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2023 Impact Factor: 0,9

APSE publishes papers examining on-going educational issues associated with science learning and teaching in the Asia-Pacific region as well as research involving Asian students and teacher populations in other areas of the world. APSE seeks to provide researchers in the Asia-Pacific region with a central channel for disseminating research in local contexts about issues in science education to both science educators in the geographical region and researchers in the extended international community. APSE is unique in that the journal focuses on the publication of scholarly articles examining issues related to science teaching and learning in Asia as well as articles that address the issues facing science teachers and science learners who are members of the Asian Diaspora. As a result, the scholarly works published in APSE encompass diverse topics of interest that are significant for a wide readership.

APSE’s scope is broad in both methodology and content. The journal accepts research conducted at all levels, including early childhood, primary, secondary, tertiary, workplace, and informal learning, as they relate to science education. The journal invites scholarly manuscripts employing various methodological approaches, including qualitative as well as quantitative research designs and mixed-methods studies. APSE publishes original articles examining on-going educational problems associated with science learning and teaching and publishes critical reviews of literature on emerging issues in the field of science education.

A central goal for APSE is to help support future generations of science education scholars in the Asia-Pacific region. In addition to supporting early career scholars, the journal also offers a home for established researchers who wish to continue building strong foundations for science education research by publishing articles appreciated by both regional and international audiences. APSE offers all generations of researchers a collective space for sharing work that contextualizes some of the unique issues faced by science educators, researchers, teachers, and students in the Asia-Pacific region. Specifically, APSE encourages authors to provide more detail about the context in which their studies were conducted, and it asks that authors discuss how their findings are salient in these local contexts, as well as in regional (Asia) and international contexts. It also wants to encourage researchers outside of Asia who are exploring issues faced by members of the Asian Diaspora to share their work in APSE. In doing so, APSE seeks to offer readers a more contextualized understanding of the ways in which Asian teachers, students, and families living in communities outside of the Asia-Pacific experience science teaching and learning.

In order to ensure the research integrity of our publications, and by doing so to ensure that we achieve our aim of providing scholars with superior service, Brill works closely with authors and editors to promote adherence to the core principles of publication ethics as articulated by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Please visit Brill's Publication Ethics & COPE Compliance page for more information.

Society affiliation
APSE is sponsored by The Korean Association for Science Education (KASE). KASE was founded in 1976 and currently has more than 3,500 members. KASE aims to contribute to the advancement of science education through research and development. To support these goals, KASE sponsors two science education conferences a year and two different journals to help disseminate research findings to researchers, teacher educators, and teachers – both domestically and internationally.
Open Access
Official Journal of Beijing Normal University
This international journal is a subscription-based, peer reviewed, general review of educational theory, history, philosophy and related empirical sciences that aims to publish a wide range of articles in English. It has a particular focus on the contribution of education -- socially, morally and economically -- to society, culture and economy. The journal welcomes articles on significant new research as well as material of a more reflective nature. The Beijing International Review of Education aims to publish articles that are of interest not only to academics and policy makers but also teachers and members of the public. All articles in this journal undergo rigorous peer review.
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As of 2021, Brill Research Perspectives in Religion and Education is no longer published as a journal by Brill, but will continue as a book series.

Religion and education is a dynamic and increasingly important area of work, intersecting the fields of theology and religious studies, and drawing upon the foundation disciplines and methodologies of philosophy, sociology, psychology and history of education. It is particularly focused upon religious education as variously conceived in different domestic, religious, educational, social and national contexts. Brill Research Perspectives in Religion and Education provides researchers with the opportunity to give an account of the most recent scholarship and to define and direct the agenda for future research. Written as single or co-authored monographs with an accompanying bibliography, each specially commissioned issue contains a 50 to 100-page article on a given theme, offering a critical and up-to-date summary of research, commentary and analysis. As ‘religion and education’ grows in importance, this series will contribute to making knowledge accessible and debate internationally informed.

Spirituality, Ethics, and Religion in Counseling
2023 Impact Factor: 0,7
5 Year Impact Factor: 0,8

Counseling and Values is the official journal of the Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling (ASERVIC), formerly the Association for Religious and Values Issues in Counseling (ARVIC), a division of the American Counseling Association.

