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The 2024 Brill Online Journal Collection International Law & Human Rights gives access to the online content available back to the year 2000 of Brill´s 2024 International Law & Human Rights journal program.

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  • In 2024 Brill offers the following Journal Collections:

    • Brill Journal Collection (offers access to Brill’s complete 2024 journal program)
    • Brill Humanities & Social Sciences Journal Collection
    • Brill International Law & Human Rights Journal Collection
    • Brill Biology Journal Collection
    • Brill Asian Studies Journal Collection
    • Brill Languages, Linguistics and Literature Journal Collection
    • Brill Middle East & Islamic Studies Journal Collection
    • Brill Philosophy Studies Journal Collection
    • Brill Religious Studies Journal Collection
Editors-in-Chief: and
The African Journal of Legal Studies (AJLS) is a peer-reviewed and interdisciplinary academic journal focusing on human rights and rule of law issues in Africa as analyzed by lawyers, economists, political scientists and others drawn from throughout the continent and the world. The journal, which was established by the Africa Law Institute and is now co-published in collaboration with Brill | Nijhoff, aims to serve as the leading forum for the thoughtful and scholarly engagement of a broad range of complex issues at the intersection of law, public policy and social change in Africa.

AJLS places emphasis on presenting a diversity of perspectives on fundamental, long-term, systemic problems of human rights and governance, as well as emerging issues, and possible solutions to them. Towards this end, AJLS encourages critical reflections that are based on empirical observations and experience as well as theoretical and multi-disciplinary approaches.

It is hoped that articles appearing in the journal will influence public policy in Africa by providing original, useful and timely critiques of legislation, judicial decisions, law reform and other domestic and foreign policy measures that impact on the daily lives of ordinary Africans. In addition to articles, the journal welcomes reports on recent human rights and governance-related conferences, workshops and seminars as well as books for review and lists of recent publications.
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Founded in 1993, the African Yearbook, now also published online is published under the auspices of the African Foundation for International Law. It is the only scholarly publication devoted exclusively to the study, development, dissemination and wider appreciation of international law in Africa as a whole.

Through the scholarly analysis of international legal issues of particular relevance to the African continent, it also contributes to the acceptance of, and respect for the rule of law in intra-African relations, and for the principles of international law in general. Its uniqueness however goes beyond this, for through its special themes and general articles, it has succeeded over the years to serve as an intellectual forum where the development of international law is viewed as being integral to Africa’s own development.

Through the study and analysis of emerging legal issues of particular relevance to Africa, such as the creation of viable continental institutions capable of promoting unity and security for the peoples of the continent, the effective protection of human rights, the need for accountability for mass killings and massive violations of the rule of law, the promotion of a rule-based democratic culture, the role of African countries in a globalizing world economy and in international trade relations, the Yearbook strives to be responsive to the intellectual needs of African countries in the area of international law, and to the continuing struggle for creating an environment conducive to the rule of law throughout the continent.

The Yearbook also provides ready access to the basic documents of African international organizations by regularly publishing the resolutions and decisions of regional and sub-regional organizations as well as the conventions, protocols and declarations adopted by pan-african agencies.

The Yearbook is also available in print. To learn more about the print version, please click here.
The Arab Yearbook of Public & Private International Law is dedicated to exploring questions of public international law and private international law throughout the Arab World. The Yearbook has a broad intellectual agenda. It publishes high-quality scholarship submitted by authors both from the Arab region and across the world. The Yearbook publishes articles on any questions that relate to general public international law and its sub-fields, such as the law governing the use of force, international humanitarian law, human rights law, international economic law, the law of the sea, environmental law, and the law and practice of international organizations. The Yearbook also welcomes submissions on any topic of private international law, conflicts of laws, investor-state arbitration, and commercial arbitration. The Yearbook publishes scholarship that applies various jurisprudential and methodological perspectives. In addition to doctrinal scholarship, the Yearbook publishes research that explores legal questions from economic, critical, historical, feminist, and sociological perspectives, or that uses a diverse range of methodologies, such as empirical research and inter-disciplinary approaches that explore intersections between law & political science, law & international relations, and law & religion. The Yearbook publishes primary materials on international law in the Arab World. It provides a forum to preserve a permanent record of official positions of Arab governments, Arab inter-governmental and sub-regional organizations, international organizations active in the Arab region, in addition to materials, reports, and documents prepared by civil society and non-governmental organizations on questions of international law. In addition, the Yearbook publishes judicial materials that relate to international law in the region, including judgments of international courts and quasi-judicial bodies, such as human rights monitoring bodies, decisions of arbitral tribunals, including from investor-state and commercial arbitration panels, and judgments of national courts.
The Asia-Pacific Journal of Ocean Law and Policy explores ocean law and policy issues in the most economically dynamic region in the world: the Asia-Pacific. These ocean spaces are crucial to international trade and are becoming increasingly important in terms of marine resources and services. Hotly contested, the region is subject to enhanced threats such as pollution, conflicting activities, over-exploitation and environmental degradation. Escalating ocean governance challenges coupled with mounting tensions in the region have made studies focusing on this area an especially pertinent topic for scholarly research and consideration in securing and maintaining peace in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.
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The Austrian Review of International and European Law Online is an annual publication that provides a scholarly forum for the discussion of issues of international and European law, with emphasis on topics of special interest for Austria. Each volume contains longer analytical articles that cover theoretical as well as practical questions in all areas of international and European law, and a section dealing with current developments and emerging tendencies in the field.

Occasionally, the Review also features a documentary part that makes accessible to the interested reader selected materials not or not easily available elsewhere. An important integral element of the Review is its comprehensive digest of Austrian practice in international law, encompassing judicial decisions, executive as well as parliamentary documents relating to international law. The concluding section of the Review contains longer book reviews, shorter book notes and a selective bibliography on international investment law prepared by the library of the Peace Palace in The Hague.

The Review is also available in print.
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The Baltic Yearbook of International Law joined the family of legal publications in 2001. It is an annual publication containing contributions on topical issues in international law and related fields that are relevant to Baltic affairs and beyond. Each Yearbook focuses on a theme with particular importance to the development of international law. The Yearbook serves as an important source of information not available elsewhere on the practices of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in international law.
Despite a clear Baltic ownership, the Yearbook aims at contributing to the development of thought, standard-setting and relevant practices throughout the world. The topical coverage has included the questions surrounding the claims of the Baltic States to their State continuity in international law; related issues of State responsibility; various challenges in international human rights law with focus on bioethics and human rights; and the enlargement of the European Union.

The Yearbook is also available in print.
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An International Journal
As of 2021, Brill Open Law is no longer published by Brill. Brill Open Law (BOL) is a principal outlet for scholarly articles in international law studies. BOL is a peer-reviewed full open access journal and provides a unique platform for academic debates and critical analysis. The journal offers a meeting space for scholars across international law, including: human rights and humanitarian law, private international law and public international law.

This is a fully Open Access journal, which means that all articles are freely available online, ensuring maximum, worldwide dissemination of content, in exchange for an Article Publication Charge (APC). For more information, see Brill Open.
Open Access