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Series Editor:
The series publish a select corpus of Mahāyāna Buddhist scriptures (sūtra), the Mahāratnakūṭa collection of 49 sūtras. These materials exist in their original versions in Tibetan, Chinese, and sometimes Sanskrit. The series will consist of English translations of the scriptures we study, accompanied by editions of the primary language source(s), and studies. While random scriptures have been translated into English and published, both as books and online, there does not yet exist any venue for accessible yet reliable editions and annotated translations of these fundamental documents of the Asian Buddhist tradition.
The target audience will not be limited to scholars of Asian Studies or Religious Studies, but will extend to Western Buddhists as well. Volumes in the series will consist of editions in the original language(s), facing English translations, with such annotation as would make them understandable to an educated audience. Each volume will also contain an introduction, situating the work in its historical and contemporary context.
The series Documenta Coranica is dedicated to the study of history of the Qurʾānic text as manifested in manuscripts and other sources. Documenta Coranica publishes witnesses of the Qurʾān from the early period in the shape of facsimile, accompanied by transcription and a commentary. The series makes codices on parchment, papyri, inscriptions, variant readings and other relevant sources for the history of the Qurʾān, accessible to the academic public. The first volumes contain manuscript fragments from Sanaa (DAM 01-25.1, DAM 01-27.1, DAM 01-29.1), the manuscript Ma VI 165 (Tübingen), and the codex Or. 2165 of the British Library.

The series comprises two sections: Manuscripta contains facsimile editions of Qurʾānic manuscripts with a line-by-line transcript in Modern Arabic script on the opposite page and a commentary about codicology, paleography, variant readings and verse numbering explaining content and characteristics of each manuscript. Testimonia et Studia contains studies about material evidence for the history of the Qurʾān, as manifested on papyrus, stone and rock inscriptions etc., as well in exegetical, narrative and philological sources.

Documenta Coranica inscribes itself into a German-French cooperation: in the framework of the research project Coranica, 2011-2014, and Paleocoran 2015-2018, both funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Agence Nationale de la Recherche.
The Skandapurāṇa Project
Series Editor:
Editorial Board / Council Member: , , and
The Skandapurāṇa offers an unprecedented glimpse into the development of Śiva worship and his mythology. This Sanskrit Purāṇa, long considered lost, was known only obliquely from testimonia in digests of Brahminical customs and social regulations. Transmitted to us in several palm leaf manuscripts from Nepal—including the oldest known dated Purāṇa manuscript (810 CE)—as well as paper manuscripts from North India, now at last this seminal text for the understanding of Indian religious traditions is made available in the superb and definitive critical text edition of the Skandapurāṇa Project.
The edition allows far-reaching new insights into the geographical expansion of the earliest community of Śiva devotees called the ‘Pāśupatas’ (the name derived from one of Śiva’s many epithets, Paśupati, ‘Lord of Creatures’) amidst the development of other religious communities in early India, and especially, the cultivation of somatic and mental techniques (yoga), the salvific potential of pilgrimage to Śiva’s many shrines, as well as the worship of his iconic emblem (liṅga), all of which practices were to become definitive features of the devotional repertoire of medieval—and today's—Śiva worshippers. The Skandapurāṇa is also a vital source for the history of the mythology of Viṣṇu and the Goddess.
Firmly grounded in the scholarly methods that are the hallmark of classical Indology—philology, textual criticism, and the meticulous study of manuscript sources—the Skandapurāṇa Critical Text Edition comes with an annotated English synopsis of this important, rich, but also entertaining text.

‘The Skandapurāṇa, dating in all probability from the seventh century and preserved in manuscript evidence from Nepal that postdates its creation by no more than about two centuries, provides a uniquely clear window into the world of lay Śaiva devotion and its supporting mythologies during the seminal period when the Śaiva ascetic orders were moving with the support of the laity to the centre of Indian religion. The project to produce a critical edition and analysis of the whole of this rich and lucid text is among the most important in current Indological research. The volumes published so far are of very high quality both in the scholarship of their authors and the interest of their contents. The completion of the project will be a major landmark in Indological research.’ - Alexis Sanderson
Islamic Sources/Maṣādir Islāmiyya (ISMI) is a double-blind peer-reviewed book series publishing text editions of primary sources of the Arab-Islamic heritage, covering all periods and regions of the Islamic world. The series is open to works on theology, philosophy, law, history, religious sciences, natural sciences, and literature, reflecting the broad contributions of Islamic civilization to various fields of knowledge. Authors are encouraged to submit editions of previously unpublished manuscripts, or new critical editions, annotations, and commentaries that provide significant new scholarly insights. All works will be preceded by a solid scholarly introduction in Arabic, English, French, German or Spanish.

