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- ALAC has multiple sponsors: Volumes 1, 2, 3, 5 have been funded by the “Research Centre for History and Culture” of Beijing Normal University (Zhuhai) and of the BNU-HKBU United International College. Volume 4 has been funded by the ERC project “Pre-classical Anatolian Languages in Contact” (European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, grant agreement nº757299). Volumes 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 are funded by the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology at Hong Kong Baptist University. All volumes are published under a CC BY-NC-ND license.
- Proposals must present original work and must have been submitted exclusively to ALAC. Both monographs and collective volumes are welcome.
- Submissions may regard any civilizations from any continents, developed between prehistory and the 15th century AD, that is, the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire.
- Submissions may regard any aspects of Antiquity: history, archaeology, art and architecture, philology, linguistics, literature, philosophy, religion studies, sociology, anthropology, etc.
- ALAC also considers studies of oral literature, such as proverbs and folklore, as well as field work on endangered languages, which represent the legacy of ancient traditions verbally transmitted from generation to generation.
Authors are cordially invited to submit proposals and full manuscripts by email to the Series Editors: Professor CHEN Zhi , Professor Carlotta Viti , and Professor WANG Xiang (Shawn Wang) .
- ALAC's sponspor Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology at Hong Kong Baptist University may provide financial support for the Book Publishing Costs.
Since 2014 it consists of two collections per year:
European History and Culture-I
Coverage: Medieval History, Medieval Archeology, History of Central and Eastern Europe, History of Northern Europe, Mediterranean History, Jewish History, Medieval Philosophy, History of Ideas, History of Science
European History and Culture 2
Coverage: Early Modern History, Modern History, Global History, History of Central and Eastern Europe, Atlantic History, Jewish History, Church History, Reformation History, History of Ideas, History of Science, Book History, History of Warfare
The list of titles per collection can be found here.
This e-book collection is part of Brill's Humanities and Social Sciences E-Book collection, for more information visit
Die Sprachen dieser Zeitschrift sind Deutsch und Englisch mit Zusammenfassungen in der jeweils anderen Sprache. Dass die meisten Beiträge auf Deutsch publiziert werden, folgt einer historischen Tradition, da ein Großteil sowohl des Quellenbestands als auch der Historiografie zum historischen Baltikum deutschsprachig ist.
Die Herausgeber halten die Heranziehung von Fachleuten aus den Nachbarländern und anderen nicht-baltischen Staaten für eine ihrer wichtigsten Aufgaben, wofür auch das internationale Redaktionskollegium steht. Dabei ist vor allem an den umfangreichen Rezensionsteil gedacht, der über die wichtigsten neuesten Publikationen zur baltischen Geschichte informieren soll. Die mittlerweile erschienenen Bände demonstrieren, dass „baltische Geschichte“ heute einen wesentlichen regionalen Aspekt der Geschichte des Ostseeraums und damit ganz Europas (inkl. Russlands) darstellt. In den ersten zehn Jahren ihres Bestehens haben die FzbG Beiträge von Autorinnen und Autoren aus den drei baltischen Staaten, Deutschland, der Russländischen Föderation, Finnland, Schweden, Dänemark, Österreich, den Niederlanden, Italien, den USA und Kanada publizieren können. In diesem Sinne sieht sich die Redaktion in einem wachsenden internationalen Resonanzrahmen.
Mati Laur (Tartu University) and Karsten Brüggemann (Tallinn University) in close cooperation with colleagues from the University of Latvia in Riga have been editing a German-language yearbook presenting fresh studies on the history of the Baltic states. “Forschungen zur baltischen Geschichte” (Studies on Baltic History, FzbG) since 2006. The Studies on Baltic History (FzbG) is a peer-reviewed academic journal of the Estonian Historical Academic Society (Akadeemiline ajalooselts). They see themselves as an academic journal in the field of historical area studies that wants to encourage the scientifically-based exchange between the various national historiographies. Transgressing the small respective linguistic spheres of the nation states Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, the FzbG wants to contribute to the inner-Baltic professional discussion about the past. The regional focus of the journal lies in the historical Baltikum, the former Baltic provinces of the Russian Empire (Estland, Livland and Kurland, roughly the modern states of Estonia and Latvia), but contributions to Lithuanian history are also welcome because since the 20th century Lithuania forms an integral part of “Baltic” history. The time frame of articles published in FzbG, however, ranges from prehistory to the post-Soviet period. Moreover, we encourage in particular contributions that deal with the transregional interconnections in the broader geographical area of North-Eastern Europe.
This journal publishes texts in German and English with summaries, respectively, in English and German. The majority of articles are published in German, in which we follow the historical tradition since a major part of the archival sources and the older historiography about the Baltikum is in German.
The main task of the editors and the international editorial board is the involvement of experts from neighbouring and other non-Baltic countries. This is especially true for the extensive section of reviews informing about the latest publications on Baltic history. So far the published volumes of FzbG demonstrates quite successfully that the history of the Baltic states today is an important aspect of the past of the Baltic Sea area and thus the whole of Europe including Russia. During the first ten years of its existence, FzbG enjoyed the participation of authors from the three Baltic States, Germany, Russian Federation, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Netherlands, Italy, USA and Canada. In this understanding, the editors see themselves corresponding to a growing international resonance space.
Technik als Artefakt im engeren Sinne ist nicht allein das Thema der Reihe. Stattdessen sollen die Publikationen auf übergreifende geschichtswissenschaftliche Fragen orientiert sein. Es geht um die Auswirkungen von Technik, ihre Nutzungen, um die kulturellen Deutungen und Wahrnehmungen in verschiedenen Kulturen, ihre jeweiligen sozialen, ökonomischen und politischen Entwicklungsbedingungen sowie um den mit Technik einhergehenden historischen Wandel und um unterschiedliche Technikkulturen im globalen Vergleich. Gleichermaßen soll die Reihe Studien versammeln, die die Frage nach der Rolle von Technik mit der Analyse der spezifischen Wissensformen in einer technischen Kultur kombinieren sowie ihre Wechselbeziehung mit der dynamischen Entwicklung der Wissenschaft analysieren.
Die Reihe umfasst insbesondere Monographien, aber auch herausragende Sammelbände.
Authors are cordially invited to submit proposals and/or full manuscripts to the Publisher at Brill Alessandra Giliberto.
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