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Championing Diversity in Scholarship on Growing Older with Chronic Illness
Statistical data suggest that many people with chronic health conditions pass away at much younger ages than their peers. Yet large quantitative datasets that address aging with chronic illness often do not capture the diversity of people with chronic diseases and their experiences of growing older. The assumptions built into many core data resources on aging often erase the journeys of people occupying marginalized social locations. Likewise, these same assumptions can result in omission of people who survive for long amounts of time while managing conditions with relatively short median life expectancies.

These barriers to understanding diverse experiences of aging with chronic illness are endemic but not unique to quantitative research. Qualitative data collection can indeed offer richer insight into both of these intersecting sets of aging experiences. However, even more in-depth approaches to inquiry with smaller groups of people require asking questions that explicitly explore and affirm the diversity of identities and health statuses held by older adults. A more constructive and impactful approach to capturing meaningful data on diverse experiences of aging with chronic disease is thus to focus on affirming study architecture, rather than viewing one particular set of methods as a panacea for exclusion.

With this new edited volume, the editors support the broader goal of expanding knowledge on diverse trajectories of aging with chronic health conditions. Contributed chapters range from critical reviews to methods primers to empirical investigations. The authors focus synergistically on amplifying the attributes and experiences of diverse social populations and on highlighting journeys of longevity with chronic disease.

Contributors are: Nicholas B. DiCarlo, Angela Hunt, Ian M. Johnson, Nat Jones, Kristen D. Krause, Nik M. Lampe, Ginny Natale, Audria LB, Kirsten Ostergren Clark, Manacy Pai, Michele Wise Wright and Terry Gene Wright.
The Constitutional Odysseys of Afghanistan, Egypt, and Iraq and the Fate of the Middle East
The volume compares the efforts to instil the values and practices of the rule of law in the Middle East in the early twenty-first century with their disappointing performances in terms of safety, human rights, and, especially, religious freedom. It zooms in on Afghanistan, Egypt, and Iraq to argue that international interventions and local initiatives underestimated the ethno-religious mosaic of these countries and their political and constitutional culture.
The standard notion of the rule of law values individualism, equality, rights, and courts, which hardly fit the makeup of the Middle East. Securing stability and protecting religious freedom in the region requires compromising on the rule of law; the consociational model of constitutionalism would have better chances of achieving them.
In der Verknüpfung von Recht und Kulturtechnik verfolgt der vorliegende, interdisziplinäre Band eine doppelte Perspektive: Er fragt nach dem medialen und materiellen Umfeld, in dem Recht entsteht. Und er untersucht, wie ‚Recht als Kulturtechnik‘ seine soziokulturelle Umwelt gestaltet. Als ein besonderes Arrangement, das materielle, mediale und intellektuelle Kulturtechniken verschaltet, erzeugt das Recht nicht nur rechtliche Normativität, sondern auch Subjekte, es stiftet Beziehungen und reguliert Gesellschaften, es formt sogar Affekthaushalte nicht nur in Prozessen oder vor Gericht, sondern auch in Literatur, Kultur und Film. Die Beiträge aus Literatur-, Medien- und Rechtswissenschaft fragen nach dem Konnex von Rechtssubjektivität und Kulturtechnik, den rechtlichen Techniken des (Anti-)Kolonialismus und den juridischen Kulturtechniken der digitalen Gegenwart.
Die Philosophie hinter der Revolution
Editor / Translator:
„Feministisch denken“ führt kompakt und verständlich durch die Hintergründe, Grundlagen und Auswirkungen, aber auch die Sackgassen und Irrwege der feministischen Bewegung und der revolutionären Philosophie dahinter. Geistreich und scharfzüngig zeigt Carol Hay unverblümt, wie unsere Gesellschaft noch immer von Misogynie durchzogen ist, und lässt dabei keine der essenziellen Fragen des Feminismus aus, um deren Beantwortung seit Jahrhunderten gerungen wird: Sind Geschlechterrollen und Genderidentitäten angeboren oder erlernt? Wie hängt Sexismus mit anderen Formen der Diskriminierung zusammen? Wer zählt als Frau*, und vor allem: Wer entscheidet darüber? Welche Verantwortung tragen Frauen* selbst für die Aufrechterhaltung des Patriarchats? Was, wenn überhaupt, können wir tun, damit die Bedürfnisse von Frauen* gesellschaftlich anerkannt werden? „Feministisch denken“ ist als Einstieg ebenso geeignet wie als Denkanstoß für Fortgeschrittene.
In international law interpretation is ubiquitous. However, whereas in the case of treaty interpretation, this process has been codified in Articles 31-33 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, the interpretation of rules of customary international law has remained largely unexplored. This monograph demonstrates not only that rules of customary international law can be interpreted but also that they have continuously been interpreted by international and domestic courts. Through an examination of this case-law, the various methods of interpretation of customary rules and their limits are identified as well as the similarities and differences with the rules of treaty interpretation.
Unexpected lists that propel your teaching into refreshingly new directions!

From lesson planning and assessment strategies to ideas for changing the world, there is something for everybody at every level and age of mathematics – entertaining humor, deeply serious provocations to push you out of the box, and good, clean wholesome tips for creative experiments in classroom organization.
This book takes the reader on a journey through different national contexts. Discover the unique challenges and strategies for inclusive education in countries such as Romania, Poland, Guadeloupe and Canada. Explore the need for independent living skills for institutionalised children in Romania, the paradoxes of educational inclusion for Ukrainian refugees in Poland, and the impact of teacher communication styles on student motivation in Guadeloupe. The negotiation of teacher education policy and standards in Canada is also on the agenda. For anyone with a passion for inclusive education, this book is a treasure trove of information.

Contributors are: Laura Agrati, Daniela Roxana Andron, Stephanie Arnott, Dorota Bazuń, Maria Chatzi, Cheryl J. Craig, Stella Danou, Marie-Christine Deyrich, Amen Dhahri, Panagiota Diamanti, Heidi Flavian, Joanna Frątczak-Müller, Becca Friesen, Robert Grant, Josh Gray, Elisabeth Issaieva, Axelle James, Stavroula Kaldi, Adam Kaszuba, Ștefania Kifor, Magdalena Kohout-Diaz, Mariusz Kwiatkowski, Pascal Legrain, Mimi Masson, Anna Mielczarek-Żejmo, Patricia-Gabriela Mociar, Fernando Naiditch, Carrie Nepstad, Frances Rust, Sophie Sanchez-Larréa, Fiona Smythe, Martin Strouhal, Vassiliki Tzika, Aikaterini Vassiou, Efstathios Xafakos and Diane Yendol-Hoppey.