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This book provides an analysis of how global capitalism, digital disruption, and new worlds of work have reshaped ideas about language, literacy and numeracy (foundation) skills in a neoliberal foundation skills apparatus in Australia since the 1980s.

The book uses Michel Foucault’s genealogical approach to producing critical ‘histories of our present’. From this perspective it examines how these disruptions have transformed what was once a voluntary, not-for-profit community ‘movement’ of education for migrants and marginalised people into a sophisticated government, community, and for-profit training and skills sector which imagines foundation skills learners as choice making consumers.
Research Universities and Academic Renaissance in the Global South: Lessons from Bangladesh explores how, through continuous innovation, solving challenging problems, and transforming outmoded thinking, knowledge opens up limitless opportunities while providing asymmetric strength to those (individuals, institutions, and nations) who possess it. From a global perspective, such asymmetries create dependencies and perpetuate the West’s colonial aspirations, enabling it to exert influence and exact a heavy price. This volume contends that the Global South must develop its own countervailing knowledge assets, best expressed through establishing a few high quality research universities at the outset, embedded in a carefully nurtured ecosystem and a strong research culture that values curiosity, creativity and commitment. The state of Bangladesh’s universities provides a canvas to examine the challenges facing research in the region that developing nations can address creatively to expedite building a knowledge edifice for self-reliance and national pride.
Leben, Filmen
Open Access
Jonas Mekas und der Wert des lichten Augenblicks
Series:  Film Denken
Jonas Mekas, einflussreichster Kurator des New Yorker Avantgardefilms, hinterließ ein filmisches Lebenswerk, das er unverwechselbar verkörpert. Seit seiner Ankunft als litauischer Migrant bis zu seinem Tod blieb der Mann mit seiner Kamera untrennbar verbunden. Angesichts des radikalen Schwindens der Zeit, das in seinen Filmen sichtbar wird, kultiviert und propagiert Mekas mit seinem filmischen Tagebuch eine Einstellung zum Leben, die die Kamera selbst zum Vorbild nimmt. Er verpflichtet sich der sinnlich wahrnehmbaren Gegenwart und kondensiert die unbeschwerten Augenblicke seines Alltags zu pointierten visuellen Ereignissen, die das Gewöhnliche und Unscheinbare ‚mit neuen Augen‘ sehen lassen. Anhand von drei Tagebuchfilmen untersucht das vorliegende Buch Mekas’ filmphilosophisches Programm im Kontext eines „New American Cinema“ und deutet es als eine subversive Antwort auf die großen Ideologien, die die Tragödien des 20. Jahrhunderts verursacht haben.
Incorporating Developments in Neuroscience, Brain Science and Neurodiversity
Volume Editors: and
This volume, Advances in Mathematics and STEM Education: Incorporating Developments in Neuroscience, Brain Science and Neurodiversity seeks to widen understandings about mathematics and STEM education through a more holistic examination of the field. In some chapters this is achieved through the incorporation of advancements in Neuroscience, Brain Science and Neurodiversity, and in other chapters it is achieved through the sharing of research in schools with teachers or an exploration into individual experience, thinking processes and journey. This volume calls for engagement in research that synthesises research findings from different discipline areas to gain a more enriched and authentic understanding of Mathematics and STEM education, particularly regarding teaching and learning.

Contributors are: Nur Fatma Aktas, Tasos Barkatsas, Zahra Cooper, Yüksel Dede, Jason Dervish, Melanie Evangelista, Janine Forbes-Rolfe, Wendy Goff, Gürcan Kaya, Gillian Kidman, Huk Yuen Law, Timothy Lynch, Marta Martín-del-Pozo, Juanjo Mena, Rowan Nas, Antonio Patrocinio-Braz, Hazel Tan, and Bin Wu.
Finance and the Coming of War in Southern Africa, 1894-1899
In the 1890s financial speculation and market manipulation were prominent features of the Southern African gold mining industry. Extravagantly capitalised, starved of working capital, and poorly managed, many mines could not be made to pay. Investors suffered more at the hands of Randlords than they did than they did from those of the Boer Government in Pretoria.

By failing to take any of this into serious consideration, accounts that focus on mining company complaints as the root cause of the Jameson Raid and the outbreak of war in 1899 are missing a key dimension of the past.