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The Prayer in the Ancient World will also be available online.
Preview of the 'Prayer in the Ancient World’, 2022
The charge of schism has been one in the history of Western Christianity that carries with it deep emotive tones of horror. Through the examination of a tract making this charge about eighteenth-century English Dissent by the evangelical Anglican clergyman Thomas Robinson and of its rebuttal by the Particular Baptist theologian Andrew Fuller, this essay explores such perennial questions as: what is the nature of a true church and what is its relationship to the state? There is a poignancy to this particular debate between Robinson and Fuller as both men were evangelicals and each had a profound respect for the other.
Christopher Watkin’s book Biblical Critical Theory offers a new technique for assessing issues and conflicts arising in both academic and wider cultural contexts. He offers diagonalization as a way of identifying alternatives to the harmful polarities (dichotomies) in which issues are presented. I argue that diagonalization fails as a technique as it is not presented in a way that others can readily adopt, it fails to explain why or how the diagonalizations resolve dichotomies, and treats complex issues as if they can be rendered into dichotomies and then resolved in a simplistic manner.