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Brill's Educational Research E-Books Online, Collection 2025 is the electronic version of the book publishing program of Brill in the field of Educational Research in 2025.

Coverage: General, Education Policy & Politics, Culture and Education, Gender and Education, Youth, Social Justice, Adult Education, Children Education, Teacher Education, Higher Education, Comparative Education, Mathematics Education, Science Education, Art Education, Language Education, Inclusive Education, Educational Theory, Educational Philosophy, Educational Leadership, Educational Technology, Learning, Professional Development, Research Methodology.

This E-Book Collection is part of Brill's Educational Research E-Books Online.

The title list and free MARC records are available for download here.

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Volume Editors: , , and
In this book, readers will have the opportunity to reflect on the multidisciplinary ideas and experiences presented by higher education and PreK-12 leaders seeking to establish effective partnerships in order to impact collaboration, opportunities for innovation, and growth. Authors explored how identifying, nurturing, and sustaining partnerships in systematic and structured ways is not a one size fits all experience. Partnership development requires flexibility and ongoing engagement with stakeholders. The impact of individualization, access to resources and support systems, and the value of multiple perspectives and experiences is also shared. Each chapter ends with reflective questions to support further reflection on experiences and ideas presented.

Contributors are: Louis Bruschi, Eileen Corigliano, Jane DeFazio, Lorrie DeSena, Jose Luis Diaz Jr., David Gordon, Josephine Marcantonio, Dina Prisco, Vannessa Smith-Washington, Patricia Tooker and Joao Arnaldo Vembane.
Volume Editors: and
The academic experiences and emotions shared in these chapters can be described as thoughtful, courageous, insightful, and worrisome. Collectively, authors draw a troubled higher education landscape that has evolved over the years from, to put it mildly, a “more pleasant” working environment in more generous times, to a less pleasant working environment in today’s more restrictive, more competitive, and more financially difficult and wrong-headed times.

However, on a positive note, contributing authors share their understanding of the core purpose of the higher education institution and its mission as purveyors of that purpose through adherence to the university’s stated triad of goals: teaching, research, and service.
Stand und Perspektiven der Operativen Pädagogik
Erziehung beginnt als Reaktion von Eltern und anderen Personen auf die Erziehungsbedürftigkeit und Lernfähigkeit eines Kindes. Dieser Prozess der Unterstützung des Lernens erstreckt sich nicht bloß auf die Kindheit, sondern zieht sich über den gesamten Lebenslauf. Dabei differenziert sich Erziehung in vielfältige Pädagogiken mit individuellen Praktiken, Institutionen und Reflexionszusammenhängen. Die Operative Pädagogik verknüpft diese verschiedenen Pädagogiken miteinander und argumentiert, dass das Zeigen und das Lernen das Fundament für die Erklärung von Erziehung und für ihre Praxis bilden. Der Band untersucht deshalb Prozesse des Zeigens und des Lernens aus einer theoretischen und empirischen Perspektive und in verschiedenen pädagogischen Handlungsfeldern. Er entwickelt vorhandene Forschungen im Bereich der Operativen Pädagogik weiter und zeigt Anschlüsse für zukünftige Forschungen auf. Ergänzt wird der Band durch eine Bibliografie der Schriften von Klaus Prange, dem Begründer der Operativen Pädagogik.
Free access
In: Implementation and Replication Studies in Mathematics Education


This study investigated the relevance of a triple helix model in the transition of public universities in Botswana into entrepreneurial universities. A qualitative study with 30 participants from four (4) public universities was conducted using a semi-structured interview. The sample was drawn from top management in each university using purposive and snowballing non-probability sampling techniques. Data was transcribed, coded and grouped into themes using Atlas ti software version 22. The study results revealed that the triple helix model was a relevant and applicable model for public universities in Botswana to transform into entrepreneurial universities. The relationship between academics, industry and government was found critical for the success of an entrepreneurial university. Even though this was the case, a unique finding specific to the Botswana context was that the model lacked the involvement of another key player, which was identified as the community. Hence, the study recommended a quadruple helix model. The study was the first to examine the relevance of a triple helix model in transforming public universities into entrepreneurial universities in Botswana.

Open Access
In: Triple Helix


The current landscape of nursing academia affected by the pandemic and decreasing clinical sites, requires nurse educators to be creative in developing educational experiences for student nurses. Present trends in community health nursing are closely associated with historical methods to promote wellness and prevent injury. This chapter will explore the history of community-based partnerships in nursing education and contemporary trends.

In: Teacher Preparation Programs, Partnerships, and the New Landscape for the Profession


The purpose of this chapter is to inform readers of challenges found in two studies carried out in Mozambique, a developing country in Africa, related to development and implementation of disability-inclusive education policies. Findings from the studies indicate how support in teacher training and inclusive education is critical for Mozambique.

In: Teacher Preparation Programs, Partnerships, and the New Landscape for the Profession


The content of this chapter focuses on teacher training and the use of differentiation at an independent school on Staten Island, NY. Data from an action research study is the main source of content for exploring the relationship between the independent school structure and how differentiation can be utilized in the classroom when teacher training and teacher input is emphasized in the process.

In: Teacher Preparation Programs, Partnerships, and the New Landscape for the Profession