مصادر إسلامية سلسلة كتب تخضع لمراجعة مزدوجة تعنى بنشر تحقيقات نصوص التراث العربي والإسلامي مع تغطية واسعة تشمل جميع العصور وجهات العالم الإسلامي. تنفتح السلسلة على الأعمال في شتى المجالات من عقيدة وفلسفة وفقه وتاريخ وعلوم طبيعية أو دينية ودراسات أدبية وغيرها مما يعكس إسهام الحضارة الإسلامية الواسع في شتى حقول المعرفة. يشجع المؤلفون على اقتراح تحقيق نصوص لم يسبق تحقيقها أو تحقيق فريد أو تعليق أو شرح أو غير ذلك مما يوفر رؤى جديدة. على أن تقدم كل الكتب بمقدمة تفصيلية بالعربية أو الإنجليزية أو الفرنسية أو الألمانيا أو الإسبانية.
ومن خلال تقديم مصادر غير معروفة أو كانت تُعبر مفقودة لمدة طويلة سيتم تعزيز فهم أفضل للمجال. وهذا سيُظهر للباحثين جملة من تداخلات جديدة، ليس من حيث التناص والترابط بين المؤلفين فحسب بل أيضًا بين المجالات المختلفة التي يمكن أن نصنفها كتخصصات منفصلة من منظور معاصر.
The Islamic Translation Series aims to make scholarly Arabic texts from a wide range of disciplines available to an international, English-language readership. Comprising parallel English-Arabic texts, volumes in this series are suitable for specialists, students and all those interested in the intellectual traditions of the Islamic world.

This series was previously published by Brigham Young University Press.
Founded by Alexander Vovin, EHESS/CRLAO, Paris, France
"The Man’yōshū (‘Anthology of Ten Thousand Leaves [of Words]’) is the largest and the oldest Japanese poetic anthology and contains 4,516 poems of varying length. It was probably compiled by the famous Japanese poet and statesman Ōtomo-no Yakamochi (Opotǝmǝ-nǝ Yakamǝti in the language of the eighth century) around 759 AD. The poetry is mostly in Japanese, but there are several poems in Chinese, and a few of Japanese-Korean macaronic verses. Some books, such as Book Five, include beautiful passages of Chinese prose.
The Man’yōshū is not only a poetic anthology, but also an encyclopedia of Ancient Japanese literature, history, mythology, religion, and anthropology. It is also the most important source on the Old Japanese language, its dialects, and historical change. In addition, it contains a sizeable amount of words in Ainu, a nearly extinct aboriginal language of Japan.
Several partial and complete translations of the Man’yōshū into English have appeared in the past. The most the most formidable among them was J.L. Pierson’s (Brill 1929-1963). Pierson’s edition is in the process of being definitively superseded by the present edition which, in addition to the original text, kana transliteration, glossing, and a Romanization, also contains a precise and an up-to-date linguistic analysis of the text, a meticulous and well-grounded decipherment of the most of obscure passages, and a much more detailed commentary.
Editorial Board / Council Member: , , and
Die Reihe versammelt Beiträge zu Theorie, Geschichte und Ästhetik der Medien. Im Zentrum sollen dabei die Beziehungen zwischen Medien, Kultur und Gesellschaft in synchroner und diachroner Perspektive stehen: Gefragt wird einerseits nach der kulturellen Formung von Medien sowie ihrer ästhetischen Faktur. In den Blick kommt andererseits das Wechselspiel zwischen Reaktion, Reflexion und Initiierung kultureller und gesellschaftlicher Prozesse in und durch Medien. Grundlage der Auseinandersetzung bildet die Verknüpfung von medien- und kulturwissenschaftlicher Theorie.
Die Reihe ist getragen von der Idee, dass unter dem Begriff der Medienkulturwissenschaft unterschiedliche geisteswissenschaftliche Disziplinen ihr Interesse an der Materialität von Kommunikation und der Medialität ästhetischer Artefakte bündeln können. Das Spektrum der zu analysierenden Medien ist daher bewusst breit gefasst: Es reicht von Film, Fotografie und Fernsehen über Literatur, Musik, Theater und Medienkunst bis zur Internet Art. Studien zu einzelnen Medien, Genres und Künstler:innen sind ebenso willkommen wie kultur- und medienvergleichend angelegte Projekte.
This series publishes contributions on the theory, history and aesthetics of media. Key focal points are the synchronic and diachronic relations between media, culture and society. The cultural formation of media and their aesthetic composition will be explored, whilst at the same time delving into the interplay between reaction, reflection and initiation of cultural and societal processes within and by media. The intersection between media and cultural studies theories serves as the starting point for this approach. The series is based on the idea that different disciplines in the humanities can unite their interest in the materiality of communication and the mediality of aesthetic artifacts under the concept of media cultural studies. The scope of media to be analyzed is deliberately broad by design. It ranges from film and photography through television, music, literature and theater to media and internet art. Studies about single media, genres and artists are just as welcome as projects utilizing a comparative approach to culture and media.
Winner of the 2021 Sheikh Hamad Award for Translation and International Understanding (category: translation from Arabic into English)

This is an unabridged, annotated, translation of the great Damascene savant and saint Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya’s (d. 751/1350) Madārij al-Sālikīn. Conceived as a critical commentary on an earlier Sufi classic by the great Hanbalite scholar Abū Ismāʿīl of Herat, Madārij aims to rejuvenate Sufism’s Qurʾanic foundations. The original work was a key text for the Sufi initiates, composed in terse, rhyming prose as a master’s instruction to the aspiring seeker on the path to God, in a journey of a hundred stations whose ultimate purpose was to be lost to one’s self (fanāʾ) and subsist (baqāʾ) in God. The translator, Ovamir (ʿUwaymir) Anjum, provides an extensive introduction and annotation to this English-Arabic face-to-face presentation of this masterpiece of Islamic psychology.