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2023 Impact Factor: 0,2
5 Year Impact Factor: 0,4

The journal presents a scholarly account of studies of individuals and societies in Africa and Asia. Its scope is to publish original research by social scientists in the area of anthropology, sociology, history, political science and related social sciences about African and Asian societies and cultures and their relationships.

The journal focuses on problems and possibilities, past and future. Where possible, comparisons are made between countries and continents. Articles should be based on original research and can be co-authored.

All articles published in African and Asian Studies undergo a double-blind peer review process. This includes articles published in special issues.

From 1966 to 2001 African and Asian Studies was published under the name of Journal of African and Asian Studies.

African and Asian Studies is indexed by Web of Science.
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As of 2021, Asian Journal of Social Science will be published by Elsevier Science.

The Asian Journal of Social Science is a principal outlet for scholarly articles on Asian societies published by the Department of Sociology, National University of Singapore.

AJSS provides a unique forum for theoretical debates and empirical analyses that move away from narrow disciplinary focus. It is committed to comparative research and articles that speak to cases beyond the traditional concerns of area and single-country studies. AJSS strongly encourages transdisciplinary analysis of contemporary and historical social change in Asia by offering a meeting space for international scholars across the social sciences, including anthropology, cultural studies, economics, geography, history, political science, psychology, and sociology. AJSS also welcomes humanities-oriented articles that speak to pertinent social issues. AJSS publishes internationally peer-reviewed research articles, special thematic issues and shorter symposiums. AJSS also publishes book reviews and review essays, research notes on Asian societies, and short essays of special interest to students of the region.

The Clarivate Analytics Journal Citations Report for 2019 ranks Asian Journal of Social Science with an Impact Factor of 0.655.

Asian Journal of Social Science features themes such as:
Guest Editor: ZAHEER BABER, Science, Technology and Society in the Asia-Pacific Region.
Organizer: SYED FARID ALATAS, The State of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Asia.
Organizer: ANGELIQUE CHAN, The Social and Economic Consequences of Ageing in Southeast Asia and Asia.
Central Asian Affairs is a peer-reviewed journal that is published quarterly. It aims to feature innovative social science research on contemporary developments in the wider Central Asian region. Its coverage includes Central Asia, Afghanistan, the Caucasus, Xinjiang, neighboring powers (China, Iran, Pakistan, India, Russia, Turkey), and the role of leading international powers and donors in this region. Central Asian Affairs informs scholarly discourse and policy discussions on the region by engaging experts from across the academic arena, drawing on a diverse array of disciplines including political science, sociology, anthropology, economics, development studies, and security studies.
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An Interdisciplinary Journal of Asian Interactions
Editors-in-Chief: and
Call for Papers: In our forthcoming issue of Vol. 23.2, we plan a special issue on 'natural history.' Please see details for submission in this Call for Papers.

Crossroads is designed as an international forum for contributions related to the analysis of exchange relations, connections and interactions across the Asian world. The “Asian World” in this context connotes not only the (Eur-)Asian continent and countries in adjacent maritime spaces, such as the Indian Ocean or the Asia-Pacific, but regions elsewhere that are connected to Asia through trade, politics, science and knowledge transfer, diffusion of ideas, culture, migration, etc. These connections can be continental (overland) or maritime (overseas), bilateral or multilateral, as well as empirical or imaginary. The journal welcomes contributions that offer new insights into the history of Asian connections and interactions, employing disciplinary or interdisciplinary frameworks, analysing archaeological, textual, oral, visual, or other sources, and can range from historical studies to contemporary topics.

The journal was formerly entitled Crossroads — Studies on the History of Exchange Relations in the East Asian World, edited by Angela Schottenhammer, sponsored by the German Research Council (DFG, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) and published by Ostasien Verlag, Gossenberg, between 2010 and 2018. The journal archive by 2018 is freely downloadable here.

Peer Review Policy: All articles published in Crossroads undergo a double-anonymous external peer review process. This includes articles published in special issues.

