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Volume Editors: and
Christian-Muslim Relations, a Bibliographical History 22 (CMR 22), covering Central and Eastern Europe, in the period 1800-1914, is a further volume in a general history of relations between the two faiths from the 7th century to the early 20th century. It comprises a series of introductory essays and the main body of detailed entries. These treat all the works, surviving or lost, that have been recorded. They provide biographical details of the authors, descriptions and assessments of the works themselves, and complete accounts of manuscripts, editions, translations and studies. The result of collaboration between numerous new and leading scholars, CMR 22, along with the other volumes in this series, is intended as a fundamental tool for research in Christian-Muslim relations.

Section Editors: Ines Aščerić-Todd, Clinton Bennett, Luis F. Bernabé Pons, Jaco Beyers, Emanuele Colombo, Lejla Demiri, Martha T. Frederiks, David D. Grafton, Stanisław Grodź, Alan M. Guenther, Vincenzo Lavenia, Arely Medina, Diego Melo Carrasco, Alain Messaoudi, Gordon Nickel, Claire Norton, Reza Pourjavady, Douglas Pratt, Charles Ramsey, Peter Riddell, Umar Ryad, Cornelia Soldat, Charles Tieszen, Carsten Walbiner, Catherina Wenzel
[Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn: A Translation of Daivd Nicolle's Work on Saladin with Commentary]
ولكون ديفيد نيكول، مُؤرِّخًا عسكريًّا إنكليزيًّا، له كِتاباتٌ ثِقَالُ الوَطْأَة في الغرب، تتَّسمُ بالموضوعيَّة إلى حدٍّ كبيرٍ، ويأتي في سَنَام أعْماله هذا الكِتاب الذي نحنُ في رِحابه نتجوَّلُ وعمَّا قريبٍ سنقطفُ من ثماره اليُنْع؛ إذ يتناوَلُ الجانِبَ القياديَّ والإستراتيجيَّ والصِّراعيَّ من مسيرة صلاح الدِّين على نحوٍ أَخَصَّ، ومن ثَمَّ وقع عليه اخْتِياري. فالمُؤلِّف يتَّخذُ موقفَ بينَ بينَ من صلاح الدِّين، مُتجنِّبًا التَّفريط والإفْراط: فلا هو بالمُؤيِّد القُحِّ، ولا هو بالمُتحامِل الإدِّ، وإنْ كان إلى الحِياد أقرب

Saladin lived at a time when the Islamic world was going through profound changes. Since the later 11th century Turkish ruling elites had dominated most of the IslamicMiddle East. In military terms Arabs and Persians were being pushed aside, though they continued to dominate the religious, cultural and commercial elites.Meanwhile Kurds had only limited and localized importance, which makes the rise of a man of Kurdish origins like Saladin all the more unusual.
European and Global Histories, 1400-1800
Was the emperor as sovereign allowed to seize the property of his subjects? Was this handled differently in late medieval Roman law and in the practice and theory of zabt in Mughal India? How is political sovereignty relating to the church´s powers and to trade? How about maritime sovereignty after Grotius? How was the East India Company as a ´corporation´ interacting with an Indian Nawab? How was the Shogunate and the emperor negotiating ´sovereignty´ in early modern Japan?
The volume addresses such questions through thoroughly researched historical case studies, covering the disciplines of History, Political Sciences, and Law.
Contributors include: Kenneth Pennington, Fabrice Micallef, Philippe Denis, Sylvio Hermann De Franceschi, Joshua Freed, David Dyzenhaus, Michael P. Breen, Daniel Lee, Andrew Fitzmaurice and Kajo Kubala, Nicholas Abbott, Tiraana Bains, Cornel Zwierlein, Mark Ravina.
Ibn al-Azraq (d. 896/1491) was a renowned Andalusian jurist (faqīh) and statesman who lived during the final period of the Nasrid emirate of Granada. His most famous work, Badāʾiʿ al-Silk fī Ṭabāʾiʿ al-Mulk (Unprecedented Lines about the Nature of Political Rule), is a political treatise that builds upon Ibn Khaldūn’s (d. 808/1406) social theory (Ꜥilm al-Ꜥumrān). In The grand critic of Ibn Khaldūn Elena Şahin critically analyses the major aspects of Ibn al-Azraq’s political thought.
In this contribution on the field of the history of Islamic political thought, Elena Şahin demonstrates that while Ibn al-Azraq integrates the thrust of Ibn Khaldūn’s approach, Ibn al-Azraq’s work should be regarded as part of a larger conversation amongst various scholars, engaging, for example with the Andalusian jurist al-Shāṭibī’s (d. 790/1388) theory of Maqāṣid al-Sharīʿa. Widening the analysis of Ibn al-Azraq’s work illuminates that Ibn al-Azraq’s political theory was in opposition to that of Ibn Khaldūn, and thus gives us a better understanding of the dynamic debates within Andalusian political thought.
Islamic Sources/Maṣādir Islāmiyya (ISMI) is a double-blind peer-reviewed book series publishing text editions of primary sources of the Arab-Islamic heritage, covering all periods and regions of the Islamic world. The series is open to works on theology, philosophy, law, history, religious sciences, natural sciences, and literature, reflecting the broad contributions of Islamic civilization to various fields of knowledge. Authors are encouraged to submit editions of previously unpublished manuscripts, or new critical editions, annotations, and commentaries that provide significant new scholarly insights. All works will be preceded by a solid scholarly introduction in Arabic, English, French, German or Spanish.

