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Georgian Astrological Texts of the 17th, 18th and 19th Centuries
In Christ Came Forth From India, Timothy Paul Grove offers a survey and contextualiztion of early modern Georgian writings on astrology, astronomy, and cosmology.
These texts include the widely distributed translations of the Almanacco Perpetuo of Ottavio Beltrano (1653), a text brought to the Caucasus by Roman Catholic missionaries, several texts attributed to King Vakht’ang VI of Kartli (1675–1737), and two 19th century manuscripts which incorporate much older material. The numerous Georgian texts are described and examined in terms of their chronology and interrelated content, their literary relationship to texts from outside the Caucasus, and their context within the astrological literature of Europe, the Near East, and the Far East.
Volume Editor:
Die Pariser Vorlesungen über die slavische Literatur, die Adam Mickiewicz in französischer Sprache von 1840-1844 abhielt, waren ein kulturelles und politisches Ereignis dieser Zeit. Sie gelten heute als die erste Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte der Slaven. Die diachrone Darstellung erstreckt sich von den (mythischen) Anfängen der schriftlichen Überlieferung, dem Mittelalter, der Renaissance und der Aufklärung bis zur Romantik. Mickiewicz analysiert Autoren der jeweiligen Epoche, indem er die poetischen und ideengeschichtlichen Qualitäten ihrer Werke herausarbeitet, sie in relevante literarische und historische Kontexte einbettet und mit der westeuropäischen Tradition verbindet. In methodischer Hinsicht ist die Darstellung komparatistisch ausgerichtet und durch Mehrstimmigkeit geprägt. In den Diskurs über die slavische Literatur fließen Stimmen aus Geschichte, Philosophie, Religion und Politik ein, die ein spannendes Lektüreerlebnis versprechen. Das Werk wird in einer dreibändigen, ausführlich kommentierten Ausgabe vorgelegt.
Editor / Translator:
Volume Editor:
Adam Mickiewicz (1798 – 1855) was the greatest Polish Romantic poet, and one of the great intellectual and literary figures of the first half of the 19th century in Europe. Through his verses, as well as his efforts as a scholar, lecturer, political activist and literary celebrity, he sought to bridge the gap between the Slavic nations and the culture of Western Europe. This selection of 27 poems focuses on the poems within Mickiewicz’s oeuvre which might be described as metaphysical. These original, ingenious verses explore an astonishing range of religious, mystical, philosophical, and existential themes, inviting the reader to include Mickiewicz among the most eminent figures of early European Romanticism, including Coleridge, Wordsworth and Novalis, as well the American transcendentalists. Mickiewicz’s poetry and thought are the creation of a restlessly inventive mind: his vision was unorthodox, unpredictable and ever-developing. The book presents a bilingual edition (Polish-English) with a scholarly introduction and commentary, presenting Mickiewicz as a writer in the context of his times. The co-editors of the volume are Jerzy Fiećko, one of the eminent experts in the field of Mickiewicz studies, and Mateusz Stróżyński, an internationally recognized scholar of the Platonic tradition and Western mysticism.