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Print Only€341.00$395.00
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Online only€104.00$119.00
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5 Year Impact Factor: 0,8
Counseling and Values is the official journal of the Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling (ASERVIC), formerly the Association for Religious and Values Issues in Counseling (ARVIC), a division of the American Counseling Association.
Counseling and Values promotes theory, research, and practice on the intersection of religion, spirituality, and ethics in the counseling process, with a particular emphasis on the competent and ethical integration of religion and spirituality into counseling. The journal publishes and seeks articles on:
• Research and Theory – Quantitative, qualitative, mixed method, and single case design manuscripts that provide empirical data related to ethical, religious, or spiritual issues in counseling.
• Issues and Insights – Manuscripts that offer fresh information on philosophical, theoretical, and practical applications of ethical, religious, or spiritual issues in counseling.
• Techniques for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Counseling (TSERC) – Manuscripts that focus on practical issues related to (a) the development or adaptation of existing techniques for working with spiritual, ethical, and/or religious values in counseling and/or (b) experience related to the effectiveness of techniques in work with clients and client systems.
Print + Online€341.00$405.00
Print Only€312.00$372.00
Online only€284.00$338.00
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Print + Online€120.00$143.00
Print Only€95.00$108.00
Online only€95.00$108.00
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For questions and/or submissions please contact the Editor-in-Chief, Uffe Thomas Jankvist.
Print Only€290.00$336.00
Print + Online€317.00$368.00
Online only€264.00$307.00
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Print Only€83.00$100.00
Online only€83.00$100.00
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The aim of this journal is to present contemporary research on belonging, human connection and loneliness and draw together transdisciplinary approaches and theoretical orientations to address a burgeoning issue of our time. A secondary aim of the journal is to highlight how detrimental a lack of belonging is for psychological and physical functioning. The Journal of Belonging and Human Connection (JBHC) is a direct response to a critical issue and seeks to provide a platform for which we can begin to address it.
For questions and/or submissions please contact the Editors-in-Chief Kelly-Ann Allen or Christopher Boyle.
Print Only€296.00$345.00
Print + Online€323.00$375.00
Online only€269.00$312.00
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Print Only€91.00$116.00
Online only€91.00$116.00
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What does an integrated STEM education curriculum look like in implementation, assessment, and evaluation? The Research in Integrated STEM Education Editors believe that this anchoring idea can contribute to education and research innovations as policy makers and educationist rethink and invent new approaches in education and research to address the broader goal of 21st century education.
The true spirit of STEM education is reflected in the editorial board’s purposeful intent to be inclusive and authentic. This journal aims to offer a professional platform for sharing policy-based, research-based, and practitioner-based insights drawn from the work of diverse STEM stakeholders from pre K-16 levels worldwide so as to concretise ideas about STEM integration and catalyse new ways of conceptualising and enacting STEM integrations.
This journal emphasizes the integration of STEM and aims to preserve the original intent of STEM education by underscoring the integration of at least two (if not all) of the STEM disciplines. Therefore, manuscripts must address STEM as an integration of two of more disciplines with education. The integration of the four STEM disciplines can take various forms and format such as multi-, inter- or trans-disciplinary integration. These can be differentiated in terms of the degree of integration that preserves the unique identity of each discipline (i.e., multi-disciplinary) or merged flexibly to solve a problem using STEM knowledge without clear distinction on which STEM disciplines are being engaged (i.e., trans-disciplinary). The topic of the manuscript must be related to STEM education. Manuscripts that discuss STEM content without discussion on the applications and implications to STEM policy, teaching, learning, or assessment will not be accepted.
For questions and/or submissions please contact the Editors-in-Chief Tang Wee Teo and Merrilyn Goos.
Print Only€461.00$530.00
Print + Online€503.00$579.00
Online only€419.00$482.00
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Online only€110.00$161.00
Print Only€110.00$161.00
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Today the journal welcomes submissions from across the global research community. The Journal was established in 1968 and its development has been emblematic of the growth and diversity of the field of research in education in Scotland and internationally. The Journal retains a unique place in the Scottish educational landscape while also serving a worldwide audience of researchers.
5 Year Impact Factor: 2,2
This is a Diamond Open Access journal. Articles are published in Open Access at no cost to the author.
The Triple Helix of university-industry-government relations is an internationally recognized model for understanding entrepreneurship, the changing dynamics of universities, innovation and socio-economic development.
Run by the Triple Helix Association, in collaboration with the Chinese Association for Science of Science and S & T Policy (CASSSP), the aim of the Triple Helix Journal is to publish research for an international audience covering analysis, theory, measurements and empirical enquiry in all aspects of university-industry-government interactions. The objective is to unite key research on the transformations of universities, capitalization of knowledge, translational research, spin-off activities, intellectual property, knowledge and technology transfer, as well as the international bases and dimensions of Triple Helix relations, their impacts, social, economic, political, cultural, health and environmental implications as they arise from and shape Triple Helix interactions.
Open to all innovation authors, the special mission of the journal is to be an international outlet also for innovation scholars from developing countries.
Check out the 2024 Triple Helix Conference (19-21 June 2024)
In these attempts to clarify and gain understanding from a theoretical perspective, the major focus is on the way the educational process progresses, on those social, cultural, political and unconsciously effective factors and phenomena that are involved as well as on the participants (in their various different contexts). Against the background of anthropological, educational and theoretical as well as methodological perspectives, performative actions and their staging at the intersection of individual, institution, and society are considered, in order to advance, on the one hand, the understanding of pedagogical heterogeneities, and on the other hand, to develop further educational science knowledge.
Clarifications of empirical diversity that are ideologically critical and profoundly founded on theory are aimed to help to understand and differentiate pedagogical contexts in their complexity.
Im Jahr 1925 gegründet, hat sich die Vierteljahrsschrift für wissenschaftli-che Pädagogik seit Jahrzehnten als ein vielbeachtetes Forum erziehungswis-senschaftlicher Diskurse etabliert. Mit ihrer dezidiert geistes- bzw. kulturwis-senschaftlichen Ausrichtung versteht sich das Fachorgan als publizistische Gesprächsform, welche die disziplinä-ren Besonderheiten gegenüber anderen Wissenschaften hervorzuheben und diese in wissenschaftstheoretischer und in handlungspraktischer Perspekti-ve zu kommunizieren weiß. Bei diesen (allgemein) pädagogischen Klärungs- bzw. Verstehensversuchen treten der Prozesscharakter des Erziehungs- und Bildungsvollzugs, die daran beteiligten sozialen, kulturellen, politischen und unbewussten wirksamen Ordnungen und Phänomene sowie die Akteure (in ihren unterschiedlichen Kontexten) in den Mittelpunkt der Analyse.
Print Only€158.00$195.00
Print + Online€173.00$195.00
Online only€144.00$154.00
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Online only€58.00$68.00
Print Only€58.00$68.00
Print + Online€60.00$70.00
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