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Volume Editor:
In today's digital age, visual representation plays a significant role in shaping our world. This book explores the topic of visual research methods and their relevance to education. It highlights the use of visual media, such as images and videos, to enhance our understanding of complex concepts and phenomena. By integrating visual research into education, we can gain a comprehensive understanding of abstract ideas, leading to better retention and application of knowledge. Additionally, visual research methods provide multiple perspectives on social phenomena, motivating us to initiate social change.

The book features contributions from scholars worldwide, who discuss various methodological perspectives and applications of visual research in education. Topics include visual inquiry methodology, techniques for analyzing visual data, and the use of photovoice. Each chapter reviews the literature on a specific visual method, addresses methodological challenges, strengths, and limitations, and explores its contributions to education research.

Overall, this book offers valuable insights into the power and potential of visual research methods in education, providing a platform for scholars to share their expertise and promote the use of visual methods in educational research.

Contributors are: Hendrik-Zoltan Andermann, Chang Cai, Yanli Cao, Helen Hanna, Qing Huang, Wei Jin, Guanyu Li, Ning Luo, Patrica A. L. Ong, Miao Pei, Hing Kwant To, Kwok Kuen Tsang, Ting Wang, Zeyu Wang, Ziaoyu Wang, E. Jayne White, Rui Xiong, Boris Zizek and Zhaolin Zhou.
Analyse d’une contribution à l’islamologie
À la faveur d’éléments historiques et biographiques inédits, cet ouvrage offre une analyse approfondie de l’œuvre consacrée par Louis Massignon (1883-1962) à la mystique musulmane. Il souligne l’importance de certaines découvertes de l’islamologue pour les études islamiques concernant la période formative du soufisme. Plus encore, ce livre sonde le regard porté par Massignon sur les vocations mystiques en islam et examine à la lumière des travaux récents sa vision de la « sainteté » et de la figure d’al-Ḥallāj (mort en 309/922). Par suite, ce travail fait émerger la question de la posture du chercheur en sciences des religions ainsi que celle des précautions à adopter afin que sa subjectivité ne reconstruise pas le réel, mais l’éclaire et le révèle.

This book provides an extensive analysis of the work of Louis Massignon (1883-1962) on Muslim mysticism, based on previously unpublished historical and biographical elements. It highlights the importance for Islamic Studies of certain discoveries made by the Islamicist concerning the formative period of Sufism. More than that, this book probes Massignon’s view of mystical vocations in Islam and examines, in the light of recent work, his vision of "holiness" and the figure of al-Ḥallāj (d. 309/922). This work opens, more broadly, the question of the posture of the researcher in the study of religion and the precautions to be adopted so that their subjectivity does not reconstruct reality, but illuminates and reveals it.
From-the-Field Challenges of a Non-Dualist Methodology
Volume Editors: and
Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) and other Vygotskian approaches are becoming increasingly popular among social scientists interested in studying human actions, thoughts and emotions in their cultural contexts. Building on non-dualist, dialectical materialist epistemological premises, these approaches, however, can pose important challenges to the scholar and the student aiming at first adopting them in their research. What are the concrete, method-related implications of CHAT perspectives for the way we do research in the field? Showcasing the work of well-established as well as emerging CHAT scholars, this volume presents from-the-field insights of non-dualist CHAT methodology for both newcomers and the initiated.

Contributors are: Sylvie Barma, Michael Cole, Patricia Dionne, Philip Dupuis-Laflamme, Ritva Engeström, Beth Ferholt, Alfredo Jornet, Isabelle Rioux, Frédéric Saussez, Chris Schuck, Anna Stetsenko, Marie-Caroline Vincent and Samantha Voyer.
Lonnin, an English dialect word, means a shared and borrowed, unofficial, track. The Lonnin Project is deliberately genre fluid, designed to resist classification by algorithm – an illustrated verse-novel and account of a creative process in which images, objects and texts are mutually affective. A quest for belonging, and the fickleness of recall in a fragile world, affect key characters in the narrative and the hybrid Project, which, in its entirety, explores creative outputs as a reciprocal refinement between image and text, reversing the habit of thought that prioritizes creative writing over art production. Here text is provisional until the visual illustrations are settled. This creative strategy has been relatively unexplored and so provides a useful guide for practice-based researchers, particularly those interested in Performance Writing.

