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Volume Editors: and
This translated volume is based on the publication Green Book of Population and Labor (No. 20), originally published in Chinese by the Social Science Academic Press (SASS). The focus of this volume is high-quality employment in China. The topics covered include China’s labor market during the Fourteenth Five-Year Plan; labor supply and demand; the economic impact of consumption among migrant workers; labor supply elasticity and productivity; geographical and structural shifts in job opportunities; and the educational profiles and income distribution among migrants. The final chapter discusses the opportunities and challenges associated with the rapid development of AI and robotics.
Origins and Development of Mohist Logic
Editor / Translator:
This book is the first and only English language translation of Sun Zhongyuan’s research on Mohist logic. Sun investigates the historical contributions made to the research of logic in China, its modern value, its significance to the world, and how the form of logic developed in China is united with those from the rest of the world, focusing on Mohist (mojia 墨家) logic in particular as its core concern.

Sun’s work represents a high level of academic merit in the field of logic in China, embodying traditional Chinese culture, reflecting the frontiers of Chinese academia, effectively advocating for Chinese academia to engage with the rest of the world, deepening the academic conversation between China and the rest of the world, furthering the world’s understanding of Chinese thought, and strengthening its influence and discursive power.
Transplantation and Transformation
In this book, Max WL Wong provides a new perspective on legal pluralism under the Qing dynasty (1644-1911) and provides an argument that in traditional Chinese legal culture the pluralistic normative orders were blended, in parallel with the established state legal system, to become a complexed administrative system exerting political and social control in Qing China.

Specifically, he addresses these key questions. First, how were Chinese laws, and the quasi-legal norms that created a system of legal pluralism in Qing, reformed by the drive for legal modernization in the late Qing and Republican China as a response to the challenge of western laws? And second, how was the pluralistic structure of Chinese laws and norms in Qing China diffused and transplanted to Taiwan, Hong Kong and South East Asia in the form of ‘Chinese customary law’? Also, how was Chinese law subdued by the imposed legal systems of the colonisers, mainly Great Britain and Japan?