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What is here called Eastern Turki is a corpus of non-standardized, mostly oral Uyghur language items elicited from people who lived in southern Xinjiang in the late 1800s and early 1900s. With its abundance of designations of tools and utensils, vehicles, professions, food, customs and beliefs, animals and plants, soils and terrains, etc., it will help us envision a bygone local Uyghur mode of life and its physical prerequisites.
What is here called Eastern Turki is a corpus of non-standardized, mostly oral Uyghur language items elicited from people who lived in southern Xinjiang in the late 1800s and early 1900s. With its abundance of designations of tools and utensils, vehicles, professions, food, customs and beliefs, animals and plants, soils and terrains, etc., it will help us envision a bygone local Uyghur mode of life and its physical prerequisites.
Linguistics, Indigenous languages, Semantics, Reference, Litreracy, Grammar, Phonetics
This E-Book Collection is part of Brill's Language and Linguistics E-Books Online Collection.
The title list and free MARC records are available for download here.
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Linguistics, Indigenous languages, Semantics, Reference, Literacy, Grammar, Phonetics
This e-book collection is part of Brill's Humanities and Social Sciences E-Book collection.
The list of titles per collection can be found here.