Counseling and Values promotes theory, research, and practice on the intersection of religion, spirituality, and ethics in the counseling process, with a particular emphasis on the competent and ethical integration of religion and spirituality into counseling. The journal publishes and seeks articles on:
Research and Theory – Quantitative, qualitative, mixed method, and single case design manuscripts that provide empirical data related to ethical, religious, or spiritual issues in counseling.
Issues and Insights – Manuscripts that offer fresh information on philosophical, theoretical, and practical applications of ethical, religious, or spiritual issues in counseling.
Techniques for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Counseling (TSERC) – Manuscripts that focus on practical issues related to (a) the development or adaptation of existing techniques for working with spiritual, ethical, and/or religious values in counseling and/or (b) experience related to the effectiveness of techniques in work with clients and client systems.
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Implementation and replication research is considered as the active use of mathematics education research in practice and as the scientific investigation of questions that relate to implementation and replication initiatives. Implementation and Replication Studies in Mathematics Education is an important channel for academic work related to applying and scaling up the insights of mathematics education research, and a channel for bridging the academic community and the policy-making communities. The journal focuses on implementation and replication research that communicates and investigates initiatives aiming to improve teaching and learning of mathematics by using knowledge from mathematics education research and by re-implementing it in new contexts.

For questions and/or submissions please contact the Editor-in-Chief, Uffe Thomas Jankvist.
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This is a Diamond Open Access journal. Articles are published in Open Access at no cost to the author.

Innovation and Education is a double-anonymously peer-reviewed international journal sponsored by Korea National University of Education. The journal aims to promote high impact research on teaching and learning. It focuses on innovation, complexity and global challenges as the driving force of educational research and practice. Thus, the journal invites papers that address new ways to tackle problems in all aspects of education from theory to practice.

The journal addresses and connects seven main areas of research: advances in theories of education; digital learning and teaching; STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics) and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics education) education; innovation and higher education; innovation and teacher education; innovation and life-long learning; Advances in Teaching Practices.

Advances in Theories of Education: With the advancement of the fourth industrial revolution in particular, the reconceptualization of learning and teaching emerged as a critical topic in all areas of educational research. The aim of this section is to encourage and disseminate new, innovative empirical research on learning and teaching for the betterment of our teachers, students, and ultimately the society. The scope includes, but is not limited to, research on advances in theories of learning and teaching targeting all age levels (investigated via true- or quasi-experimental designs, qualitative data analysis methods, or mixed methods. Empirical studies on learning and teaching analyzed with newer methods such as machine learning techniques are particularly valued.

Digital Education: From computers to tablets and smartphones, most learners have easier, faster, and more affordable access to information, learning resources, experts, peers, and a wider community of educators. This section serves as a platform for research on a variety of issues related to digital technologies for innovative education. The scope of digital technology for learning and teaching includes, e-learning, massive open online course (MOOC), mobile learning, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR) and extended reality (XR), Internet of Things (IoT), and Robots. We encourage papers on research on provocative education, including deeper learning, crossover learning, maker education, future education, and so on for all levels of education.

STEM and STEAM Education: The STEM session aims to foster inter-connected, multi-disciplinary research through contributions that are empirically grounded which blend subject content expertise with educational endeavors. Contributions will be encouraged from scholars and practitioners within and across education and subject content fields (e.g. science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), to promote scholarly exchange and discussion on emerging issues and frontier research in STEM education. The session features original research and reviews in STEM education. Interdisciplinary and innovative research contributions are preferred.

Innovation and Higher Education: The world has advanced considerably and the need for higher education is greater than ever. Traditionally, higher education has focused on character development to prepare individuals for productive contributions to society. Recently there has been a greater focus on career development. This tension has caused researchers in higher education to rethink the role of higher education for the individual as well as for society. Furthermore, ever-increasing inequity in access to higher education calls for research on ways to remediate and/or improve the current states. The Innovation & Higher Education section provides a focus for research on a variety of issues related to the higher education field, which uses qualitative, quantitative, and other advanced research methodologies. Topics considered in this section cover equity issues, globalization, government policies, governance systems, faculty and student issues, curriculum, teaching methods, instructional design, and student management, and so on in both undergraduate and graduate levels. The section encourages scholars to submit research addressing provocative issues for postsecondary education.

