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Supported by the legal ideas of Hugo Grotius, the Swedish armies exploited opportunities to seize books as spoils of war from conquered enemies to an unparalleled degree in the seventeenth century. They took books from countries such as today’s Latvia, Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic and Denmark, distributing the goods to recently founded institutions and private manors in their native country. In Looted Libraries, Looted Books – The Swedish Case, Peter Sjökvist gives a summarizing overview of these plunders: from which regions and owners full libraries or selected books were taken during the conflicts, where they subsequently tended to end up when arriving in Sweden, and how they have been received and curated over the years. It is argued that it can be questioned whether large portions of the spoils have served any proper user needs in their new contexts.
Volume Editors: and
Following the murder of George Floyd in 2020, monuments became a focal point: protestors toppled or spray-painted them, even danced on them. These politically, visually, and emotionally potent events may have looked instantaneous, yet frequently sprang from years of activism, as well as protracted political and academic debate. Toppling Things challenges stereotypical notions monument topplings as riotous, spontaneous, or irrational. Bringing together the ideas and emotions, the uncertainty and convictions, of artists, activists, and academics, the volume rejects a neatly tied-up, distant narrative. As it sheds light on the global, personal, immediate, and historical processes around the fall of a monument, the volume engages directly with the complexity of toppling activism and monument removal as a form of lived experience.
Volume Editors: and
Comment une femme pouvait-elle s’affirmer et faire carrière dans le monde du spectacle entre 1650 et 1914 ? Dans une perspective interdisciplinaire, les quinze études réunies dans ce volume apportent des éléments de réponse à travers l’analyse de parcours d’autrices, de compositrices et de performeuses aux profils très variés, actives dans les domaines du théâtre, de la danse et de l’opéra. Ces études proposent une meilleure compréhension et contextualisation des obstacles et préjugés auxquels ces artistes ont dû faire face dans un milieu socio-professionnel majoritairement masculin, ainsi qu’une interprétation analytique des stratégies artistiques et discursives mises en place pour les surmonter. Il en ressort une approche renouvelée et une meilleure connaissance de notre matrimoine culturel.

Volume Editors: and
The Second and Third Generation have become increasingly active in remembering and researching their families’ pasts, especially now that most refugees from National Socialism have passed away. How was lived experience mediated to them, and how have their own lives and identities been impacted by persecution and flight?
This volume offers a valuable insight into the personal experience of the Second Generation, as well as a perceptive analysis of film, art, and literature created by or about the subsequent generations. Recurring themes of silences, transferred trauma, postmemory, and “roots journeys" are explored, revealing the distance, connection, and collaboration between the generations.

Contributors are: David Clark, Miriam E. David, Rachel Dickson, Yannick Gnipep-oo Pembouong, Anita H. Grosz, Andrea Hammel, Brean Hammond, Stephanie Homer, Merilyn Moos, Angharad Mountford, Teresa von Sommaruga Howard, Jennifer Taylor, and Sue Vice.
Dive into the future of language education with our guide, blending innovation with practical application. Unlock the power of gamification, digital storytelling, and AI to make learning more engaging and effective. Transform classes into dynamic, interactive experiences that captivate students. Master classroom response systems and utilize social networks to enhance educational outcomes. This book is a must-have for educators seeking to revolutionize their teaching methods and bring languages to life. Get ready to elevate your teaching strategies and inspire your students. Embrace the change and lead the way in modern language education.
Volume Editor:
Ce volume interroge les conditions de l’interprétation des textes littéraires, à la lumière des propositions de Stanley Fish sur L’autorité des communautés interprétatives (1980): leurs présupposés, leurs compétences et croyances, conditionnent l’activité herméneutique, interrogée ici par des spécialistes de littérature française, espagnole ou comparée. Réfléchir au fonctionnement concret de telles communautés – création, renouvellement, adhésion, dissidence, relation concurrentielle entre communautés, volonté d’imposer une interprétation… –, amène à envisager des implications en termes de libre arbitre et d’individualité essentielles pour nos disciplines, et à repenser les relations entre texte, auteur et lecteurs, parfois en opposant des objections nouvelles aux postulats de Fish, parfois en proposant des alternatives.
Fredrika Bremer (1801–1865) reached out to the world beyond her native Sweden. Her promotion of women’s emancipation was celebrated and pursued by Sophie Adlersparre (1823–1895), Rosalie Olivecrona (1823–1898), and Alma Åkermark (1853–1933). From dreams to projects involving collaboration with Britain, France, and Germany, in translation, literature, and periodical editing, this book unearths exciting transnational connections that contributed to the awakening of the Nordic feminist movement. Shedding light on the circulation of liberal ideas, Marxist theory, and the Nordic debate, the three chapters of the book focus on cultural variation, constructive conflicts, mutual (mis)understandings, and class issues.
Music in the Writings and Imagination of Silesian Humanists explores the sound-world of early modern Silesia via the writings of humanists active there in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries who both observed musical culture and actively participated in it: a poet, a publisher, a pedagogue, a physician, a historian, and a regionalist. Such an approach makes it possible to reconstruct their perceptions and understandings of music—a constitutive element of this community. As these authors concentrated more on the representation of music than the art itself, the book reflects the collective memory of the republic of scholars: their individual and common imaginarium.
Experimental translation has been surging in popularity recently—with avant-garde translation at the combative forefront. But how to do it? How to read it?
Translator, Touretter plays on the Italian dictum traduttore, traditore—“translator, traitor”—to mobilize the affective intensity of Tourettic tics as a practical guide to making and reading avant-garde translations. It smashes the theoretical literature on the sublime from Longinus to Kant into Motherless Brooklyn, both the 1999 novel by Jonathan Lethem and its 2019 screen adaptation by Edward Norton, in order to generate out of their collision a series of models—visual, aural/oral, and kinesthetic—for avant-garde literary translation.