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2023 Impact Factor: 0,8

The Heritage Language Journal (HLJ) was established in 2002 by the National Heritage Language Resource Center at the University of California, Los Angeles. Its aim is to provide a forum for scholars to disseminate research and knowledge about heritage and community languages. It publishes original research studies and book reviews related to acquisition, use and pedagogy of heritage and community languages from the perspectives of applied and theoretical linguistics, sociolinguistics, language pedagogy, language policy, and other relevant fields.

Peer Review Policy: The Heritage Language Journal (HLJ) is a double-anonymous peer reviewed journal. Each article published has been reviewed anonymously by at least two external reviewers. This includes articles published in special issues.

The journal is published continuously. Once an article has been approved for publication by the editors, it is published immediately.
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The International Review of Pragmatics (IRP) is a peer-reviewed international journal committed to publishing excellent research in the area of pragmatics and related disciplines pertaining to all aspects of human communication, verbal and non-verbal. It aims to provide a comprehensive and authoritative picture of the field, encouraging submissions rooted in different conceptions and perspectives originating in geographically diverse areas. IRP publishes full-length original articles, review articles and discussion notes.

While subscribing to the general view that all meaning is necessarily contextual, IRP welcomes research reflecting different, often conflicting, views of pragmatics. It is a forum for papers that analyze discourse in its many instantiations (spoken, written; institutional, business, media etc.) through a pragmatic lens, but also for those which consider pragmatics itself a separate discipline defined by specific objects of investigation (deixis, implicature, etc.). The confrontation is supposed to establish how much explanatory power in pragmatics rests in its interdisciplinary and semiotics-based variations, as opposed to self-contained methodologies with precisely delineated scope of application. Thus, in the long run, the aim of IRP will be to maintain a vigorous debate leading to crystallization of the core concept of pragmatics, and to evaluation of its descriptive and interpretive capacity.

Peer Review Policy: International Review of Pragmatics (IRP) is a double-anonymous peer-reviewed journal. Each article published has been reviewed anonymously by at least two external reviewers. This includes articles published in special issues.

Information for prospective authors can be found here.
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Evolution of Languages, Contact and Discourse
Editors-in-Chief: and
Founding Editor:
The Journal of Language Contact (JLC) is a journal focused on the study of language contact, language use and language change in accordance with a view of language contact whereby both empirical data (the precise description of languages and how they are used) and the resulting theoretical elaborations (hence the statement and analysis of new problems) become the primary engines for advancing our understanding of the nature of language. This involves linguistic, anthropological, historical, and cognitive factors. Such an approach makes a major new contribution to understanding language change at a time when there is a notable increase of interest and activity in this field.
The Journal of Language Contact accepts articles in English and French.
Peer Review Policy: The Journal of Language Contact (JLC) is a double-anonymous peer-reviewed journal. Each article published has been reviewed anonymously by at least two external reviewers. This includes articles published in special issues.

Journal of Language Contact (JLC) est une revue focalisée sur les problématiques et les dynamiques de la transformation des langues et des pratiques langagières dans les situations de contact au sein desquelles elles se développent normalement et naturellement.
Les orientations de recherche retenues s’appuient à la fois sur l’étude des données empiriques (descriptions précises) et sur le développement d’une réflexion théorique corrélative (qui peut faire émerger de nouvelles questions et de nouvelles problématiques). L’articulation entre approche empirique et réflexion théorique est ici considérée comme essentielle, car assurant la base même de notre compréhension des phénomènes linguistiques saisis à travers les effets et les conséquences de leur usage.
Ce positionnement suppose d’ouvrir la perspective au-delà des questions strictement linguistiques et de retenir la pertinence des facteurs anthropologiques, historiques et cognitifs. L’objectif final de Journal of Language Contact est d’accompagner la recherche et d’œuvrer pour des contributions majeures dans le champ.
Journal of Language Contact accepte les articles en anglais et en français.
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