Unusually, the text initially precedes and provokes 3D artworks which claim to belong to characters in the novel. These objects are slowly hand-built from sustainable, repurposed materials to become the antithesis of ‘merchandise’, occupying a mythical realm between the invented world of the story and material reality, where lonnin claims history resides. The objects are then re-expressed as 2D illustrations, refined to become cyanotypes, which subsequently modify the writing that originally inspired them.
Volume Editors: and
In an attempt to foster effective learning for the students, educators and researchers have been examining the complex relations between psychological, biological, sociological, and cultural aspects of the educative process. The common goal is to promote deep learning and maximize the potential of next-generation students in constructing knowledge, understanding, supporting, and advancing skills in their chosen fields. In the past decades, scientists and educational researchers are developing a new understanding of how the brain works and gaining knowledge of brain research that can transform how they teach in class. Recent discoveries in non-invasive brain imaging and cognitive neuroscience are providing fresh perspectives and mechanisms of learning. The chapters in this book will portray theoretical frameworks, thought-provoking ideas, and promising efforts in framing new science of learning.
Study Contexts, Avenues of Research, and Data Communication Strategies
This volume is a comprehensive overview of Content Analysis (CA), whose extraordinary potential is operationally flexible, compatible with different techniques, theoretically creative, and multidisciplinary at its core. Also, CA keeps tradition and innovation together: as technology advances, CA can more efficiently perform its typical functions and proves its worth in new fields. The book illustrates the main characteristics, perspectives, plurality of objects, and contexts of use of CA, focusing on the various practical strategies that it entails and on their combinations. The aim is to provide readers with a concrete guide, presenting a research notebook that explores a unique empirical-methodological heritage – such working style is replicable and the goal is to transmit it as clearly as possible.
Volume Editors: and
Contemplative Practices for Sustaining Wellness: Priorities for Research and Education continues ongoing studies exploring relationships between expressed emotions, physiological changes in breathing patterns, blood circulation and wellness, and use of interventions to live with chronic disease and, when possible, restore healthy functioning of the body. Unique aspects of the book's chapters include complementary approaches and practices for self-care, caring for others, and harmonizing universal energy. To ameliorate emotions and enhance wellness a variety of healing and contemplative practices are discussed, including breathing meditation and mindfulness in everyday activities. In so doing, authors address a diverse set of critical issues, including education, resilience, vulnerability, racism, misogyny, bigotry, and poverty.
Volume Editors: , , and
At a time of unprecedented human migration, education can serve as critical space for examining how our society is changing and being changed by this global phenomenon. This important and timely book focuses on methodological lenses to study how migration intersects with education.

In view of newer methodological propositions such as the reduction of participant/researcher binaries, along with newer technology allowing for mapping various forms of data, the authors in this volume question the very legitimacy of traditional methods and attempt here to expose power relations and researcher assumptions that may hinder most methodological processes. Authors raise innovative questions, blur disciplinary lines, and reinforce voice and agentry of those who may have been silenced or rendered invisible in the past.

Contributors are: Gladys Akom Ankobrey, Sarah Anschütz, Amy Argenal, Anna Becker, Jordan Corson, Courtney Douglass, Edmund T. Hamann, Belinda Hernandez Arriaga, Iram Khawaja, Jamie Lew, Cathryn Magno, Valentina Mazzucato, Timothy Monreal, Laura J. Ogden, Onallia Esther Osei, Sophia Rodriguez, Betsabé Roman, Juan Sánchez García, Vania Villanueva, Reva Jaffe Walter, Manny Zapata and Victor Zúñiga.