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This publication, founded in 1970 as a book series and published as a journal since 2015, has a rich history of important publications.
- ABÄG is an international journal on Old Germanic languages, such as Gothic, Old Dutch, Old English, Old High German, Old Norse, Old Saxon and Middle Dutch, Middle English and Middle High German.
- Topics and approaches range from historical linguistics to literary studies, including onomastics, runology, manuscript studies, textual criticism and philology.
- The journal editors welcome special issues, in addition to book reviews and research articles.
- It regularly accepts contributions in English and German. For other languages, please consult the editors.

Peer Review Policy: All articles published in Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik undergo a double-anonymous peer review process. Each article published has been reviewed anonymously by at least two external reviewers. This includes articles published in special issues.

Some back volumes continue to be available as print volumes and as e-books.
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The International Review of Pragmatics (IRP) is a peer-reviewed international journal committed to publishing excellent research in the area of pragmatics and related disciplines pertaining to all aspects of human communication, verbal and non-verbal. It aims to provide a comprehensive and authoritative picture of the field, encouraging submissions rooted in different conceptions and perspectives originating in geographically diverse areas. IRP publishes full-length original articles, review articles and discussion notes.

While subscribing to the general view that all meaning is necessarily contextual, IRP welcomes research reflecting different, often conflicting, views of pragmatics. It is a forum for papers that analyze discourse in its many instantiations (spoken, written; institutional, business, media etc.) through a pragmatic lens, but also for those which consider pragmatics itself a separate discipline defined by specific objects of investigation (deixis, implicature, etc.). The confrontation is supposed to establish how much explanatory power in pragmatics rests in its interdisciplinary and semiotics-based variations, as opposed to self-contained methodologies with precisely delineated scope of application. Thus, in the long run, the aim of IRP will be to maintain a vigorous debate leading to crystallization of the core concept of pragmatics, and to evaluation of its descriptive and interpretive capacity.

Peer Review Policy: International Review of Pragmatics (IRP) is a double-anonymous peer-reviewed journal. Each article published has been reviewed anonymously by at least two external reviewers. This includes articles published in special issues.

Information for prospective authors can be found here.
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Sprache und Literatur is being published by Wilhelm Fink since 1994. It emerged from previous publications that have been in circulation since 1970. For years its central concern has been to connect theoretical reflections of linguistics and literary studies. Additionally, the reflections of cultural studies and media theory have also come into focus in recent years. In this field Sprache und Literatur aims to tap into neglected topics and research contexts and is therefore one of the most innovative specialist forums in this area. The contributions in this semi-annually issued journal are grouped around one main topic and for this reason provides a concentrated contribution to the current specialist discourse.

Sprache und Literatur erscheint seit 1994 im Wilhelm Fink Verlag und ist aus seit 1970 bestehenden Vorgängerpublikationen hervorgegangen. Der Anspruch, theoretische Reflexionen aus der Linguistik und der Literaturwissenschaft zu verbinden, ist ihr wie wenigen anderen Fachzeitschriften über die Jahre hinweg zentrales Anliegen geblieben. Neue inhaltliche Akzente haben die Herausgeber in jüngerer Zeit im Bereich kulturwissenschaftlicher und medientheoretischer Reflexionen gesetzt. Sprache und Literatur macht es sich zur Aufgabe, auf diesem Gebiet neue, bislang kaum beachtete Themen und Forschungszusammenhänge zu erschließen und zählt damit heute zu den auf diesem Gebiet innovativsten fachlichen Foren. Die Beiträge der halbjährlich erscheinenden Hefte gruppieren sich jeweils um einen thematischen Schwerpunkt und leisten auf diese Weise einen konzentrierten Beitrag zur aktuellen fachlichen Diskussion.
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