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An Annual Bilingual Review / Revue Annuelle Bilingue
A refereed bilingual journal, Samuel Beckett Today / Aujourd’hui has established itself as one of the leading international journals in the dynamic field of Beckett studies. A guiding principle of the journal is its openness to diverse disciplinary domains, theoretical perspectives, and discourse styles of scholars writing on Beckett. Bilingual since its inception, it aims to foster dialogue across languages, cultures, and disciplines. The journal welcomes submissions in English and French from all parts of the world provided they contribute a new understanding to the extensive literature on Beckett and meet the tests of readability and scholarship.

Samuel Beckett Today / Aujourd’hui will be published as journal as of 2016. All back volumes are still available in print.

La revue bilingue Samuel Beckett Today / Aujourd’hui a su se faire reconnaître comme une des revues internationales de pointe dans le domaine très dynamique des études beckettiennes. L’un des principes directeurs de cette revue est son ouverture à la diversité des champs d’étude, des perspectives théoriques et des approches stylistiques des chercheurs travaillant sur Beckett. Bilingue depuis sa fondation, la revue cherche à encourager le dialogue entre les langues, les cultures et les disciplines différentes. La revue accueille des propositions en anglais et en français provenant de tous les coins du monde, pourvu que celles-ci, en s’inscrivant dans la liste déjà longue des études sur Beckett, contribuent à apporter une compréhension nouvelle de cette œuvre, tout en répondant aux critères requis de lisibilité et de sérieux scientifique. Les propositions sont soumises au contrôle évaluatif par les pairs.

A partir de 2016, Samuel Beckett Today / Aujourd’hui paraître comme une revue. Les livres parus resteront disponibles sous version imprimée.
Louis Althusser argued that Marx initiated a transformation of philosophy, a new way of doing philosophy. This book follows that provocation to examine the way in which central Marxist concepts and problems from primitive accumulation to real abstraction animate and inform philosophers from Theodor Adorno to Paolo Virno. While also examining the way in which reading Marx casts new light on such philosophers as Spinoza. At the centre of this transformation is the production of subjectivity, the manner in which relations of production produces ways of thinking and living.
In Pathos, Poetry and Politics in Michel Houellebecq's fiction, Russell Williams examines the literary style of France's most notorious novelist. Houellebecq is frequently the focus of debate for his provocative comments about Islam and the decline of Western civilisation. This book refocuses attention on how such provocation is an integral part of the texture of his novels.
Williams considers Houellebecq's writing about literature and outlines the key principles of the author's poetics, founded on an acute sensitivity to reading experience. He then explores Houellebecq's earliest poetry before mapping this poetic voice into his subsequent fiction, including Sérotonine (2019). Houellebecq's relationship with genre fiction and the crucial issue of the authorial persona that exists in and around his texts are also explored.