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The proposed book series will publish cutting-edge research on the Anthropocene with a dual focus on both Africa and Asia, as well as the complex relations connecting these two continents, and the oceans between them. It will showcase fresh and original studies of the Anthropocene – theories, methods and practices – across the environmental humanities and social sciences. This will include anthropology, art, cinema and theater, comparative literature, cultural studies, ecology, geology, history, law, linguistics, media studies, political science, religion and sociology under the broad heading of ‘environmental humanities’. Possible topics include, but are not limited to, the Chinese Belt and Road initiative, bio-politics, climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic, ecofeminism, eco-criticism, ecological problems and policies, energy issues, environmental transformation, oceanic and maritime studies, anthro-zoology and multi-species entanglements, neo-colonialism and post-coloniality, development issues and ‘wicked problems’ in and from the Global South. This English-language book series is directed at scholars, graduate and undergraduate students of Anthropocene studies related to Africa and Asia.

Authors are cordially invited to submit proposals to the publisher at BRILL, Stephanie Carta and Masja Horn.

Please see our Guidelines for a Book Proposal. All submissions are subject to a double-anonymous peer review process prior to publication.
Historische und globale Perspektiven
Volume Editors: and
Asien als Kriegsschauplatz ist in der deutschsprachigen Geschichtswissenschaft bislang nur am Rande behandelt worden. Um das Forschungsfeld auch bei uns zu etablieren, eröffnet dieser Band historische und globale Perspektiven auf den Kriegsschauplatz Asien. Im historischen Längsschnitt durch alle Epochen werden militärische Konflikte in Asien thematisiert und liefern Impulse für die globale Forschung zur Kulturgeschichte der Gewalt. Die facettenreichen Beiträge beinhalten verschiedene militärgeschichtliche Themenkomplexe im geografischen und historischen Längsschnitt und reichen dabei von der Vormoderne über das Zeitalter der Kolonialkriege, den Russisch-Japanischen Krieg (1904/05) und die beiden Weltkriege bis an das Ende der in Asien geführten „heißen Kriege“ des Kalten Krieges.
The Circulation of Information in the Spanish Monarchy during the Bourbon Reforms
How was the postal reform project in the Bourbon Monarchy conceived and implemented? Caribbean Letters delves into the intricate role of communication within the Spanish Monarchy during the Bourbon Reforms. You’ll discover how the 18th-century Spanish postal system navigated through power struggles and limitations, especially in Cartagena de Indias—a crucial hub where local and global interests converged. This book addresses key research questions on the impact of postal reforms on imperial governance and information circulation. With engaging anecdotes and rare historical data, Caribbean Letters provides a compelling narrative that reveals the complex and dynamic reality of postal communication in the Spanish Empire. Perfect for historians and enthusiasts of colonial studies.
What lies behind an island? Is an island just a piece of land surrounded by water? Or is it from a cultural, symbolic, and even geographical perspective much more than that? Considering the symbolic nature of islands as a longue durée and through the analysis of maps, texts, and historical accounts, this book explores how the depiction of insularity encodes specific meanings and analytical levels which shed light on medieval and modern worldviews.
Turkestan und die Politik der Großmächte 1919–1933
Im Zuge des „Great Game“, das in Russland „Turnier der Schatten“ genannt wurde, konkurrierten Briten und Russen im 19. Jahrhundert um Einfluss in Zentralasien. Mit dem Erstarken deutscher Bemühungen in der Region rückten London und St. Petersburg jedoch zusammen. Nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg und dem Dritten Britisch-Afghanischen Krieg von 1919 standen sich Sowjets und Briten in Zentralasien wieder feindlich gegenüber. Fortan konkurrierten Berlin, London und Moskau um Einfluss in der Region. David X. Noack analysiert die gegenseitige Wahrnehmung der Briten, der Deutschen und der Sowjets in diesem Konflikt, der bis 1933 andauerte. Fehldeutungen und Missverständnisse aufgrund von imperialer Paranoia, Invasionsängsten und fehlendes Verständnis für die Besonderheiten der Region kennzeichneten das Handeln aller Beteiligten. Das Agieren der drei Mächte hat die Region dennoch nachhaltig geprägt, so dass die Auswirkungen noch heute zu spüren sind.
Between Disruption and Encounter
Global Catholicism: Between Disruption and Encounter opens the Studies in Global Catholicism series with an examination of a worldwide religious institution that up to now has been more globally extensive than truly globalized. It explores the world historical and theological meaning of de-Europeanization with church data by world region. Readers get an in-depth look at the institutional and theological capacity and limits of the cosmopolitan reality of today’s Catholic Church. Its integrated perspective, grounded in cultural and political history together with an ecclesiology of post-Vatican II Catholicism, offers a new way to approach today’s emerging post-colonial, inter-cultural Global Catholicism as centuries-old trajectories are disrupted and pressing new realities demand original responses.