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While the Security Council has been mandating peacekeepers to protect civilians since 1999, there is still contention on its legal meaning. Even though the concept of ‘protection’ can seem self-evident, as the concept of ‘protection’ is borrowed language, each body of law will perceive ‘protection’ through a different lens. However, as the mandate creates a legal obligation on UN peace missions, a clear understanding of protection is fundamental to ensure performance and accountability.
State Practice and Opinio Juris 2000-2022
Many ask if R2P is legally binding or not. By following the development of R2P from 2000-2022 and governments interactions with it throughout those years internationally, regionally and nationally, a perspective is given regarding its development as a norm within international law. The state practice and opinio juris of countries from different regions, representing varying perspectives, and the application of R2P throughout those years, provide the reader with insights on where R2P stands after more than 20 years of being part of the international fora.
How to legally assess the situation when humanitarian actors in non-international armed conflicts are arbitrarily denied access to the affected civilian population? The book answers this question from the perspective of the five main actors involved in humanitarian relief in non-international armed conflicts: the affected State, non-State armed groups, humanitarian actors, non-belligerent States and the affected civilian population. It examines the legal regulations and consequences for each of these actors. In doing so, the book not only draws attention to existing legal gaps and challenges, but also encourages readers to rethink outdated legal concepts and discuss new approaches.

The open access publication of this book has been published with the support of the Swiss National Science Foundation.
This book aims to contribute to the global observance of the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), 1948. It considers nature and development of international human rights law. It considers how human rights interact with other regimes such as intellectual property, foreign direct investment, corporate social responsibility, international environmental law, humanitarian law, refugee law, economic law, and criminal law. The book then presents human rights of vulnerable populations and sets out contemporary challenges and issues relating to human rights, such as globalisation, the effects of COVID-19, religion, nationality, and the implementation of economic, social, and cultural rights.
Volume Editors: and
This book unlocks the look, sound, smell, taste, and feel of justice for massive human rights abuses. Twenty-nine expert authors examine the dynamics of the five human senses in how atrocity is perceived, remembered, and condemned. This book is chockful of images. It serves up remarkably diverse content. It treks around the globe: from Pacific war crimes trials in the aftermath of the Second World War to Holocaust proceedings in contemporary Germany, France, and Israel; from absurd show trials in Communist Czechoslovakia to international courtrooms in Arusha, Phnom Penh, and The Hague. Readers embark on a journey that transcends myriad dimensions, including photographic representations of grandfatherly old torturers in Argentina, narco-trafficking in Mexico, colonialisation in India, disinformation and misinformation pixelated in cyberspace, environmental degradation in Cambodia, militarism in Northern Ireland, and civil rights activism in Atlanta. Sights, Sounds, and Sensibilities of Atrocity Prosecutions reimagines what an atrocity means, reconsiders what drives the manufacture of law, and reboots the role of courtrooms and other mechanisms in the pursuit of justice. It unveils how law translates sensory experience into its procedures and institutions, and how humanistic inputs shape perceptions of right and wrong. This book thereby offers a refreshing primer on the underappreciated role of aesthetics, time, and emotion in the world of law.

Drumbl and Fournet have done us all a great service in knitting together – in a single, powerfully imagined, volume – these essays about how we might experience the institutionalisation of judgment in atrocity trials.
– Gerry Simpson, Professor of Public International Law, LSE Law School (London).

Contributions to this volume offer a unique opportunity to delve into law’s hidden landscape using the primary reality of the five senses.
– Marina Aksenova, Assistant Professor in Comparative and International Criminal Law, IE Law School (Madrid).
The monetary and financial dimensions of economic sanctions have become critical components of sanctions strategies. A wider range of monetary and financial assets, entities (including central banks), and services are now targeted. Financial institutions, infrastructures, regulators and central banks play an increasingly influential role in shaping sanctions channels. Furthermore, sanctions may have significant impacts on financial obligations. This book, prepared under the auspices of the International Monetary Law Committee of the International Law Association (Mocomila), is the first to focus on the unexplored financial and monetary law aspects of economic sanctions and examine their impact on central banks and payment systems.
Editors: and
The Chinese Yearbook of Human Rights is a forum for academic exchange between China and the international community in the field of human rights. It publishes peer reviewed articles by scholars and practitioners from both within and outside China on human rights issues, from the perspectives of law, philosophy, political science, history, international relations and other relevant academic disciplines.
The Yearbook was originally founded in cooperation with the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, but fell silent from 2008 onwards. It now has a new editorial team, consisting of internationally based human rights scholars and a team of editors at the Institute for Human Rights of the China University of Political Science and Law and the Center for Human Rights Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

Volume 6, 2024 focuses on the topical issues of the interpretation and implementation of the right to peace, the right to work, and the right to education. Several other issues, such as international human rights mechanisms, business and human rights, climate change litigation, poverty alleviation, and anti-domestic violence, are also covered.