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For more than four and a half centuries, the Jesuits in Hungary were forced to repeatedly recommence their activities due to wars, uprisings, and political conflicts. The Society of Jesus first settled in Hungary in 1561 during the period of Ottoman conquest. Despite their difficulties in a war-torn country, a network of Jesuit colleges was established as part of the Austrian Province, and the eighteenth century was a period of cultural and scientific prosperity for the Jesuits in Hungary. The Suppression of 1773, however, abruptly suspended this tradition for eighty years. After they resettled in Hungary in 1853, the Jesuits searched for new ways of apostolic work. The independent Hungarian Jesuit Province was established in 1909. The totalitarian regimes of the twentieth century posed fresh challenges. During the Communist period, the Hungarian Jesuit Province was forced to split up into two sections. The Jesuits in exile and those who remained in Hungary were reunited in 1990.
The Development of Anglican Moral Theology is the successor volume to The Origins of Anglican Moral Theology. It describes how Anglican theologians interacted closely with the moral philosophers of their day while providing a pastoral resource in the fast-changing period between 1680-1950. The book shows how vibrant and intellectually rigorous the tradition was, and includes detailed studies of the sermons of Butler, Wesley and Newman, the writings of William Law and Coleridge, and the later work of Maurice, Gore, Scott Holland, Moberly, William Temple and Kirk. This is the first account of this lively tradition of moral theology.
This is the first serious book wholly devoted to games based on maps. The authors are experts in their respective fields: board games, playing cards and dissected puzzles. They bring an informed historical approach to the development and diffusion of these games up to about the beginning of the twentieth century, including games from Western Europe and America in all their intriguing variety. This book is an essential reference source for those wishing to research this neglected area, while those new to the field will be pleasantly surprised at the interesting and unusual maps that these games exploit.
Sketch maps, despite their intuitive, informal appearance and seemingly naïve use, are intellectual devices and efficient tools that shape the geographical imagination, regardless of the drawing skills of their makers. By delineating the silhouettes of nations, we express territorial knowledge and geopolitical stereotypes that, although shaped at school from an early age, organized the way we interact with the world. why do we still need to draw maps? What is behind our common and naturalized practice of sketching maps? This innovative book deciphers why and how the intuitive mechanisms behind sketch mapping activate multiple conscious and unconscious knowledges about place and space.
Auf den völkerrechtswidrigen Angriffskrieg Russlands gegen die Ukraine reagierte die NATO mit einer Stärkung ihrer Ostflanke. Schweden und Finnland streben seither die NATO-Mitgliedschaft an. Die NATO-Ostflanke deckt nach der Erweiterungsphase des Bündnisses bis 2009 einen Großteil Ostmitteleuropas ab. Diese Region war in der europäischen Geschichte sowohl umkämpftes Grenzgebiet als auch ein Raum des friedvollen Zusammenlebens unterschiedlicher Nationalitäten und Religionen. Derzeit ist die Ukraine Austragungsort einer Systemkonfrontation zwischen dem freiheitlich-demokratischen und einem autokratisch-imperialen Politik- und Gesellschaftsmodell. Der Krieg hat Auswirkungen auf Europa und die Welt, sein Ausgang wird das Miteinander der Staatengemeinschaft verändern. Der »Wegweiser zur Geschichte. Ukraine und Ostmitteleuropa« versammelt Beiträge von renommierten Expertinnen und Experten aus verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen Fachdisziplinen, die über die Geschichte und die Gesellschaften der Region schreiben, aber ebenso die aktuellen Konfliktlinien und Herausforderungen analysieren. Die Texte sind allgemeinverständlich formuliert. Der Band ist mit zahlreichen Bildern, Karten, Grafiken und einem umfassenden Anhang ausgestattet.
Volume Editors: and
How did exiled musicians from Germany and Austria, who reached safety at Kitchener Camp in Britain, find themselves in an Australian internment camp in New South Wales in 1940? What were the institutions that helped Jewish refugee musicians survive in wartime Shanghai? What happened to Austrian musicians who were trapped in the Netherlands after the German occupation?
These and other questions, and the larger stories they refer to, form the compelling content of this book. Other topics include the struggle of the Vienna operetta composers Granichstaedten and Katscher in USA, the relationship of émigré composer Berthold Goldschmidt to his native Hamburg and the reception of his ‘exile opera’ Beatrice Cenci. Studies of Mischa Spoliansky’s music for the movie Mr. Emmanuel(1944) and Franz Reizenstein’s radio opera Anna Kraus form part of the fourteen essays on exile musical history in Britain, Europe, USA, Australia and the Far East, based on cutting edge archival research and interviews by leading scholars.
The authors of the first serious scholarly works on Greek warfare were not free to write their surveys as they wished. In the nineteenth-century German-speaking world, the supreme authority on all military history rested with the Great General Staff, the intellectual nerve centre of the Prussian army. Officers rejected the ability of historians to understand warfare and imposed their pragmatic perspective on any attempt to study past wars. How did classicists and historians respond to this challenge? This book explores how the scope and method of the first handbooks on Greek warfare were shaped by their environment; it questions the ancient wisdom that practical expertise is the best guide to writing military history.