纵横学刊的宗旨是成为一个国际论坛,为分析整个亚洲世界的交换关系、联系和互动作出贡献。在这个语境中,“亚洲世界”不仅意味着位于(欧洲-)亚洲大陆和毗邻海洋空间的国家,例如印度洋或亚太地区,还意味着通过贸易、政治、科学、知识转移、思想传播、文化、移民等形式与亚洲相连的其他地区。这些联系包括大陆(陆上)或海上(海外)的联系,双边或多边的联系,也包括经验的或想象的联系。 本刊欢迎踊跃来稿,稿件内容应能为亚洲联系与互动史提供新见解,应用专业或跨学科框架,分析考古发现、文本资料、口述史料、视觉材料或其他来源,研究范围从历史研究到当代主题俱可。


『クロスロード』は、アジア世界における相互間交流とその影響を分析・研究し、国際的な場での討論・意見交換を行うことを目的としたジャーナルです。このジャーナルで意味する「アジア世界」とは、アジア(あるいは、ユーラシア)大陸, インド洋やアジア太平洋などの隣接する海域諸国だけでなく、貿易、政治、科学、知識の伝達、アイデアの拡散、文化、移民など通じてアジアと交流関係を持つ地域すべてをも含みます。これらの交流関係は、大陸(陸路)または海上(海路)、二国間または多国間、経験的または想像を通して行われてきました。このジャーナルは、専門的な観点から、または、学際的な枠組みの観点から、考古学、テキスト、オーラル(oral)、ビジュアル(visual)、さらに、その他の関連資料を分析し、歴史研究から現代に関するトピックスに至るまで、アジアとの繋がりと相互間交流の歴史に対して、新しい視点を提示する論考の寄稿を歓迎いたします。

『크로스로드』는 아시아 세계의 교류관계, 연결 및 상호 작용을 분석하는 연구들을 증진하기 위한 국제적 학술포럼입니다. 여기서 “아시아 세계”란 아시아 (혹은 유라시아) 대륙 및 인도양이나 아시아 태평양 등의 인접 해양 지대에 있는 국가들을 비롯해, 무역, 정치, 과학과 지식의 전파, 사상과 문화의 확산, 이주 등을 통해 연결된 모든 지역을 포괄합니다. 이들의 교류관계는 실제적 관계 혹은 상상을 통한 연결, 대륙 (육로) 또는 해상 (해로) 공간을 통한 교류, 양자 간 또는 다자간 연결관계를 모두 포함합니다. 연구 범위로 역사 연구로부터 현대에 관련된 주제를 망라하는 이 저널은 전문분야 혹은 학제 간 연구방법을 활용하고 고고학, 문서, 구두, 미술 사료 등의 다양한 사료의 분석을 통해 아시아 사회들의 교류 및 상호작용의 역사에 대한 새로운 통찰력을 제공하는 논문의 기고를 환영합니다.

يهدف مجلة مفترق الطرق إلى تشكيل منتدى دولي مفتوح للمساهمات الباحثيين الذين يحللون التبادلات، العلاقات و الاتصالات عبر العالم الآسيوي. في هذا السياق لا يشير مفهوم "العالم الآسيوي" إلى القارة الآسيوية والدول البحرية المجاورة في المحيطي الهندي والهادئ فقط ، بل إلى مناطق أخرى مرتبطة بآسيا عبر التجارة، السياسة، التبادل العلمي و المعرفي و نشر الأفكار و الثقافة و الحركات الهجرية و غيرها من الاتصالات أيضاً، الاتصالات برية أم بحريةً كانت أم بحرية، ثنائية أم متعددة الأطراف، واقعية أم خيالية.

