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Series Editor:
The series publish a select corpus of Mahāyāna Buddhist scriptures (sūtra), the Mahāratnakūṭa collection of 49 sūtras. These materials exist in their original versions in Tibetan, Chinese, and sometimes Sanskrit. The series will consist of English translations of the scriptures we study, accompanied by editions of the primary language source(s), and studies. While random scriptures have been translated into English and published, both as books and online, there does not yet exist any venue for accessible yet reliable editions and annotated translations of these fundamental documents of the Asian Buddhist tradition.
The target audience will not be limited to scholars of Asian Studies or Religious Studies, but will extend to Western Buddhists as well. Volumes in the series will consist of editions in the original language(s), facing English translations, with such annotation as would make them understandable to an educated audience. Each volume will also contain an introduction, situating the work in its historical and contemporary context.
Islamic Sources/Maṣādir Islāmiyya (ISMI) is a double-blind peer-reviewed book series publishing text editions of primary sources of the Arab-Islamic heritage, covering all periods and regions of the Islamic world. The series is open to works on theology, philosophy, law, history, religious sciences, natural sciences, and literature, reflecting the broad contributions of Islamic civilization to various fields of knowledge. Authors are encouraged to submit editions of previously unpublished manuscripts, or new critical editions, annotations, and commentaries that provide significant new scholarly insights. All works will be preceded by a solid scholarly introduction in Arabic, English, French, German or Spanish.

مصادر إسلامية سلسلة كتب تخضع لمراجعة مزدوجة تعنى بنشر تحقيقات نصوص التراث العربي والإسلامي مع تغطية واسعة تشمل جميع العصور وجهات العالم الإسلامي. تنفتح السلسلة على الأعمال في شتى المجالات من عقيدة وفلسفة وفقه وتاريخ وعلوم طبيعية أو دينية ودراسات أدبية وغيرها مما يعكس إسهام الحضارة الإسلامية الواسع في شتى حقول المعرفة. يشجع المؤلفون على اقتراح تحقيق نصوص لم يسبق تحقيقها أو تحقيق فريد أو تعليق أو شرح أو غير ذلك مما يوفر رؤى جديدة. على أن تقدم كل الكتب بمقدمة تفصيلية بالعربية أو الإنجليزية أو الفرنسية أو الألمانيا أو الإسبانية.
ومن خلال تقديم مصادر غير معروفة أو كانت تُعبر مفقودة لمدة طويلة سيتم تعزيز فهم أفضل للمجال. وهذا سيُظهر للباحثين جملة من تداخلات جديدة، ليس من حيث التناص والترابط بين المؤلفين فحسب بل أيضًا بين المجالات المختلفة التي يمكن أن نصنفها كتخصصات منفصلة من منظور معاصر.
Winner of the 2021 Sheikh Hamad Award for Translation and International Understanding (category: translation from Arabic into English)

This is an unabridged, annotated, translation of the great Damascene savant and saint Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya’s (d. 751/1350) Madārij al-Sālikīn. Conceived as a critical commentary on an earlier Sufi classic by the great Hanbalite scholar Abū Ismāʿīl of Herat, Madārij aims to rejuvenate Sufism’s Qurʾanic foundations. The original work was a key text for the Sufi initiates, composed in terse, rhyming prose as a master’s instruction to the aspiring seeker on the path to God, in a journey of a hundred stations whose ultimate purpose was to be lost to one’s self (fanāʾ) and subsist (baqāʾ) in God. The translator, Ovamir (ʿUwaymir) Anjum, provides an extensive introduction and annotation to this English-Arabic face-to-face presentation of this masterpiece of Islamic psychology.
Editor / Translator:
Nahj al-Balāghah, the celebrated compendium of orations, letters, and sayings of ʿAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib (d. 40/661) compiled by al-Sharīf al-Raḍī (d. 406/1015), is a masterpiece of Arabic literature and Islamic wisdom studied and memorized avidly and continually for over a thousand years. Showcasing ʿAlī’s life and travails in his own words, it also transcribes his profound reflections on piety and virtue, and on just and compassionate governance. Tahera Qutbuddin’s meticulously researched critical edition based on the earliest 5th/11th-century manuscripts, with a lucid, annotated facing-page translation, brings to the modern reader the power and beauty of this influential text, and confirms the aptness of Raḍī’s title, “The Way of Eloquence.”
كتاب الأنوار القدسية في بيان آداب العبودية هو نسخة من النص العربي للمتصوف المصري عبد الوهاب الشعراني الذي يعود إلى القرن السادس عشر. يعتبر النص من نواحٍ عديدة مقدمة للعديد من الموضوعات المركزية لآراء الشعراني ومدرسته الصوفية الكبيرة، حول موضوعات مثل النظرية الشرعية، والعلاقة بين الشرع والتصوف، وعلاقة المريد بالشيخ، وأخلاق كل منهما، وما إلى ذلك. فهو يوضح لنا تطور أفكار الشعراني في وقت مبكر نسبيًا، قبل أن يتم التوسع فيها في أعمال لاحقة.
اكتشف المحرر مخطوطة جديدة توفر قراءة أكثر صحة للنص، وتحل عددًا من المشاكل في النسخ المنشورة سابقًا، وباستخدام هذه المخطوطة كنص أساسي، بالإضافة إلى النسخ الأخرى الموجودة، أعاد المحرر تحرير هذا العمل بهدف توفير نسخة متفوقة وصحيحة من الكتاب للمرة الأولى.