Innovation and Teacher Education: In general, the term “innovation” in the field of teacher education mainly refers to new and creative ways to empower teachers. However, in order to create something new, it is pertinent to reflect on our past and recount the steps we have taken during the complex change processes leading up to the present context. It is also necessary to become fully aware of the current situation so that we can appropriately define the areas that can be further developed by means of innovative ideas. As a result of understanding the factors that shape our present context, we can reconstruct, renovate, renew as well as create approaches and methods in teacher education to promote lasting effects and enhance the teachers’ professionalism. This section, The Innovation & Teacher Education serves as a platform for research on issues concerning both pre- and in-service teachers, teaching, and teacher education aiming to enhance theory, research and practice in teacher education via publication of research. We welcome varied approaches to empirical research (both qualitative and quantitative) on issues related to theories and methods aligned to support and sustain innovation in teacher education. We also highly encourage action research studies to help bridge the gap between theory and practice.

Innovation and Lifelong Learning: The civilization achieved by humanity has shown that human beings have learned from anywhere, anytime in the history. The notion of lifelong learning points out that learning is a fundamental and enduring process throughout life. Lifelong learning has emphasized cooperation across different sectors of education such as schools working with community, higher education working with various educational institutions, and organizations working for recognition of prior learning experiences. In this sense, “innovation” meets “lifelong learning” to understand coherence across the whole of the educational system. The section Innovation & Lifelong Learning provides a focus for research on a variety of issues related to innovative practices of the lifelong learning area. Introducing and sharing lifelong learning issues from different countries is encouraged. Topics considered in this section may include, but not limited to, adult learning and development, international lifelong learning, workplace learning, and lifelong learning policy. The section provides international scholars with a way to present and disseminate provocative issues internationally.

Advances in Teaching Practices: In the aspect of the current educational paradigm in which the constructivism of learners is emphasized, the teacher plays the role of a facilitator of learning, not a mere transferer of knowledge. This demands research on diverse ways of facilitating learning in various contexts. This section includes studies about the development of teaching practices, with a focus on innovative ways to engage learners of all types in meaningful learning experiences in diverse educational contexts.
Open Access
A sense of belonging is a fundamental human need. Alarmingly, research tells us that a significant portion of the population feel lonely and like they don’t belong. Loneliness has become an epidemic and people in adolescence and old age groups are at risk. Having a sense of belonging has widespread physiological and psychological benefits, with positive outcomes that transcend the lifespan, and possibly generations. The need to belong is common for all people irrespective of culture, race, ethnicity, geography, or location.

The aim of this journal is to present contemporary research on belonging, human connection and loneliness and draw together transdisciplinary approaches and theoretical orientations to address a burgeoning issue of our time. A secondary aim of the journal is to highlight how detrimental a lack of belonging is for psychological and physical functioning. The Journal of Belonging and Human Connection (JBHC) is a direct response to a critical issue and seeks to provide a platform for which we can begin to address it.

For questions and/or submissions please contact the Editors-in-Chief Kelly-Ann Allen or Christopher Boyle.
The Journal of Digital Islamicate Research (JDIR) is a peer-reviewed journal covering the field of Middle Eastern and Islamicate Digital Humanities (DH). It aspires to adjust the computational, visualization and big data methods for the exploration of contemporary and historical cultures (also known as Cultural Analytics, CA) to the emerging field of Middle Eastern and Islamic Digital Humanities, and apply these methods to it. This would enhance the distant and close readings of massive amounts of cultural data (written material, as well as visuals and audio) in Middle Eastern languages in order to derive culturally-relevant insights from it. The Journal also aims to promote the study of Arabic-language and other Arabic-script DH work (e.g., Persian, Ottoman, Urdu), and non-Muslim DH in Islamicate lands (e.g. the Geniza researchers that are moving into DH), in addition to Islamicate materials that are digital-born or digitally-reformatted. This will bring forth innovative tools and develop new technical research methods for a refreshing analysis of Middle Eastern and Islamic languages, literatures, cultures, and history in a computer-supported way. The Journal is a leading initiative in the Digital Humanities of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies that provides an online platform for the cross fertilization of different academic traditions, fields, and disciplines.