مصادر إسلامية سلسلة كتب تخضع لمراجعة مزدوجة تعنى بنشر تحقيقات نصوص التراث العربي والإسلامي مع تغطية واسعة تشمل جميع العصور وجهات العالم الإسلامي. تنفتح السلسلة على الأعمال في شتى المجالات من عقيدة وفلسفة وفقه وتاريخ وعلوم طبيعية أو دينية ودراسات أدبية وغيرها مما يعكس إسهام الحضارة الإسلامية الواسع في شتى حقول المعرفة. يشجع المؤلفون على اقتراح تحقيق نصوص لم يسبق تحقيقها أو تحقيق فريد أو تعليق أو شرح أو غير ذلك مما يوفر رؤى جديدة. على أن تقدم كل الكتب بمقدمة تفصيلية بالعربية أو الإنجليزية أو الفرنسية أو الألمانيا أو الإسبانية.
ومن خلال تقديم مصادر غير معروفة أو كانت تُعبر مفقودة لمدة طويلة سيتم تعزيز فهم أفضل للمجال. وهذا سيُظهر للباحثين جملة من تداخلات جديدة، ليس من حيث التناص والترابط بين المؤلفين فحسب بل أيضًا بين المجالات المختلفة التي يمكن أن نصنفها كتخصصات منفصلة من منظور معاصر.
The Book for the Completion of Musical Knowledge
The Book for the Completion of Musical Knowledge is one of two unique treatises coming down to us from the 11th century; the other is Encompasser of the Arts of Ibn al- Ṭaḥḥān al-Mūsīqī. Both are written by practicing musicians and composers, and as such provide, a most welcome musical practices supplement to the tenth-century legacy of music theory and literature, namely, the works of al-Fārābī and al-Iṣfahānī. In composition, al-Kātib provides useful details regarding the process to set a poem to music; in education, he advises students on how to choose a good teacher; in performance, he advises students about to breathe properly and how to ornament vocal and instrumental music.
Dans L’art de la guerre chez les Mamelouks, Mehdi Berriah fait la lumière sur les mécanismes autour desquels s’articulaient la conduite et la pratique de la guerre de l’armée mamelouke. Les Mamelouks en firent l’une des plus performantes du Proche-Orient médiéval aux XIIIe-XIVe siècles, ce qui leur a permis de repousser le triple danger (Mongols, Francs et Arméniens) qui menaçait les territoires du dār al-Islām au Proche-Orient. D’origine servile, provenant majoritairement des steppes eurasiatiques et du Caucase, les Mamelouks étaient recrutés avant tout pour la guerre. Celle-ci fut leur raison d’être, leur légitimité politico-religieuse provenant exclusivement de leurs exploits militaires. À partir d’un large corpus mêlant chroniques (arabes, latines, arméniennes et persanes), sources didactiques et travaux archéologiques, Mehdi Berriah offre le premier livre expliquant, avec détail, les succès militaires des Mamelouks bahrites sur différents fronts face à leurs trois principaux ennemis, et leur quasi-invincibilité sur terre, lesquels in fine permirent au sultanat de s’imposer comme la première puissance dans la région à la fin du VIIIe/XIVe siècle.
Ibn al-Amshāṭī’s al-Isfār ʿan ḥikam al-asfār
Critical Edition, Translation, and Commentary
Editor / Translator:
The fifteenth-century travel regimen entitled al-Isfār ʿan ḥikam al-asfār (‘The unveiling of the wisdoms of the books’) written by the Cairene jurist-physician Ibn al-Amshāṭī (d. 1496) is an interesting example of the postclassical medical literature. It includes, besides a travel regimen (written likely as a health guide for the pilgrimage to Mecca), a short pharmacopoeia of single and compound remedies deemed useful for the traveller.
The work was composed for Kamāl al-Dīn al-Bārizī (d. 1452), the head of the Mamluk Chancery. The Arabic edition, English translation, and commentary of this text are framed by a detailed introductory study of the Arabic-language tradition of travel regimens and various medico-pharmacological glossaries.
This groundbreaking book tells the untold story of Indonesian Islam in museums. Often overshadowed by Hindu-Buddhist art, Indonesian Islamic heritage rarely receives the attention it deserves in museum collections and exhibitions. This book unravels the historical silences rooted in Dutch colonial rule that have marginalized Indonesian Islamic material culture. Delving into the colonial archives, it traces the journey of Indonesian objects in Dutch museums, exploring their original meanings and their re-appropriation during instances of collecting, classification, interpretation and public display. Through this lens, the book addresses the enduring impacts of colonialism and offers pathways for the decolonization of museums today.
English Translation of the Thirteenth-Century Cookbook Anwāʿ al-Ṣaydala fī Alwān al-Aṭʿima with Introduction and Glosssary
The medieval cookbook Anwāʿ al-ṣaydala fī alwān al-aṭʿima, with its remarkable collection of over 460 recipes, is a tangible testimony to the richness and sophistication of the cuisine of Muslim Sapin. Its diverse recipes reflect a pluralistic society of ethnic and religious communities that found a common ground for a collective culture. It further displays a rich regional vocabulary and the material culture it represents.
This text has been a culinary diamond in the rough ever since its first publication in the early 1960s, based on a single damaged and titleless manuscript with misplaced folios. In this new translation, Anwāʿ al-ṣaydala is now a polished gem. It is based on a recently discovered manuscript that is in good condition. For the first time in any language, this translation is the closest representation of the original text that the author/compiler constructed.
Supplemented with an extensive introduction and glossaries, and enlivened with over 270 color illustrations depicting medieval life.
Also included are modern adaptations of twenty recipes.