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Volume Editors: and
Comment une femme pouvait-elle s’affirmer et faire carrière dans le monde du spectacle entre 1650 et 1914 ? Dans une perspective interdisciplinaire, les quinze études réunies dans ce volume apportent des éléments de réponse à travers l’analyse de parcours d’autrices, de compositrices et de performeuses aux profils très variés, actives dans les domaines du théâtre, de la danse et de l’opéra. Ces études proposent une meilleure compréhension et contextualisation des obstacles et préjugés auxquels ces artistes ont dû faire face dans un milieu socio-professionnel majoritairement masculin, ainsi qu’une interprétation analytique des stratégies artistiques et discursives mises en place pour les surmonter. Il en ressort une approche renouvelée et une meilleure connaissance de notre matrimoine culturel.

Volume Editor:
Ce volume interroge les conditions de l’interprétation des textes littéraires, à la lumière des propositions de Stanley Fish sur L’autorité des communautés interprétatives (1980): leurs présupposés, leurs compétences et croyances, conditionnent l’activité herméneutique, interrogée ici par des spécialistes de littérature française, espagnole ou comparée. Réfléchir au fonctionnement concret de telles communautés – création, renouvellement, adhésion, dissidence, relation concurrentielle entre communautés, volonté d’imposer une interprétation… –, amène à envisager des implications en termes de libre arbitre et d’individualité essentielles pour nos disciplines, et à repenser les relations entre texte, auteur et lecteurs, parfois en opposant des objections nouvelles aux postulats de Fish, parfois en proposant des alternatives.
Experimental translation has been surging in popularity recently—with avant-garde translation at the combative forefront. But how to do it? How to read it?
Translator, Touretter plays on the Italian dictum traduttore, traditore—“translator, traitor”—to mobilize the affective intensity of Tourettic tics as a practical guide to making and reading avant-garde translations. It smashes the theoretical literature on the sublime from Longinus to Kant into Motherless Brooklyn, both the 1999 novel by Jonathan Lethem and its 2019 screen adaptation by Edward Norton, in order to generate out of their collision a series of models—visual, aural/oral, and kinesthetic—for avant-garde literary translation.
Exploring the metamorphoses of the body in the eighteenth-century Robinsonade as a crucial aspect of the genre’s ideologies, Castaway Bodies offers focused readings of intriguing, yet often forgotten, novels: Peter Longueville’s The English Hermit (1727), Robert Paltock’s Peter Wilkins (1751) and The Female American (1767) by an anonymous author. The book shows that by rewriting the myths of the New Adam, the Androgyne and the Amazon, respectively, these novels went beyond, though not completely counter to, the politics of conquest and mastery that are typically associated with the Robinsonade. It argues that even if these narratives could still be read as colonial fantasies, they opened a space for more consistent rejections of the imperial agenda in contemporary castaway fiction.
Latin love elegy’s flourishing concurrent with Rome’s transition from Republic to Principate has remained an issue central to scholarship on the genre since the turn of the last millennium. This book addresses the Greco-Roman literary inheritance and Augustan socio-political context that paved the way for that flourishing, while examining the genre’s key elements and characters as illustrated in the poetry of Propertius, Tibullus, Ovid, and Sulpicia. Special attention is paid to the gendered dynamics that govern the relationship between “poet-lover” (amator) and beloved and to the role of the poet as artist and creator of a “written girl” (scripta puella).
Deconstruction, Pacifism, and Displacement
Ontologies of Violence provides a new paradigm for understanding the concept of violence through comparative interpretations of French philosopher Jacques Derrida, philosophical theologians in the Mennonite pacifist tradition, and Grace M. Jantzen’s feminist philosophy of religion. By drawing out and challenging the remarkably similar priorities shared by its three sources, and by challenging the assumption that differences necessarily lead to displacement, Ontologies of Violence provides a critical theory of violence by treating it as a diagnostic concept that implies the violation of value-laden boundaries.