ترحب مجلة مفترق الطرق بمقالات تقدم رؤى جديدة في تاريخ الاتصالات والتفاعلات الآسيوية، معتمدةً على تخصصات معينة كما على تخصصات متعددة، و تقوم بتحليل المصادر الأثرية، النصية، الشفوية و البصرية و بكل من الدراسات التأريخية الماضية و المعاصرة.
کراس رودز به منظور یک هم‌اندیشی بین المللی طرح ریزی شده است و به تحلیلِ تعاملات و تبادلات آسیایی می‌پردازد. »جهانِ آسیا« در این زمینه نه تنها به قاره‌ی اوراسیا و کشورهای مجاور آب‌هایی چون اقیانوس هند یا آسیا و اقیانوسیه ، بلکه شامل دیگر مناطقی که از طریق روابط تجاری، سیاسی، علمی و انتقالات علمی، اشاعه‌ی ایده‌ها، فرهنگ، مهاجرت و غیره به آسیا گره خورده‌اند، نیز اطلاق می‌شود. این ارتباطات می‌توانند به صورت قاره‌ای (زمینی) یا دریایی، دو جانبه یا چندجانبه و همچنین اکتسابی و یا حتی خیالی باشند. این ژورنال از مشارکت‌هایی که بینش و دریچه‌ای تازه در خصوص تاریخچه‌ی ارتباطات و تعاملات آسیایی می‌گشایند، چه به صورت رشته‌ای خاص و یا اندررشته‌ای، تجزیه و تحلیل منابع باستان شناسی، متون کتبی، شفاهی، تصویری و یا سایرمنابعِ علمی استقبال کرده و می‌تواند ازمطالعات تاریخی تا مباحث معاصر سرچشمه بگیرد.

Цели и задачи Crossroads: междисциплинарного журнала о взаимодействиях в Азии Crossroads создан как международная платформа для сотрудничества, связанного с анализом товарных отношений, контактов и взаимодействий в азиатском мире. Понятие «азиатский мир» в этом контексте относится не только к (Евр)азийскому континенту и странам в прилегающем морском пространстве, таком как Индийский океан или Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион, но и к другим регионам, которые связаны с Азией через торговлю, политику, науку и обмен знаниями, распространение идей, культуры, миграцию и т.д. Эти связи могут быть как по суше (сухопутные пути), так и по морю (морские пути), двусторонними или многосторонними, а также практическими или гипотетическими. Журнал приглашает к публикации работы, предлагающие новый взгляд на историю связей и взаимодействий в Азии в рамках одной или нескольких дисциплин, анализ археологических, текстологических, устных, визуальных и других источников, и которые могут варьироваться от исторических исследований до современных тем.
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Founded in 2001 originally by a consortium of European universities, the European Journal of East Asian Studies (EJEAS) is a global scholarly journal specializing in post-1945 East Asian studies, with a focus on East Asia’s socio-economic development, regional affairs and external relations. The journal’s central objective is to promote interdisciplinary contributions in social sciences for a better conceptual and empirical analysis of East Asia’s recent and current evolution, at infra- and supra-national levels, including the knowledge of local dimensions. Contributors are invited to cross-combine disciplines such as anthropology, geography, history, economics, political science, psychology, and sociology. They can be also inspired by domains of study such as cultural studies, international development, foreign affairs, global studies, public policy, corporate affairs and management, etc.

An additional objective is to encourage and welcome, from the region and outside, original articles suggesting new approaches, research methods and contents in area studies, as applied to 21st century East Asia, and also as a possible redefinition or revisiting of classical Asian and regional studies.

Articles can address the wider East Asian region, or sub-regions such as ASEAN/Southeast Asia, and individual countries or groups of countries. Oceania and the South Pacific are not covered in this journal.

Peer Review Policy: All articles published in European Journal of East Asian Studies undergo a double-anonymous external peer review process. This includes articles published in special issues.
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Advisory Editor:
As of 2021, International Journal of Chinese Education is published by SAGE. For more information, please click here.

2023 Impact Factor: 0,6
5 Year Impact Factor: 0,7

Congratulations to Andrew D. Morris and Thung-hong Lin & Bowei Hu for their 2023 Open Access Awards from the journal's editorial team! You may access their articles for free in IJTS Vol. 2.1 and 2.2. The 2022 OA Awards winners are Scott Simon and Evan Dawley. You may access their articles for free in IJTS Vol. 1.1 and 1.2.

