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Pride and Humility in Early New England
Huddled on dank ships and tossed about in the waves of the Atlantic, English Puritans envisioned a new society predicated on the values of individual and communal humility. Pride, a pervasive sin, jeopardized their very survival and incited God’s wrath. The first generation of New England settlers, deeply affected by the miseries of their migration experience, crafted New England society on the dichotomy of pride and humility.
Embracing demonstrative suffering as essential, Puritans embraced perpetual martyrdom, often taking great pride in the extent of their humiliation. This ideology affected self-perceptions and informed legal codes, theology, and community values. Anxieties around pride resulted in violent efforts to eradicate “proud” individuals, but also whole communities as demonstrated by the Pequot War (1636-37). The dichotomy of pride and humility permeated all aspects of New England Puritanism.
In the sixteenth century, Franciscan, Dominican, and Augustinian missionaries attempted to evangelize the indigenous peoples of central Mexico. Indigenous peoples incorporated the new faith into their belief system on their own terms, and continued to conceptualize a sacred geography that ordered their world and regulated time. At the same time, the missionaries had new sacred complexes built, but the question remains, why did indigenous peoples dedicate labor and community resources to these projects? This study analyzes the urban plan of indigenous communities, the construction of new sacred complexes, and the ways in which the urban plan conformed to the notion of sacred geography.
In: “The Pompe and Pride of Man”
In: “The Pompe and Pride of Man”
In: “The Pompe and Pride of Man”
In: “The Pompe and Pride of Man”
In: “The Pompe and Pride of Man”
In: “The Pompe and Pride of Man”
In: “The Pompe and Pride of Man”
In: “The Pompe and Pride of Man”