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Founded in 1993, the African Yearbook, now also published online is published under the auspices of the African Foundation for International Law. It is the only scholarly publication devoted exclusively to the study, development, dissemination and wider appreciation of international law in Africa as a whole.

Through the scholarly analysis of international legal issues of particular relevance to the African continent, it also contributes to the acceptance of, and respect for the rule of law in intra-African relations, and for the principles of international law in general. Its uniqueness however goes beyond this, for through its special themes and general articles, it has succeeded over the years to serve as an intellectual forum where the development of international law is viewed as being integral to Africa’s own development.

Through the study and analysis of emerging legal issues of particular relevance to Africa, such as the creation of viable continental institutions capable of promoting unity and security for the peoples of the continent, the effective protection of human rights, the need for accountability for mass killings and massive violations of the rule of law, the promotion of a rule-based democratic culture, the role of African countries in a globalizing world economy and in international trade relations, the Yearbook strives to be responsive to the intellectual needs of African countries in the area of international law, and to the continuing struggle for creating an environment conducive to the rule of law throughout the continent.

The Yearbook also provides ready access to the basic documents of African international organizations by regularly publishing the resolutions and decisions of regional and sub-regional organizations as well as the conventions, protocols and declarations adopted by pan-african agencies.

The Yearbook is also available in print. To learn more about the print version, please click here.
The Baltic Yearbook of International Law joined the family of legal publications in 2001. It is an annual publication containing contributions on topical issues in international law and related fields that are relevant to Baltic affairs and beyond. Each Yearbook focuses on a theme with particular importance to the development of international law. The Yearbook serves as an important source of information not available elsewhere on the practices of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in international law.
Despite a clear Baltic ownership, the Yearbook aims at contributing to the development of thought, standard-setting and relevant practices throughout the world. The topical coverage has included the questions surrounding the claims of the Baltic States to their State continuity in international law; related issues of State responsibility; various challenges in international human rights law with focus on bioethics and human rights; and the enlargement of the European Union.

The Yearbook is also available in print.
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As of 2021, Brill Research Perspectives in the Law of the Sea is no longer published as a journal by Brill, but will continue as a book series.

Brill Research Perspectives in the Law of the Sea advances scholarship in the international law of the sea with a publication that combines analysis of theoretical and conceptual frameworks, recent thematic trends, contemporary judicial decisions, and recent state practice. The publication focuses not only on global developments but also on regional and -- where appropriate -- sub-regional developments and perspectives. All areas of the law of the sea are treated, including maritime zones, navigational rights and freedoms, resource management, maritime regulation and enforcement, marine environmental management, oceans governance, and dispute resolution. Particular attention is given to those analyses and developments that are at the forefront of the law of the sea, some of which may be at the intersection with other areas of international law.

Brill Research Perspectives in the Law of the Sea's primary readership includes academics, researchers, practitioners, policy makers, educators, and graduate and undergraduate students.
"International law can only prosper if careful attention is given to all the voices expressing themselves on current legal issues […]. Any striving for hegemony threatens to undermine the legitimacy of international law." - From the Foreword by Christian Tomuschat and Jean-Marc Thouvenin to The Fundamental Rules of the International Legal Order: Jus Cogens and Obligations Erga Omnes

Merging the journals Non-State Actors and International Law (ISSN 1567-7125) and International Law FORUM du droit international (ISSN 1388-9036), the International Community Law Review (ICLR) addresses all aspects of international law and the international community.

