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établi sur la base d’ouvrages publiés et non-publiés, d’études et documents divers, de thèses universitaires, d’archives, et de recherches sur le terrain
Tashelhiyt Berber is spoken in Morocco. With approximately eight to ten million speakers it is the world’s largest Berber language. The lexical data for this work were collected, over almost forty years, from a great number of publications and from various archives. These data were studied and checked by the author and enriched by lexical data from the author’s own fieldwork. In this dictionary Tashelhiyt Berber words and phrase are presented in alphabetic order and written in a clear Latin transcription. Meanings of words and phrases are given in French. All lexical data in this work are fully referenced. This book is the first comprehensive dictionary for Tashelhiyt Berber.
établi sur la base d’ouvrages publiés et non-publiés, d’études et documents divers, de thèses universitaires, d’archives, et de recherches sur le terrain, vol. 1
Tashelhiyt Berber is spoken in Morocco. With approximately eight to ten million speakers it is the world’s largest Berber language. The lexical data for this work were collected, over almost forty years, from a great number of publications and from various archives. These data were studied and checked by the author and enriched by lexical data from the author’s own fieldwork. In this dictionary Tashelhiyt Berber words and phrase are presented in alphabetic order and written in a clear Latin transcription. Meanings of words and phrases are given in French. All lexical data in this work are fully referenced. This book is the first comprehensive dictionary for Tashelhiyt Berber.
établi sur la base d’ouvrages publiés et non-publiés, d’études et documents divers, de thèses universitaires, d’archives, et de recherches sur le terrain, vol. 2
Tashelhiyt Berber is spoken in Morocco. With approximately eight to ten million speakers it is the world’s largest Berber language. The lexical data for this work were collected, over almost forty years, from a great number of publications and from various archives. These data were studied and checked by the author and enriched by lexical data from the author’s own fieldwork. In this dictionary Tashelhiyt Berber words and phrase are presented in alphabetic order and written in a clear Latin transcription. Meanings of words and phrases are given in French. All lexical data in this work are fully referenced. This book is the first comprehensive dictionary for Tashelhiyt Berber.
établi sur la base d’ouvrages publiés et non-publiés, d’études et documents divers, de thèses universitaires, d’archives, et de recherches sur le terrain, vol. 3
Tashelhiyt Berber is spoken in Morocco. With approximately eight to ten million speakers it is the world’s largest Berber language. The lexical data for this work were collected, over almost forty years, from a great number of publications and from various archives. These data were studied and checked by the author and enriched by lexical data from the author’s own fieldwork. In this dictionary Tashelhiyt Berber words and phrase are presented in alphabetic order and written in a clear Latin transcription. Meanings of words and phrases are given in French. All lexical data in this work are fully referenced. This book is the first comprehensive dictionary for Tashelhiyt Berber.
établi sur la base d’ouvrages publiés et non-publiés, d’études et documents divers, de thèses universitaires, d’archives, et de recherches sur le terrain, vol. 4
Tashelhiyt Berber is spoken in Morocco. With approximately eight to ten million speakers it is the world’s largest Berber language. The lexical data for this work were collected, over almost forty years, from a great number of publications and from various archives. These data were studied and checked by the author and enriched by lexical data from the author’s own fieldwork. In this dictionary Tashelhiyt Berber words and phrase are presented in alphabetic order and written in a clear Latin transcription. Meanings of words and phrases are given in French. All lexical data in this work are fully referenced. This book is the first comprehensive dictionary for Tashelhiyt Berber.
تعُد الأسدية منطلقا لمدوّنة سحنون في الفقه المالكي. وينسب فهرس مكتبة رقاّدة بالقيروان ثلاث قطع مخطوطة إلى الأسدية. فحصنا هذه القطع من ناحية المنهج، فشككنا في صحةّ تلك النسبة ، ثم حققناها، فتبين أنها لم تكن من الأسدية. فهي تمثلّ رواية أسد بن الفرات لكتاب الأصل عن محمدّ بن الحسن الشيباني، وتهمّ الفقه الحنفي . <\br> هذه القطع هي فريدة من نوعها، وهي تتجاوز في قيمتها الأسدية ذاتها. ولتحقيق هذه القطع، قمنا بمقارنتها بالنصّ المنشور لكتاب الأصل الذي اعتمد فيه المحقّق على مخطوطات متأخّرة، بخلاف مخطوطات القيروان التي تعود إلى القرن 3هـ/9م، كما قارنّاها بكتاب الكافي في الفقه للحاكم الشهيد وكتاب المبسوط للسرخسي، وكذلك بمدوّنة سحنون.<\br>

The Asadiyya is considered to be the foundation of Saḥnūn's Mudawwana, one of the most important works of the Malikī school of jurisprudence. The catalog of the Raqqada Library in Kairouan attributes three manuscript fragments to the Asadiyya. This work examines these fragments from a methodological point of view, since the validity of that attribution is questionable. From the edition by Nejmeddine Hentati, it becomes clear that they do not belong to the Asadiyya. These are rather witnesses of the scholarly transmissions of Asad b. al-Furāt from Muḥammad b. al-Ḥasan al-Shaybānī, and they contain Ḥanafī jurisprudence.
