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5 Year Impact Factor: 1
Contrastive Pragmatics features online-first publication. Recently published articles can be found under the Advanced Articles link available in the Contents tab.
Contrastive Pragmatics: A Cross-Disciplinary Journal is a diamond open access journal, meaning neither authors nor readers pay any fees. It is published three times a year (as of 2022). The journal welcomes contributions that compare the use of language forms, realisation of speech acts, forms of interactional behaviour, and evaluative tendencies both across and within linguacultures. It also publishes contributions on the contrastive study of patterns of translation and language teaching. The journal provides a much-needed academic platform for corpus-driven and bottom-up research on language use, and for synergies between pragmatics, translation, intercultural communication, and language learning and teaching. The journal particularly welcomes research on lesser-studied linguacultures. It pays special attention to pragmalinguistics and its interfaces with sociopragmatics, corpus linguistics, grammar, language acquisition, and other areas. The journal is supported by Dalian University of Foreign Languages.
Peer Review Policy: Contrastive Pragmatics is a double-anonymous peer-reviewed journal. Each article published has been reviewed anonymously by at least two external reviewers. This includes articles published in special issues.
Contrastive Pragmatics is indexed by Scopus and ranked in Q2, with a CiteScore of 0.242.
While subscribing to the general view that all meaning is necessarily contextual, IRP welcomes research reflecting different, often conflicting, views of pragmatics. It is a forum for papers that analyze discourse in its many instantiations (spoken, written; institutional, business, media etc.) through a pragmatic lens, but also for those which consider pragmatics itself a separate discipline defined by specific objects of investigation (deixis, implicature, etc.). The confrontation is supposed to establish how much explanatory power in pragmatics rests in its interdisciplinary and semiotics-based variations, as opposed to self-contained methodologies with precisely delineated scope of application. Thus, in the long run, the aim of IRP will be to maintain a vigorous debate leading to crystallization of the core concept of pragmatics, and to evaluation of its descriptive and interpretive capacity.
Peer Review Policy: International Review of Pragmatics (IRP) is a double-anonymous peer-reviewed journal. Each article published has been reviewed anonymously by at least two external reviewers. This includes articles published in special issues.
Information for prospective authors can be found here.
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