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Der zweite Band der Edition der Schriften von Susan Taubes umfasst ihre 1956 abgeschlossene, bisher unveröffentlichte Dissertation Der abwesende Gott. Eine Studie über Simone Weil sowie ihre Aufsätze und Rezensionen, die zwischen 1951 und 1959 in renommierten Zeitschriften wie The Journal of Religion oder The Review of Metaphysics erschienen sind.
Ausgehend von den Grundlinien der Moderne untersucht Susan Taubes in ihren philosophischen Schriften Gnosis und Tragödie als kulturgeschichtliche Konstellationen und spürt verschwiegene Verbindungen zwischen jüdischer Erfahrung und deutscher Philosophie auf. Sie entwirft eine Theorie der Tragödie (Das Wesen der Tragödie, 1953), erschließt Die gnostischen Grundlagen von Heideggers Nihilismus (1954) und kommentiert Das Rätsel Simone Weil (1956). Methodisch zwischen Religionsphilosophie und Kulturwissenschaft angesiedelt, wird in Susan Taubes’ theoretischen Arbeiten aus der kritischen Auseinandersetzung mit Themen wie Entfremdung und Revolte, Nihilismus und Theologie einer Kulturtheorie der Moderne skizziert.
Volume Editors: , , and
Human-Plant Entanglement: Thinking with Plants in the Anthropocene is an edited collection that redefines the boundaries of phytocentric scholarship. By foregrounding the question of the Anthropocene at the centre of plant studies, this book illustrates how attentiveness to plant life can allow our habitual anthropocentric/instrumental assumptions to be invaded by a unique ‘phytocentric’ impression that presents a new ethical imaginary for a human-plant relationship. With twelve carefully argued essays, this book sets a new benchmark in the field of Critical Plant Studies.
This volume is the first systematic study of the style of reasoning specific to the field of philosophy in nineteenth-century France. The chapters analyze the often dispersed responses to the fundamental question of the division of the sciences based on the reciprocal relationships of inclusion or exclusion, of adversity or sorority, between metaphysics and the positive sciences. In line with the arrhythmic progress of the different forms of knowledge, these responses renew the Condillacian criticisms of the Cartesian order of the relationships between metaphysics and physics. Between a pronounced divorce and a successful marriage, these volume trace the philosophical history of the various attempts at divorce or union, which, as the century progressed, resulted in original hybridizations that aspired to define a new and ever-problematic “French philosophy.”
Volume Editor:
Alastair Davidson is a pioneer of global Gramsci studies, beginning with his first essays from 1968 through to the present.This volume collects his work from various difficult to access sources covering such diverse topics as the sources: Marx, Lenin, Machiavelli, Labriola and Croce; the party and workers councils, through to the question of what is living and what is dead in the legacy of Gramsci, cultural studies and subalternality, uneven development and globalization, human rights and the peasantry, literature and culture.
Carlo Cattaneo was one of the most prominent Italian intellectuals of the nineteenth century. Known for his prominent role in the Five Days of Milan uprising in 1848, he combined a vivid intelligence with a reform-oriented mind and a strong civic passion. This volume offers an exhaustive selection of Cattaneo’s writings, which cover a wide range of issues and advance highly innovative theories, such as the achievement of republican federalism in Italy and Europe, thought as a principle of political economy, and the psychology of associated mind. The two introductory essays examine how his ideas developed through the time and argue for their enduring vitality
A persistent challenge in philosophy is constructing an explicit link between mind and external reality. In this regard, this book introduces and examines two opposing philosophies. It scrutinizes Brandom's inferentialist solution, encompassinging his influential work Making It Explicit (1994) and his controversial interpretation of Hegel as a conceptual realist in A Spirit of Trust (2019). Constrastingly, it introduces Hegel’s relativist historicism, arguing that a robust epistemological framework does not necessitate an explicit link to mind-independent reality. By confining knowledge to its historical context, it prevents adherence to false beliefs, maintaining openness for truth to emerge one day.