Al-Anwār al-Qudsiyya fī Bayān Ādāb al-ʿUbūdiyya is an edition of the Arabic text of an early work of the sixteenth century Egyptian Sufi ʿAbd al-Wahhāb al-Shaʿrānī (d. 973 H/1565 CE). The text can be considered as an introduction to many of the central themes of his large corpus on subjects like legal theory, the relationship between law and Sufism, the master-shaykh relationship, and ethics. It shows us the development of al-Shaʿrānī's ideas in his early careeer, before building on them in later works.
The editor has discovered another manuscript that provides a more correct reading of the text, resolving a number of problems in the previously published versions. Using this new manuscript as the base text along with other existing witnesses, this critical edition provides the first comprehensive and complete version of this important text.
[Exegesis of Sūrat al-Fatḥ by the scholar Muḥammad Abū al-Surūr al-Bakrī al-Ṣiddīqī (d. 1007H/1598 CE)]
هذا الكتاب عبارة عن تحقيق علمي لـ«تفسير سورة الفتح» للمفسّر محمّد أبي السرور البكريّ الصدّيقيّ، العلّامة الصوفيّ المصريّ البارز في القرن السادس عشر للميلاد. يشمل هذا الكتاب أيضًا السيرة الذاتيّة للمفسّر وأسرته، آل البكريّ الصدّيقيّ. يعتمد هذا الكتاب على مخطوطةٍ تُوجد النُّسخة الأَصليّة لها في المكتبة السُّلَيْمانيّة في إسطنبول. يمثّل هذا التفسير مدرسةً في الفكر الإسلاميّ لم يُكتَب عنها كثيرًا والتي اهتمّ بها في ذلك العصر العُلماء بتأييد سلاطين الخلافة العثمانيّة. يقدّم الكتاب النصّ العربيّ الأصليّ للمخطوطة مع تحقيق وتعليق، إضافةً إلى ملخّص باللغة الإنجليزيّة.