مجلة البحوث الإسلامية الرقمية مجلة محكمة تغطي الإنسانيات الرقمية في مجال الدراسات الشرق أوسطية والإسلامية. وهي تطمح إلى الإفادة من الأدوات الحاسوبية التي تطبق عدة مناهج وتقنيات (منها معالجة اللغة البشرية وتحليل شبكات الاتصال وإعداد التقنيات البصرية واستخراج البيانات) في دراسة المكونات الثقافية بطريقة مفيدة للأبحاث في العلوم الإنسانية ولاستكشاف الثقافات المعاصرة والقديمة (وهو المبحث الأكاديمي الموسوم بالتحليل الثقافي). وهذا من شأنه أن يعمق القراءات الآلية والبشرية لكميات هائلة من المنتجات الثقافية (المواد المكتوبة والمرئية والصوتية) باللغات الشرق أوسطية لاستخلاص رؤى ثقافيّة أصيلة وجديدة من خلالها. وتهدف المجلة كذلك إلى تعزيز دراسة اللغة العربية وغيرها من المنتجات الثقافية المكتوبة بالحروف العربية (كالفارسية والتركية العثمانية والأردية)، والمنتجات المتعلقة بغير المسلمين في الأراضي الإسلامية (هذا يشمل على سبيل المثال الدراسات البحثية حول وثائق الجينيزا التي تتحول إلى الإنسانيات الرقمية)، بالإضافة إلى المواد الإسلامية التي ولدت رقميًا أو أعيد تنسيقها رقميًا. وبذلك تسهم المجلة في تقديم أدوات مبتكرة وتطوير طرق بحث تقنية جديدة تساعد في تقديم تحليلات رصينة للغات الشرق الأوسطية والإسلامية والآداب والثقافات والتاريخ بطريقة مدعومة حاسوبيا. وبذا تمثل المجلة مبادرة رائدة في الإنسانيات الرقمية في مجال الدراسات الشرق أوسطية والإسلامية، إلى جانب طرح منصة عبر الإنترنت لإحداث تلاقح وتمازج ما بين الحقول البحثية والمجالات الأكاديمية المختلفة. تُعنى المجلة بنشر مقالاتٍ باللُّغة العربية أو باللُّغة الإنجليزية.
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Individuals are eligible for free access to the Journal of Science of Learning and Innovations until 31 December 2025, using access token JSLI4U. Click here for more information.

Educational authorities worldwide face formidable challenges in preparing the young generation in the age of escalating technology development, intense economic competitions, and uncertain world events. The policy makers in different countries engage with sweeping educational reforms to revitalize their respective education systems and focus on research and student learning. Many attempt to conduct translational and applied research in education, but solutions to multifaceted educational issues are elusive due to the continuously changing and developing environment. To succeed, there is a greater need to document forward-thinking and state-of-the-art research practices. This journal provides a venue for interdisciplinary researchers to share their leading-edge investigations and promising discoveries.

The scope of this journal is deliberately broad both in coverage and methodological aspects. The journal will explore contemporary educational research approaches and understand the science of learning from interdisciplinary perspectives. The articles will cover theoretical issues and research and development aspects to advance knowledge about how students learn. The topics are drawn from cognitive, neuroscience, educational psychology, anthropology, computer and information science, media, and cultural studies and explore pedagogical, technological, sociological, and psychological aspects of human learning.
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Individuals are eligible for free access to Research in Integrated STEM Education until 31 December 2024, using access token STEM4U. Click here for more information.


What does an integrated STEM education curriculum look like in implementation, assessment, and evaluation? The Research in Integrated STEM Education Editors believe that this anchoring idea can contribute to education and research innovations as policy makers and educationist rethink and invent new approaches in education and research to address the broader goal of 21st century education.

The true spirit of STEM education is reflected in the editorial board’s purposeful intent to be inclusive and authentic. This journal aims to offer a professional platform for sharing policy-based, research-based, and practitioner-based insights drawn from the work of diverse STEM stakeholders from pre K-16 levels worldwide so as to concretise ideas about STEM integration and catalyse new ways of conceptualising and enacting STEM integrations.

This journal emphasizes the integration of STEM and aims to preserve the original intent of STEM education by underscoring the integration of at least two (if not all) of the STEM disciplines. Therefore, manuscripts must address STEM as an integration of two of more disciplines with education. The integration of the four STEM disciplines can take various forms and format such as multi-, inter- or trans-disciplinary integration. These can be differentiated in terms of the degree of integration that preserves the unique identity of each discipline (i.e., multi-disciplinary) or merged flexibly to solve a problem using STEM knowledge without clear distinction on which STEM disciplines are being engaged (i.e., trans-disciplinary). The topic of the manuscript must be related to STEM education. Manuscripts that discuss STEM content without discussion on the applications and implications to STEM policy, teaching, learning, or assessment will not be accepted.

For questions and/or submissions please contact the Editors-in-Chief Tang Wee Teo and Merrilyn Goos.
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