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Theories of Tribalism: Debates, Controversies, and Afrodemocracy maintains that theories of tribalism are the benchmark for African political scientific knowledge. With a focus on Afrodemocracy, this volume presents Afro Tribalism as an approach to neotribalism. Gael Clavis Johnson argues on the question of Afrodemocracy through a review of black socio-political reasons and the introduction of a new model of leadership for Africans. The author posits that if Pan-Africanism wants groundbreaking change in Africa, then it should change the ideological grounds of which this content has identified pre-existing causes, thus mirroring steps towards new African political ideologies.
The Theoretical Contribution of Federalism to the Explanation of Emergent Models for the Accommodation of Diversity
Volume Editors: and
The volume offers new and unexplored perspectives on federalism and its relationships with diversity accommodation. It represents the first structured attempt to use federal theory and practice to frame several phenomena of governance in the area of diversity management. Federalism is here tested as a theoretical and practical tool that may help us better understand phenomena such as non-territorial autonomy, participatory democracy and legal pluralism.
This volume unveils the theoretical potential of federalism in explaining complex pluralist legal systems: This theoretical function may be the 21st century dimension of federalism.
There is a lack of control that exists when managing a chronic illness, just as there is a lack of autonomy when one finds themselves living within the confines of a correctional facility. How does one address these two precarious circumstances when they collide? Research has revealed that incarcerated populations have a higher rate of infectious disease and chronic health issues than their non-incarcerated counterparts.

How is this reality translated in a way that others might understand? As an avenue to gain a new perspective, this book provides a glimpse into the world of incarceration and health care management, using art to translate this experience.

Activist art is effective and powerful for both the audience and the creator. By revealing the reality of living with a chronic illness and how social determinants of health significantly impact one’s status and start in life, art holds the power to shift perspectives and deepen understandings not only of health care and incarceration but also to agitate for societal changes.
Insights from Key Global Publications 2018–2023 in International Higher Education
Volume Editors: , , and
This book features a carefully curated collection of articles drawn from the quarterly International Higher Education (IHE). Focused on the international dimensions and trends in higher education, these articles offer valuable insights into the tumultuous events spanning from January 2018 to December 2023. This volume offers a comprehensive discussion of key international themes covering a period of great turmoil in global higher education in a series of short, targeted articles.

The five-year period is marked by the geopolitical tensions and internationalization issues at both national and international levels, in the middle of a global pandemic. We provide readers with a coherent organization of articles, grouped into ten themes that relate to the most central issues facing international(ization of) higher education, which are relevant today and in the future.

While readers of the higher education research community will find these themes familiar, this book is also tailored for a more diverse audience. Policymakers and practitioners worldwide will find this book helpful when seeking a comprehensive and approachable guide to navigating the complexities of international dimensions and trends in higher education. This collection is a valuable resource for courses worldwide that focus on global issues and the internationalization of higher education.
Paulo Freire’s Approach to Literacy, Training and Adult Education
Volume Editor:
An unanswered question on the making of Pedagogy of the Oppressed is when, where and how this book was written, edited, and published. The Preface of the original Portuguese handwritten manuscript is dated in Chile by 1967. Some scholars imply that the manuscript was finished sometime in March or April 1969. By then, Freire had left Chile and three of his books had been published by the Institute of Research and Training in Agrarian Reform, ICIRA. Freire himself had already committed the English translation, from the original Portuguese manuscript with Herder & Herder in New York, together with the Spanish translation published by Tierra Nueva in Uruguay. This book explores the ways in which Freire’s time and work in Chile proved to be decisive in the making of Pedagogy of the Oppressed, widely considered one of the most important books on critical pedagogy and adult learning and education in the twentieth century. The scope is confined to Paulo Freire's years of political exile in Chile, from late November 1964 to mid-April 1969. It builds upon evidence provided by scholarly research to answer four questions. What did Paulo Freire do during his years of exile in Chile. In which institutional contexts did he develop his pedagogical methods and political ideas? How was his literacy training method and participatory research approach shared throughout Latin America and the rest of the world? To what extent did his exile in Chile influence a paradigm shift in literacy training and adult education?
A Study of Postcolonial Islamic Governmentalities in Rural Balochistan
This book charts a comprehensive account of girls’ education in postcolonial Pakistan, and argues that the problem of girls’ education in rural areas needs to be situated in the construction of knowledge, the practice of power relations, and the contested processes of truth production. Drawing on theories of Foucault’s governmentality, postcolonialism and feminism, the author explores the context of Pakistan as a postcolonial Islamic nation-state, examines the British colonial legacies of governing institutions, discourses of gender and education, and development of girls’ education policy and practices. The book contributes to the development of the analytical framework of postcolonial Islamic governmentality and uses the framework to analyse the research data, and education policy texts and discourses.
Age and Ageing in an Ageist World
Older adults may be the world's fastest growing demographic. Yet they remain vulnerable to biases and barriers that would be intolerable if directed at others. Such an indictment puts the onus on deconstructing the idea of ageism in terms of what it means ("a riddle"), how it works ("a mystery"), why it persists ("an enigma"), and what can be done about it ("a puzzle"). Reference to ageism must go beyond the idea of a “bug” in the system. Rather, ageism is the system, the default reality of an ageist society designed by, for, and about the young and able-bodied. Ageism also intersects with other forms of identity and inequality such as gender and race to amplify the downside of getting older and being old. Initiatives for advancing a rights-based, age-inclusive society must focus on calling out ageism as a precondition for calling in a national reset.


When people belong, they feel valued and respected as their authentic selves. Belonging can occur individually, as in belonging to oneself, and in groups, where people belong among others. Belonging to both self and others contributes to feelings of security and safety, and belonging is related to students’ success in school. This study sought to explore the lived experiences of belonging in education during the covid-19 pandemic. Professionals in education, including faculty and administrators in K-12 and higher education, non-profit leaders, and parents, were guests on a podcast about belonging, which used a semi-structured interview approach. The episodes, which yielded rich qualitative data collected in real-time as the pandemic progressed, were transcribed, and systematically analyzed using three cycles of inductive coding. Participants described belonging as fundamental and critical to development, and they shared how they prioritized and fostered belonging in