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Van de Ven’s descriptive bibliography studies, contextualizes, and records all aspects of the publication history of Spinoza’s writings from manuscript to print and assesses their immediate reception. It discusses the printed books’ codicology, philology, typographical and textual relationships, illustration programmes, as well as their dissemination in early Enlightenment Europe, in view of the physical aspects of 1,246 extant copies and their provenance.
Van de Ven’s descriptive bibliography studies, contextualizes, and records all aspects of the publication history of Spinoza’s writings from manuscript to print and assesses their immediate reception. It discusses the printed books’ codicology, philology, typographical and textual relationships, illustration programmes, as well as their dissemination in early Enlightenment Europe, in view of the physical aspects of 1,246 extant copies and their provenance.
In this groundbreaking Arabic catalogue, Efraim Wust synthesizes the Islamic and Western manuscript traditions to enrich our understanding of the manuscripts and their compositions. His combined treatment of Arabic, Persian, and Turkish manuscripts preserves the integrity of the collection and honors the multicultural history of the Islamic intellectual traditions.
In this groundbreaking Arabic catalogue, Efraim Wust synthesizes the Islamic and Western manuscript traditions to enrich our understanding of the manuscripts and their compositions. His combined treatment of Arabic, Persian, and Turkish manuscripts preserves the integrity of the collection and honors the multicultural history of the Islamic intellectual traditions.
This bibliography, a comprehensive revison of the author’s Warwick Ph.D. thesis of 1976, listing 391 editions (41 more than the original version), is based firmly on the description of Janot’s books. Some 1300 copies have been examined, about 80% of the known total. Alongside the bibliography there is an description of Janot’s printing material (including an index of more than 1000 woodcuts), and some analysis of the subjects of his publications.
This bibliography, a comprehensive revison of the author’s Warwick Ph.D. thesis of 1976, listing 391 editions (41 more than the original version), is based firmly on the description of Janot’s books. Some 1300 copies have been examined, about 80% of the known total. Alongside the bibliography there is an description of Janot’s printing material (including an index of more than 1000 woodcuts), and some analysis of the subjects of his publications.
In Dutch and Flemish Newspapers of the Seventeenth Century Arthur der Weduwen presents the first comprehensive account of the early newspaper in the Low Countries. Composed of two volumes, this survey provides detailed introductions and bibliographical descriptions of 49 newspapers, surviving in over 16,000 issues in 84 archives and libraries. This work presents a crucial overview of the first fledgling century of newspaper publishing and reading in one of the most advanced political cultures of early modern Europe.
Seventy years after Folke Dahl’s Dutch Corantos first documented early Dutch newspapers, Der Weduwen offers a brand-new approach to the bibliography of the early modern periodical press. This includes, amongst others, a description of places of correspondence listed in each surviving newspaper. The bibliography is accompanied by an extensive introduction of the Dutch and Flemish press in the seventeenth century. What emerges is a picture of a highly competitive and dynamic market for news, in which innovative publishers constantly adapt to the changing tastes of customers and pressures from authorities at home and abroad.
In Dutch and Flemish Newspapers of the Seventeenth Century Arthur der Weduwen presents the first comprehensive account of the early newspaper in the Low Countries. Composed of two volumes, this survey provides detailed introductions and bibliographical descriptions of 49 newspapers, surviving in over 16,000 issues in 84 archives and libraries. This work presents a crucial overview of the first fledgling century of newspaper publishing and reading in one of the most advanced political cultures of early modern Europe.
Seventy years after Folke Dahl’s Dutch Corantos first documented early Dutch newspapers, Der Weduwen offers a brand-new approach to the bibliography of the early modern periodical press. This includes, amongst others, a description of places of correspondence listed in each surviving newspaper. The bibliography is accompanied by an extensive introduction of the Dutch and Flemish press in the seventeenth century. What emerges is a picture of a highly competitive and dynamic market for news, in which innovative publishers constantly adapt to the changing tastes of customers and pressures from authorities at home and abroad.
Kunden, die die gedruckte Version des LGB2 bezogen haben, zahlen 1.866 Euro statt 3.732.
Die Zielsetzung des «Lexikons des gesamten Buchwesens» ist es, das gesamte Wissen vom Buch, verstanden als die graphische Materialisierung geistiger Inhalte mit dem Ziel ihrer Erhaltung, Überlieferung und Verbreitung in der Gesellschaft, in wissenschaftlich zuverlässiger und exakter Weise in einer alphabetisch-lexikalischen Ordnung darzubieten.