The International Journal of Taiwan Studies, cosponsored by Academia Sinica and the European Association of Taiwan Studies (EATS), is a principal outlet for the dissemination of cutting-edge research on Taiwan. Its editorial office is supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and is hosted by the Centre of Taiwan Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. In 2020, the North American Taiwan Studies Association (NATSA) also invited IJTS to become an affiliate journal. In 2021, the Japan Association for Taiwan Studies (JATS) also invited IJTS to become one of its partner organisations. IJTS is the first internationally collaborative, multidisciplinary, and peer-reviewed academic research journal in English dedicated to all aspects of Taiwan Studies, including social sciences, arts and humanities, and topics which are interdisciplinary in nature. This publication on Taiwan Studies, a rapidly growing field with an increasingly critical influence, aims to reach academics and policy makers of different cultural backgrounds, disciplinary perspectives and methodological approaches.

Peer Review Policy: All articles published in International Journal of Taiwan Studies undergo a double-blind peer review process. This includes articles published in special issues.
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Editors-in-Chief: and
2023 Impact Factor: 0,4
5 Year Impact Factor: 0,6

The Journal of Chinese Overseas (JCO) is a peer-reviewed, biannual journal published by the Chinese Heritage Centre (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) and Brill under the auspices of the International Society for the Study of Chinese Overseas (ISSCO).

It is a cross-disciplinary journal dedicated to promoting the study of Chinese overseas. It publishes research articles, empirical reports, theoretical essays, and book reviews on topics and issues relevant to Chinese overseas and their communities throughout the world. It examines “Chineseness” in its many forms and diverse settings and contributes to diaspora studies, transnational studies, and research on people of Chinese descent and their communities in specific national settings.

JCO’s Board of International Advisors and Editorial Board are drawn from multidisciplinary fields including history, anthropology, sociology, geography, political science, and cultural studies. Since 2015, JCO has been listed in the Web of Science New Edition (NE), Emerging Sources Citations Index, and Scopus.

We welcome contributions that employ quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods as well as historical and comparative approaches. All manuscripts must be submitted online for peer review at
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*JCO was published by National University of Singapore Press from 2005 to 2008, and has been published by Brill since 2009. The Lee Foundation (Singapore) provided crucial funding to help cover JCO’s publication costs between 2016 and 2018.

《海外华人学报》(Journal of Chinese Overseas)是由南洋理工大学华裔馆与博睿出版社(Brill)联合出版的英文学术期刊,同时也获得世界海外华人研究学会(International Society for the Study of Chinese Overseas)支持。学报一年两期,主编为刘宏(南洋理工大学)与周敏(加州大学洛杉矶分校)。



自2015年起,学报收录于Web of Science New Edition (NE),Emerging Sources Citations Index以及Scopus三大数据库。


*《海外华人学报》在 2005-2008年期间由新加坡国立大学出版社出版,自2009年起由博睿出版社出版,2016-2018年获得李氏基金关键资助。

Journal of Chinese Overseas is indexed by Web of Science.
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An International Journal of History and Social Science 中国乡村研究
Vol. 10 No. 1 is available free online, please click here.

Rural China is the sister journal of Modern China.

Rural China is a multidisciplinary journal that focuses on the past and present of China’s 900 million (registered) peasants (including peasant migrant workers in the towns and cities), their families and communities, and their interactions with the urban world. It publishes the best mainland Chinese and international scholarship from the disciplines of history, anthropology and sociology, and economics, political science and law, as well as other allied disciplines such as demography and geography, art and literature, public health, and comparative studies. As the first truly bilingual journal in Chinese studies, it includes both Chinese and English scholarly articles based on new research and/or new interpretations of old research. The journal has an international editorial board of distinguished scholars who help referee articles. Its targeted audience is the global community of China studies both within and outside China. It should be of interest to both scholars and advanced students, specialists and informed readers, as well as policy makers.

Peer Review Policy: All articles published in Rural China undergo a double-anonymous external peer review process. This includes articles published in special issues.

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