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Volume Editors: and
This volume by both younger and more established specialists of legal, maritime, diplomatic, and political history covers the nuanced interplay of neutrality and the law of the sea within Western, Central, and Eastern Europe, emphasising the opening up of the world in the early modern period (i.e. Africa, North America, and the Caribbean). The various faces of neutrality, both in law and politics, appear through commercial, administrative, and geopolitical practical cases and in the writings of famous legal writers. By linking up different sets of knowledge, a kaleidoscope of power configurations and arguments guides the reader through the labyrinth of trade, sea power, and negotiations.

Contributors are: Stefano Cattelan, Frederik Dhondt, John Freeman, Nora Naguib Leerberg, Christian Pfister-Langanay, Leos Müller, Stephen C. Neff, and Victor Wilson.
Volume Editor:
Explore a new perspective on land relations with Ownership Regimes, which shifts focus from traditional legal views to socio-historical contexts. This book reveals how land holding was influenced by diverse practices, including doctrine, laws, customs, regional kinship, and community ties. By understanding these as components of a broader normative framework, scholars from different regions show how complex social, religious, and cultural norms shaped efficient and enduring land-use arrangements. It challenges historians and legal scholars to examine the interplay of these norms in the Iberian world, uncovering how they defined ownership, division, regulation, and conflict resolution in various regions.

Contributors are: Manuel Bastias Saavedra, Alessandro Buono, Thiago Mota, José Carlos De La Puente Luna, Íñigo Ena Sanjuán, Alcira Dueñas, Marta Martín Gabaldón, Carolina Jurado, Crislayne Alfagali, and Rosa Congost.
The proposed book series will publish cutting-edge research on the Anthropocene with a dual focus on both Africa and Asia, as well as the complex relations connecting these two continents, and the oceans between them. It will showcase fresh and original studies of the Anthropocene – theories, methods and practices – across the environmental humanities and social sciences. This will include anthropology, art, cinema and theater, comparative literature, cultural studies, ecology, geology, history, law, linguistics, media studies, political science, religion and sociology under the broad heading of ‘environmental humanities’. Possible topics include, but are not limited to, the Chinese Belt and Road initiative, bio-politics, climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic, ecofeminism, eco-criticism, ecological problems and policies, energy issues, environmental transformation, oceanic and maritime studies, anthro-zoology and multi-species entanglements, neo-colonialism and post-coloniality, development issues and ‘wicked problems’ in and from the Global South. This English-language book series is directed at scholars, graduate and undergraduate students of Anthropocene studies related to Africa and Asia.

Authors are cordially invited to submit proposals to the publisher at BRILL, Stephanie Carta and Masja Horn.

Please see our Guidelines for a Book Proposal. All submissions are subject to a double-anonymous peer review process prior to publication.
Historische und globale Perspektiven
Volume Editors: and
Asien als Kriegsschauplatz ist in der deutschsprachigen Geschichtswissenschaft bislang nur am Rande behandelt worden. Um das Forschungsfeld auch bei uns zu etablieren, eröffnet dieser Band historische und globale Perspektiven auf den Kriegsschauplatz Asien. Im historischen Längsschnitt durch alle Epochen werden militärische Konflikte in Asien thematisiert und liefern Impulse für die globale Forschung zur Kulturgeschichte der Gewalt. Die facettenreichen Beiträge beinhalten verschiedene militärgeschichtliche Themenkomplexe im geografischen und historischen Längsschnitt und reichen dabei von der Vormoderne über das Zeitalter der Kolonialkriege, den Russisch-Japanischen Krieg (1904/05) und die beiden Weltkriege bis an das Ende der in Asien geführten „heißen Kriege“ des Kalten Krieges.
What lies behind an island? Is an island just a piece of land surrounded by water? Or is it from a cultural, symbolic, and even geographical perspective much more than that? Considering the symbolic nature of islands as a longue durée and through the analysis of maps, texts, and historical accounts, this book explores how the depiction of insularity encodes specific meanings and analytical levels which shed light on medieval and modern worldviews.
European and Global Histories, 1400–1800
Was the emperor as sovereign allowed to seize the property of his subjects? Was this treated differently in late medieval Roman law vis-à-vis the theory and practice of zabt in Mughal India? How did political sovereignty relate to the church's powers and to trade? How about maritime sovereignty after Grotius? How was the East India Company as a ‘corporation’ interacting with an Indian Nawab? How did the shogunate negotiate ‘sovereignty’ in early modern Japan?
This volume addresses such questions through thoroughly researched historical case studies, covering the disciplines of History, Political Sciences, and Law.

Contributors: Nicholas Abbott, Tiraana Bains, Michael P. Breen, Sylvio Hermann De Franceschi, Philippe Denis, David Dyzenhaus, Andrew Fitzmaurice, Joshua Freed, Kajo Kubala, Daniel Lee, Fabrice Micallef, Kenneth Pennington, Mark Ravina, and Cornel Zwierlein.