Erfasst werden alle Personen, Institutionen, Fakten, Faktoren und Verfahren, die bei der Vermittlung geistiger Inhalte zwischen Autor und Leser durch das Medium Buch eine Rolle spielen. Der inhaltliche Rahmen des Lexikons umfasst die Bereiche der Produktion, Distribution und Rezeption des Buches. Berücksichtigt werden ebenfalls Teilbereiche jener Disziplinen, die insbesondere für die mit dem Buch beruflich Verbundenen, das heißt Bibliographen, Bibliothekare, Buchhändler und Verleger, aber auch für Bibliophile und Büchersammler von Bedeutung sein könnten. Hierzu gehören beispielsweise Elemente der Archivistik, Diplomatik, Kartographie, Literatur- und Sprachwissenschaft, des Zeitschriften und Pressewesens, sowie der Dokumentation und Information, der Datenverarbeitung und Medienkunde. Hierbei sind geographische Gesichtspunkte keine Selektionskriterien, jedoch liegen die Akzente auf dem europäischen, insbesondere dem deutschsprachigen Bereich.
Die einzelnen Artikel werden durch weiterführende Literaturangaben bereichert und durch Abbildungen, Tabellen und Karten ergänzt.
Die elektronische Fassung des Lexikons enthält rund 21.000 Eintragungen, verfasst von ca. 400 Autoren. Sie basiert auf der zweiten, völlig neu bearbeiteten Auflage des LGB (9 Bde; Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann, 1987-2016).
Special discount
Customers who have bought the print edition of LGB2 from Hiersemann Verlag pay 1.866 euro instead of 3.732 euro.
The aim of the Lexikons des gesamten Buchwesens (“Dictionary of the Book”) is to render the complete knowledge about the book in an academically reliable and exact manner, in alphabetical order. The book is understood as the graphical presentation of intellectual content with the aim of the preservation, transmission and dissemination of this content in society. All persons, institutions, facts, factors and procedures that play a role in the mediation of intellectual content between the author and the reader through the medium of the book are recorded. The dictionary covers everything from the production and distribution to the reception of the book. It also takes into account certain areas that are of particular importance to those working with books professionally, such as bibliographers, librarians, booksellers and publishers, but also for book collectors and bibliophiles. These include, for example, elements of archival studies, diplomacy, cartography, literature and linguistics, the press, epistemology, data processing and media studies. Geographical limitations do not play a role, yet the emphasis is on European, especially the German-speaking countries.
Each individual entry includes ends with a list of further reading and often includes illustrations, tables or maps.
The electronic edition contains about 21,000 entries, written by ca. 400 authors. It is based on the second, completely revised edition of the LGB (9 vols., Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann, 1987-2016).
Although many humanists, from Petrarch to Fulvio Orsini, had written briefly about library history, the De bibliothecis of Justus Lipsius was the first self-contained monograph on the topic. The De bibliothecis proved to be a seminal achievement, both in redefining the scope of library history and in articulating a vision of a public, secular, research institution for the humanities. It was repeatedly reprinted and translated, plagiarized and epitomized. Through the end of the nineteenth century, scholars turned to it as the ultimate foundation for any discussion of library history. In Ancient Libraries and Renaissance Humanism, Hendrickson presents a critical edition of Lipsius’s work with introductory studies, a Latin text, English translation, and a substantial historical commentary.
Although many humanists, from Petrarch to Fulvio Orsini, had written briefly about library history, the De bibliothecis of Justus Lipsius was the first self-contained monograph on the topic. The De bibliothecis proved to be a seminal achievement, both in redefining the scope of library history and in articulating a vision of a public, secular, research institution for the humanities. It was repeatedly reprinted and translated, plagiarized and epitomized. Through the end of the nineteenth century, scholars turned to it as the ultimate foundation for any discussion of library history. In Ancient Libraries and Renaissance Humanism, Hendrickson presents a critical edition of Lipsius’s work with introductory studies, a Latin text, English translation, and a substantial historical commentary.
In this groundbreaking Arabic catalogue, Efraim Wust synthesizes the Islamic and Western manuscript traditions to enrich our understanding of the manuscripts and their compositions. His combined treatment of Arabic, Persian, and Turkish manuscripts preserves the integrity of the collection and honors the multicultural history of the Islamic intellectual tradition.
In this groundbreaking Arabic catalogue, Efraim Wust synthesizes the Islamic and Western manuscript traditions to enrich our understanding of the manuscripts and their compositions. His combined treatment of Arabic, Persian, and Turkish manuscripts preserves the integrity of the collection and honors the multicultural history of the Islamic intellectual tradition.
- Access to nearly 120,000 records
- Logging scholarly publications from the late 19th century until today
- Entries ordered by subject, country or period
- Covering over 40 languages (predominantly German, English, French and Dutch)
- Search by title, author, keyword, language and more
- Personal tools include save searches, search alerts and exporting tools
- Updated regularly
BHO is the online continuation of the Annual Bibliography of the History of the Printed Book and Libraries (ABHB), initially edited by Hendrik D.L. Vervliet and subsequently by the Department of Special Collections of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (The Hague). The first volume was published in 1970.