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Volume Editors: and
Comment une femme pouvait-elle s’affirmer et faire carrière dans le monde du spectacle entre 1650 et 1914 ? Dans une perspective interdisciplinaire, les quinze études réunies dans ce volume apportent des éléments de réponse à travers l’analyse de parcours d’autrices, de compositrices et de performeuses aux profils très variés, actives dans les domaines du théâtre, de la danse et de l’opéra. Ces études proposent une meilleure compréhension et contextualisation des obstacles et préjugés auxquels ces artistes ont dû faire face dans un milieu socio-professionnel majoritairement masculin, ainsi qu’une interprétation analytique des stratégies artistiques et discursives mises en place pour les surmonter. Il en ressort une approche renouvelée et une meilleure connaissance de notre matrimoine culturel.

Volume Editors: and
The Second and Third Generation have become increasingly active in remembering and researching their families’ pasts, especially now that most refugees from National Socialism have passed away. How was lived experience mediated to them, and how have their own lives and identities been impacted by persecution and flight?
This volume offers a valuable insight into the personal experience of the Second Generation, as well as a perceptive analysis of film, art, and literature created by or about the subsequent generations. Recurring themes of silences, transferred trauma, postmemory, and “roots journeys" are explored, revealing the distance, connection, and collaboration between the generations.

Contributors are: David Clark, Miriam E. David, Rachel Dickson, Yannick Gnipep-oo Pembouong, Anita H. Grosz, Andrea Hammel, Brean Hammond, Stephanie Homer, Merilyn Moos, Angharad Mountford, Teresa von Sommaruga Howard, Jennifer Taylor, and Sue Vice.
Dive into the future of language education with our guide, blending innovation with practical application. Unlock the power of gamification, digital storytelling, and AI to make learning more engaging and effective. Transform classes into dynamic, interactive experiences that captivate students. Master classroom response systems and utilize social networks to enhance educational outcomes. This book is a must-have for educators seeking to revolutionize their teaching methods and bring languages to life. Get ready to elevate your teaching strategies and inspire your students. Embrace the change and lead the way in modern language education.