These fragments are unique, and their importance stretches beyond the Asadiyya. For the edition, Hentati relied on al-Ḥākim al-Shahīd's compendium in al-Kāfī fī l-fiqh, as well as on al-Sarakhsī al-Mabsūṭ, which is a commentary on this compendium. Hentati also compared these fragments to Saḥnūn's Mudawwana.
Swahili Poetry of Commitment by Ustadh Mahmoud Mau
The present volume is a pioneering collection of poetry by the outstanding Kenyan poet, intellectual and imam Ustadh Mahmmoud Mau (born 1952) from Lamu island, once an Indian Ocean hub, now on the edge of the nation state. By means of poetry in Arabic script, the poet raises his voice against social ills and injustices troubling his community on Lamu. The book situates Mahmoud Mau’s oeuvre within transoceanic exchanges of thoughts so characteristic of the Swahili coast. It shows how Swahili Indian Ocean intellectual history inhabits an individual biography and writings. Moreover, it also portrays a unique African Muslim thinker and his poetry in the local language, which has so often been neglected as major site for critical discourse in Islamic Africa.
The selected poetry is clustered around the following themes: jamii: societal topical issues, ilimu: the importance of education, huruma: social roles and responsabilities, matukio: biographical events and maombi: supplications. Prefaced by Rayya Timamy (Nairobi University), the volume includes contributions by Jasmin Mahazi, Kai Kresse and Kadara Swaleh, Annachiara Raia and Clarissa Vierke. The authors’ approaches highlight the relevance of local epistemologies as archives for understanding the relationship between reform Islam and local communities in contemporary Africa.
Lawāmiʿ al-Naẓar fī Taḥqīq Maʿānī al-Mukhtaṣar is Aḥmad b. Yaʿqūb al-Wallālī's (d. 1128/1716) commentary on al-Sanūsī's (d. 895/1490) compendium of logic, al-Mukhtaṣar. Al-Wallālī was the first commentator on al-Sanūsī's compendium after the author's autocommentary. In this publication, Ibrahim Safri offers a critical edition of this work, together with a study of the author's life and oeuvre.
Safri also tries to show the indirect influence of Avicennism on logic in the Maghribī tradition in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. On the basis of his writings on logic and philosophical theology, al-Wallālī was considered a master of rational sciences by his contemporaries.
Volume Editors: and
Christian-Muslim Relations, a Bibliographical History19 (CMR 19), covering Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean in the period 1800-1914, is a further volume in a general history of relations between the two faiths from the 7th century to the early 20th century. It comprises a series of introductory essays and the main body of detailed entries. These treat all the works, surviving or lost, that have been recorded. They provide biographical details of the authors, descriptions and assessments of the works themselves, and complete accounts of manuscripts, editions, translations and studies. The result of collaboration between numerous new and leading scholars, CMR 19, along with the other volumes in this series, is intended as a basic tool for research in Christian-Muslim relations.

Section Editors: Ines Aščerić-Todd, Clinton Bennett, Luis F. Bernabé Pons, Jaco Beyers, Emanuele Colombo, Lejla Demiri, Martha Frederiks, David D. Grafton, Stanisław Grodź, Alan Guenther, Vincenzo Lavenia, Arely Medina, Diego Melo Carrasco, Alain Messaoudi, Gordon Nickel, Claire Norton, Reza Pourjavady, Douglas Pratt, Charles Ramsey, Peter Riddell, Umar Ryad, Cornelia Soldat, Charles Tieszen, Carsten Walbiner, Catherina Wenzel
Ibn Wāṣil (d. 1298), perhaps better known today as a historian and an emissary to the court of King Manfred in southern Italy, was also an eminent logician. The present work is a critical edition of his main work in the field, a commentary on his teacher Khūnajī’s (d. 1248) handbook al-Jumal. The work helped consolidate the logic of the “later scholars” (such as Khūnajī). It also shows that commentators did much more than merely explain the original work and instead regularly discussed and assessed received views. Ibn Wāṣil’s work was an influential contribution to a particularly dynamic chapter in the history of Arabic logic.