This is a scholarly edition of Muḥammad Abū al-Surūr al-Bakrī al-Ṣiddīqī’s Exegesis of Sūrat al-Fatḥ. Al-Ṣiddīqī was a prominent Sufi scholar in Ottoman Egypt in the 16th century. The edition includes a biography and family history of its author. The book is based on a unique manuscript found in the Süleymaniye Library in Istanbul and represents a lesser-explored philosophical school of thought within Islam, which enjoyed the patronage and endorsement of the Ottoman caliphate of the time. It presents the original Arabic text and a commentary in Arabic, as well as an English introduction.
At the center of this book stands a text-critical edition of three chapters of the Gāthās, exemplifying the editorial methodology developed by the “Multimedia Yasna” (MUYA) project and its application to the Old Avestan parts of the Yasna liturgy.
Proceeding from this edition, the book explores aspects of the transmission and ritual embedding of the text, and of its late antique exegetical reception in the Middle Persian (Pahlavi) tradition. Drawing also on a contemporary performance of the Yasna that was filmed by MUYA in Mumbai in 2017, the book aims to convey a sense of the Avestan language in its role as a central element of continuity around which the Zoroastrian tradition has evolved from its prehistoric roots up to the modern era.
The Fatimid Egyptian Convert Who Shaped Christian Views of Islam
Būluṣ ibn Rajāʾ (ca. 955–ca. 1020) was a celebrated writer of Coptic Christianity from Fatimid Egypt. Born to an influential Muslim family in Cairo, Ibn Rajāʾ later converted to Christianity and composed The Truthful Exposer (Kitāb al-Wāḍiḥ bi-l-Ḥaqq) outlining his skepticism regarding Islam. His ideas circulated across the Middle East and the Mediterranean in the medieval period, shaping the Christian understanding of the Qurʾan’s origins, Muḥammad’s life, the practice of Islamic law, and Muslim political history. This book includes a study of Ibn Rajāʾ’s life, along with an Arabic edition and English translation of The Truthful Exposer.
Mit einer kritischen Edition des Kitāb al-Kifāya fī l-hidāya fī uṣūl ad-dīn des Aḥmad b. Maḥmūd b. Abī Bakr Nūr ad-Dīn aṣ-Ṣābūnī al-Ḥanafī al-Buḫārī (gest. 580/1184)
Nūr al-Dīn al-Ṣābūnī was a prominent jurist and theologian in Samarqand in the late 6th/12th century. His theological works are in the tradition of the Ḥanafite-Māturīdite current of Sunni kalām. In addition, al-Ṣābūnī’s argumentation reflects the increasing engagement of Māturīdite mutakallimūn with their wide intellectual-historical environment. His discussions with the famous scholar Faḫr al-Dīn al-Rāzī are attested.
In the present volume, Angelika Brodersen uses a text-critical edition of al-Ṣābūnī’s comprehensive theological work, the Kitāb al-Kifāya fī l-hidāya fī uṣūl al-dīn, to analyze, based on selected thematic examples, how both elements of Māturīdite theological tradition and transformation processes occur in al-Ṣābūnī’s work, which contributed to the consolidation of the Māturīdiyya as a Sunni school of thought.

Nūr ad-Dīn aṣ-Ṣābūnī war ein prominenter Jurist und Theologe im Samarkand des ausgehenden 6./12. Jahrhunderts. Seine theologischen Werke stehen einerseits in der Tradition der ḥanafitisch-māturīditischen Strömung des sunnitischen kalāms. Auf der anderen Seite spiegelt aṣ-Ṣābūnīs Argumentation die zunehmende Auseinandersetzung der māturīditischen mutakallimūn mit ihrem allgemeinen geistesgeschichtlichen Umfeld wider. Bezeugt sind seine Diskussionen mit dem berühmten Gelehrten Faḫr ad-Dīn ar-Rāzī.
Im vorliegenden Band untersucht Angelika Brodersen auf der Grundlage einer textkritischen Edition von aṣ-Ṣābūnīs theologischem Hauptwerk, dem Kitāb al-Kifāya fī l-hidāya fī uṣūl ad-dīn, anhand ausgewählter Themenbeispiele, wie sich im Werk aṣ-Ṣābūnīs sowohl Elemente māturīditischer theologischer Tradition als auch Transformationsprozesse verfolgen lassen, die zur Konsolidierung der Māturīdiyya als sunnitische Schulrichtung beigetragen haben.
Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Hunt. 268
Translating the Hebrew Bible in Medieval Iberia provides the princeps diplomatic edition and a comprehensive study of Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Hunt. 268. The manuscript, produced in the Iberian Peninsula in the late thirteenth century, features a biblical glossary-commentary in Hebrew that includes 2,018 glosses in the vernacular and 156 in Arabic, and to date is the only manuscript of these characteristics known to have been produced in this region.

Esperanza Alfonso has edited the text and presents here a study of it, examining its pedagogical function, its sources, its exegetical content, and its extraordinary value for the study of biblical translation in the Iberian Peninsula and in the Sephardic Diaspora. Javier del Barco provides a detailed linguistic study and a glossary of the corpus of vernacular glosses.

For a version with a list of corrections and additions, see