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Research in the social, cultural and intellectual history of religious groups has flourished unexpectedly in the course of the last years. Moreover, this research has shifted from theological and confessionally bound institutions to secular mainstream historiography. An effect of this shift was the recognition of methodological challenges for historians without a theological background when they want to present religious phenomena in all their complexity. Early Modern Catholicism emerged as a popular research field for younger historians. But consciousness is growing that modern Catholicism between the French Revolution and the mid-twentieth century was of a similar complexity and plurality which are not adequately reflected in persisting master narratives. In short, modern Catholicism is being newly discovered. The peer-reviewed book series „Modern Catholicisms“ has been created as a place where such innovative perspectives on the plurality of Catholicism as a global phenomenon can be published. The editors welcome outstanding monographs and excellent edited volumes dedicated to the scholarly study of all aspects of Catholicism between c. 1750 and 1950. Publications may be in English or in German.
Deutsche Familien und ihre Umgebung in der Wiederaufbauphase 1686–1736
Series:  FOKUS, Volume: 19
Mit der osmanischen Besetzung 1541 nahm die Geschichte der ungarischen Hauptstadt und königlichen Residenz Buda (Ofen) ein tragisches Ende. Die Rückeroberung war von den Habsburgern seit langem geplant, doch erst 1686 konnten die christlichen Heere die Stadt befreien. Gleich danach wanderten Menschen in die Stadt ein. Als Folge der Ansiedlung von katholischen Deutschen konzentrierte sich die politische Macht hauptsächlich in den Händen der deutschen Bewohner, doch die Stadt wurde dennoch als ein multiethnischer und multireligiöser Ort wiedergeboren. Dieses Buch ist kein stadtgeschichtliches Werk im klassischen Sinne, denn Eleonóra Géra nähert sich der Epoche nicht aus der Perspektive der öffentlichen Verwaltung, sondern stellt aus einer mikrohistorischen Perspektive ihre Kulturgeschichte vor.
Church and Italian Catholics on the issue of religious freedom, 1922–1955
In Italy, anti-Protestantism became a relevant motif of reactionary polemics during the Risorgimento and the post-unification period in the 19th century. Attenuated around 1900, the anti-Protestant offensive resumed after the First World War. Between the early 1920s and the mid-1950s, the hostility of the Catholic Church towards the Protestant presence and mission in Italy became a significant social and political phenomenon. It succeeded in influencing the attitude of the Italian state and the legislation on religious freedom itself. Reconstructing Catholic anti-Protestantism, Paolo Zanini shows that the attitude towards Protestant denominations was one of the features of continuity between Fascism and the first decade of the post-war Republic.