature at the University of Haifa. It provides a forum for the study of Arabic language and literature as well as Islamic civilization in general, from the pre-Islamic period to the present. Al-Karmil welcomes contributions in Arabic or in English.
الكرمل: دراسات في اللُّغة العربيّة والأدب مجلة سنوية مُحكَّمة تعتمد طريقة التحكيم المزدوج، تصدر منذ عام 0891 عن قسم اللُّغة العربية وآدابها في جامعة حيفا. توفر المجلة منبرًا لدراسات حول اللُّغة العربية وآدابها، وحول الحضارة الإسلامية بوجهٍ عام منذ عصر ما قبل الإسلام وحتى يومنا هذا. تُعنى مجلة الكرمل بنشر مقالاتٍ باللُّغة العربية أو باللُّغة الإنجليزية.
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This journal was announced but will not publish.
Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies / Revue d'études arabes et islamiques
2023 Impact Factor: 0,2
5 Year Impact Factor: 0,5

Originally founded by Evariste Lévi-Provençal in 1954 as an organ for French arabists, Arabica has now become a multidisciplinary academic journal, with an international editorial board representing various fields of research. It is dedicated to the study of the Arab world's classical and contemporary literatures, languages, history, thought and civilization. From a wider perspective, Arabica is open to the general fields of Islamicate studies and intercultural relations between Arab societies and the other cultural areas throughout history. It actively endeavors to participate in the development of new scholarly approaches and problematics. In addition to original research articles in English and French (preferably), Arabica also publishes 'notes and documents', book reviews, and occasionally academic debates in its 'methods and debates' section. Special issues may deal with a specific theme, or publish the proceedings of a conference.

Fondée en 1954 par Évariste Lévi-Provençal en tant qu’organe des arabisants français, Arabica est aujourd’hui une revue scientifique pluridisciplinaire, avec comité de lecture international représentant les divers domaines de recherche. Consacrée aux langues, littératures, histoires, systèmes de pensée et civilisations du monde arabophone aussi bien classique que contemporain, elle est aussi ouverte au domaine général de l’Islam et à l’étude des relations entre cultures arabes et autres cultures au cours de l’histoire. Arabica participe activement au renouvellement des approches et des problématiques dans le champ des études arabes et islamiques. Elle publie, prioritairement en français ou en anglais, en plus d’articles de recherche originaux, des « notes et documents », un « bulletin critique » et, occasionnellement, elle ouvre une rubrique intitulée « méthodes et débats ». Des numéros spéciaux peuvent être consacrés à un ensemble de contributions traitant d’un domaine particulier ou reprenant des actes de colloques.
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أثيرت: مجلة الجزيرة العربية القديمة
This is a Diamond Open Access journal. Articles are published in Open Access at no cost to the author.
Athīrat: Journal of Ancient Arabia is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal published by the Hassan bin Mohammed Center for Historical Studies (HBMHC) in collaboration with Brill. The Journal is dedicated to the field of the study of Ancient Arabia covering all of its subdisciplines and approaches (in terms of theories, methodologies, approaches, and findings). Athīrat welcomes a wide range of historical, archaeological, epigraphic, rock art, linguistic, textual, philological, social, cultural, economic and intellectual approaches. The Journal prioritizes the publication of the most recent epigraphic and rock art discoveries in Arabia. Athīrat also encourages interdisciplinary studies that synthesize the aforementioned approaches. The Journal’s chronological remit extends from pre-historic times to the early Islamic period (seventh century CE), and covers the Arabian Peninsula geographically defined, from Yemen and Oman in the south to the Syrian desert in the north, and occasionally adjacent areas.

أثيرت: مجلة الجزيرة العربية القديمة مجلة محكمة تصدر بالتعاون بين مركز حسن بن محمد للدراسات التاريخية وبريل. المجلة مخصصة لتطوير الأبحاث في الدراسات العربية القديمة، والتي تشمل مجموعة واسعة من التخصصات مثل التاريخ وعلم الآثار والنقوش واللغويات والفن الصخري وفن العمارة وغيرها. وباعتبارها مطبوعة ومُحَكّمة من قبل النظراء، تسعى أثيرت إلى عرض أحدث التطورات في هذا المجال، بما في ذلك النظريات والمنهجيات والنتائج. يتم التركيز بشكل خاص على الفن الصخري والاكتشافات الكتابية في شبه الجزيرة العربية. تشجع المجلة الدراسات متعددة التخصصات لتعزيز الفهم الشامل لتاريخ المنطقة وثقافتها ومجتمعها. من الناحية التاريخية، تُغطي أثيرت الفترة حتى بداية الإسلام، وتغطي شبه الجزيرة العربية بأكملها والمناطق المحيطة بها مباشرة. أثيرت: مجلة الجزيرة العربية القديمة هي مجلّةٌ تنشر جميع المقالات وفق رخصة الإتاحة المفتوحة غير المقيّدة برعاية مركز حسن بن محمد للدراسات التاريخية في الدوحة، قطر.

Open Access
The Darah Journal of Arabian Peninsula Studies (DJAP) is published biannually by the King Abdulaziz Foundation for Research and Archives (Darah) in association with Brill. The journal aims to publish original scholarly research concerning the Arabian Peninsula from ancient times until the present day, primarily, but not exclusively, in English. Its fields of interest include history, archeology, literature, geography, anthropology, heritage, sociology, and cultural history.
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Endowment Studies (ENDS) is a peer-reviewed, English-language periodical dedicated to the study of foundations or endowments, fostering their examination from cross-cultural, diachronic and interdisciplinary perspectives. As a diachronic and omnipresent phenomenon, endowments touch on every conceivable aspect of a given society, such as the arts, economy, intellectual life, law, politics and religion. Specialists from these and other disciplines/ fields (Byzantine Studies, Indology, Islamic Studies and Medieval Studies) can thus participate in cross-disciplinary conversations via the leitmotif of endowments.

As the first journal dedicated to the study of foundations in a comparative context, ENDS offers a venue for publication that is both transcultural and interdisciplinary, with a special focus on the Pre-Modern era, yet not restricted to any particular epoch. Contributions treating any aspect of endowments are welcome.

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Editors-in-Chief: , , and
In the medieval, late medieval and pre-modern world of Islam, Muslims, Jews and Christians constituted a unique cultural and intellectual commonality. They shared a language, Arabic (and at times Persian), which they spoke in daily life and which they also used for their theological, philosophical, legal and scientific writings. Moreover, they often read the same books, so that a continuous, multi-dimensional exchange of ideas, texts, and forms of discourse was the norm rather than the exception.While this has been amply demonstrated for some selected periods and regions, scholars usually opt for a one-dimensional approach with an (often exclusive) focus on either Muslim, Jewish or Christian authors and their writings.

The journal Intellectual History of the Islamicate World was founded in 2013 by Sabine Schmidtke as a forum for research that systematically crosses the boundaries between three major disciplines of academia and research, viz. Islamic Studies, Jewish Studies and the study of Eastern Christianity. It encourages discussion among representatives of these and related disciplines, with a view to promoting a new understanding of intellectual history in all its facets throughout the Islamicate World, from its emergence until modern times and from different methodological perspectives. The Intellectual History of the Islamicate World covers such themes as philosophy, theology, exegesis, law and legal methodology, sciences and medicine.

The Intellectual History of the Islamicate World is double blind peer-reviewed. In addition to predefined theme volumes, the journal accepts submissions relevant to its overall concerns but not bound to a specific theme. Articles for publication in Intellectual History of the Islamicate World should be submitted through Editorial Manager.
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