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Paulo Freire’s Approach to Literacy, Training and Adult Education
Volume Editor:
An unanswered question on the making of Pedagogy of the Oppressed is when, where and how this book was written, edited, and published. The Preface of the original Portuguese handwritten manuscript is dated in Chile by 1967. Some scholars imply that the manuscript was finished sometime in March or April 1969. By then, Freire had left Chile and three of his books had been published by the Institute of Research and Training in Agrarian Reform, ICIRA. Freire himself had already committed the English translation, from the original Portuguese manuscript with Herder & Herder in New York, together with the Spanish translation published by Tierra Nueva in Uruguay. This book explores the ways in which Freire’s time and work in Chile proved to be decisive in the making of Pedagogy of the Oppressed, widely considered one of the most important books on critical pedagogy and adult learning and education in the twentieth century. The scope is confined to Paulo Freire's years of political exile in Chile, from late November 1964 to mid-April 1969. It builds upon evidence provided by scholarly research to answer four questions. What did Paulo Freire do during his years of exile in Chile. In which institutional contexts did he develop his pedagogical methods and political ideas? How was his literacy training method and participatory research approach shared throughout Latin America and the rest of the world? To what extent did his exile in Chile influence a paradigm shift in literacy training and adult education?
A Comparative Study of Language Diversity within Education Systems in France and Aotearoa New Zealand
In many parts of the world, there is a growing interest in how existing linguistic knowledge is involved in the acquisition of further languages; in particular how learning the language of schooling can be improved through inclusion of students’ home languages. This theme gathers around it a rich international network of multilingual researchers interested in promoting the benefits of bilingual and plurilingual education, the recognition of linguistic and cultural diversity in schools, and strategies for supporting young migrants to succeed in schools.

Young Migrants and Plurilingualism in Schools: A Comparative Study of Language Diversity within Education Systems in France and Aotearoa, New Zealand presents findings from the author’s Ph.D. study carried out during 2017–2019 with young migrants and their teachers in France and New Zealand. These findings provide evidence for plurilingual learning spaces as improving student participation, interaction, sense of wellbeing and social cohesion—all elements of democratic coexistence in culturally and linguistically diverse societies.
Series Editor:
The aim of the series Pittsburgh Studies in Comparative and International Education (PSCIE) is to produce edited and authored volumes on key international education issues, trends, and reforms, including examinations of national education systems, social theories, and development education initiatives. Local, national, regional, and global volumes (single authored and edited collections) are welcomed and offer potential contributors a great deal of latitude based on interests and cutting edge research. The series is supported by a strong network of international scholars and development professionals who serve on the International Advisory Board and participate in the selection and review process for manuscript development. The volumes are intended to provide not only useful contributions to comparative, international, and development education (CIDE) but also possible supplementary readings for advanced courses for undergraduate and graduate students in CIDE.
Modern Individualism under the Test of Cosmopolitanism
Global citizenship education is an essential topic in an increasingly interconnected world. Indeed the need for inclusive and globally conscious education, embedded in cosmopolitanism, is recognised as a way to prepare individuals to navigate diverse cultures, address global challenges, and actively participate in a globalised world.

Being both scientific and political, these challenges require an interdisciplinary exploration of citizenship education, merging sociology, philosophy, as well as education and training sciences. To do this, Global Citizenship Education: Modern Individualism under the Test of Cosmopolitanism offers a framework that integrates Durkheim's holistic approach with critical republicanism.

The book is also rooted in the analysis of data collected through GlobalSense, a research project that focuses on preparing teachers to navigate the complexities of GCE within an international context. By presenting both a theoretical reflection and an analysis of an international training program within universities, this book can be of interest to academics, teacher trainers and (future) teachers themselves.
In: Global Citizenship Education
In: Global Citizenship Education
In: Global Citizenship Education
In: Global Citizenship Education
In: Global Citizenship Education
In: Global Citizenship Education