The Journal aims to explore the implications of various traditions of international law, as well as more current perceived hegemonic trends for the idea of an international community. The Journal will also look at the ways and means in which the international community uses and adapts international law to deal with new and emerging challenges. Non-state actors , intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations, individuals, peoples, transnational corporations and civil society as a whole - have changed our outlook on contemporary international law. In addition to States and intergovernmental organizations, they now play an important role. Rather than regional, the focus of ICLR will be multicultural, including alternative and/or critical approaches, with contributions written by scholars from all parts of the globe.
The International Community Law Review, published four times a year, consists of articles, shorter articles/comments, case notes and book reviews.
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The International Labour Law Reports is a series of annual publications of labour law judgements by the highest courts in a number of jurisdictions. I.L.L.R. is intended primarily for the use of judges, labour law practitioners, industrial relations specialists and students who need or desire ready access to authoritative information of a comparative nature on problems arising in the field of labour law and industrial relations. Each judgement reprinted in I.L.L.R. is accompanied by Headnotes and an Annotation which sets forth, among other things, the legal issues involved, the basic facts of the case (if not included in the judgement itself), the relevant statutory provisions and judicial precedents, any international labour standards relied on, the labour law and industrial relations context in which the case arose and the significance of the judgement in the development of the law.
The I.L.L.R. provide the reader with factual information that is not coloured by the personal views of the annotators. Judgements may be printed in extenso; editorial discretion is relied upon to delete or to summarize portions of judgements that are purely technical or only of marginal interest.

The Yearbook is also available in print.
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The Journal of the International Law Association / La revue de l'Association du droit international
Need support prior to submitting your manuscript? Make the process of preparing and submitting a manuscript easier with Brill's suite of author services, an online platform that connects academics seeking support for their work with specialized experts who can help. From 2006 International Law FORUM du droit international and Non-State Actors and International Law have merged into a new journal: International Community Law Review. For more details see: International Community Law Review Subscribers to International Community Law Review will have access to all available online issues of the International Law FORUM du droit international and Non-State Actors and International Law.
Editors-in-Chief: and
The International Organizations Law Review is a peer-reviewed journal that only publishes articles that have passed through an anonymous review process.

After the Second World War, the law of international organizations developed as a separate, but not separable, discipline within the sphere of public international law. The International Organizations Law Review functions as a discussion forum for both academics and practitioners active in this discpline. The Review offers two foci: one based in the world of scholarship and the other in the world of practice. Academic scholarship offered in the Review will focus on general and theoretical developments in international institutional law, while practitioner views offer a forum to identify and discuss legal developments within existing international organizations.
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The Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law Online offers in-depth articles on issues such as Human Rights, UN organs and Commissions as well as questions of international law in connection with the United Nations. The core of authors proves to be a well balanced mix between young scholars and professors from all over Europe.

This publication constitutes the first scholarly periodical to focus on activities of the United Nations in the field of international law. It recognizes the recent increased impact of the development of the World Organization, its Specialized Agencies and other aspects of the United Nations System, as well as their effect on the shaping of international relations.

The Yearbook is also available in print.
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The New Zealand Yearbook of International Law, launched in 2004, is an annual, internationally refereed publication intended to stand as a reference point for legal materials and commentary on public international law generally and with particular emphasis on issues concerning New Zealand, Antarctica and the Southern Ocean, including critical writing in those areas. It boasts an exceptional Advisory Board consisting of leading national and international academics and practitioners who are called upon to provide input through the double blind refereeing process used to assure the quality of the submissions published in each volume. The Yearbook also serves as a valuable tool in the determination of trends, state practice and policies in the development of international law in New Zealand, the Southern Ocean and Antarctica and seeks to generate scholarship in those fields. In this regard the Yearbook contains an annual ‘Year-in-Review’ of developments in international law of particular interest to New Zealand. Equally so, New Zealand offers a unique environment, owing to its size, population and strategic proximity to the Southern Ocean, Antarctica, and the South Pacific, that makes the New Zealand Yearbook of general interest to the international community. It is for the latter reason that the Yearbook contains a section dedicated to the ‘The South Pacific’.
Need support prior to submitting your manuscript? Make the process of preparing and submitting a manuscript easier with Brill's suite of author services, an online platform that connects academics seeking support for their work with specialized experts who can help. From 2006 International Law FORUM du droit international and Non-State Actors and International Law have merged into a new journal: International Community Law Review. For more details see: International Community Law Review. Back volumes (2004 and 2005) of both journals as well as online issues are still available. Subscribers to International Community Law Review will have access to all available online issues of the International Law FORUM du droit international and Non-State Actors and International Law.