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Volume Editors: , , and
This two-volume study is the first to examine the history and composition of the library of Aḥmad Pasha al-Jazzār (d. 1804), the famous governor of northern Palestine in the late eighteenth century, on the basis of the inventory of the library’s holdings. The chapters in the first volume situate the library, one of the largest in Palestinian history prior to the end of the nineteenth century, in its historical context, examine the materiality of the collection based on a study of the extant manuscripts and other historical sources, and analyse the contents of the library. The second volume consists of a facsimile of the inventory, a critical edition and index.
Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2023
The Africa Yearbook covers major domestic political developments, the foreign policy and socio-economic trends in sub-Sahara Africa – all related to developments in one calendar year. The Yearbook contains articles on all sub-Saharan states, each of the four sub-regions (West, Central, Eastern, Southern Africa) focusing on major cross-border developments and sub-regional organizations as well as one article on continental developments and one on African-European relations. While the articles have thorough academic quality, the Yearbook is mainly oriented to the requirements of a large range of target groups: students, politicians, diplomats, administrators, journalists, teachers, practitioners in the field of development aid as well as business people.
Volume Editor:
Contemporary Moroccan Thought offers a new and broad coverage of the intellectual dynamics and scholarly output of what is presented here as the Rabat School since the 1950s. Geographically situated at the western edge of the classical Arab-Islamic world, Moroccan scholarship has made a belated yet vigorous comeback on the modern Arab intellectual scene, attracting wider reception beyond the Arabic-speaking world, through influential contributions in philosophical, theological, social and cultural studies.
This volume sets a new standard in the study of Moroccan, North African, and Middle Eastern societies, and will undoubtedly remain an important scholarly reference for generations to come.

Deina Abdelkader, Nayla Abi Nader, Kholoud Al-Ajarma, Salah Basalamah, Mohamed Wajdi Ben Hammed, Sara Borrillo, Ibrahim Bouhaouliane, Tina Dransfeldt Christensen, Driss El Ghazouani, Brahim El Guabli, Abdennabi El Harri, Amin El-Yousfi, Francesca Forte, Fatma Gargouri, Wael Hallaq, Mohammed Hashas, Alma Rachel Heckman, Aziz Hlaoua, Abdellatif Kidai, Markus Kneer, Mohamed Lamallam, Khalid Lyamlahi, Juan A. Macías-Amoretti, Djelloul Magoura, Mohammed K. B. Rhazzali, Raja Rhouni, Nils Riecken, Fatima Sadiqi, Hamza Salih, Ari Schriber, Simone Sibilio, and Abdessalam Tawil.
Ibn al-Azraq (d. 896/1491) was a renowned Andalusian jurist (faqīh) and statesman who lived during the final period of the Nasrid emirate of Granada. His most famous work, Badāʾiʿ al-Silk fī Ṭabāʾiʿ al-Mulk (Unprecedented Lines about the Nature of Political Rule), is a political treatise that builds upon Ibn Khaldūn’s (d. 808/1406) social theory (Ꜥilm al-Ꜥumrān). In The grand critic of Ibn Khaldūn Elena Şahin critically analyses the major aspects of Ibn al-Azraq’s political thought.
In this contribution on the field of the history of Islamic political thought, Elena Şahin demonstrates that while Ibn al-Azraq integrates the thrust of Ibn Khaldūn’s approach, Ibn al-Azraq’s work should be regarded as part of a larger conversation amongst various scholars, engaging, for example with the Andalusian jurist al-Shāṭibī’s (d. 790/1388) theory of Maqāṣid al-Sharīʿa. Widening the analysis of Ibn al-Azraq’s work illuminates that Ibn al-Azraq’s political theory was in opposition to that of Ibn Khaldūn, and thus gives us a better understanding of the dynamic debates within Andalusian political thought.
Islamic Sources/Maṣādir Islāmiyya (ISMI) is a double-blind peer-reviewed book series publishing text editions of primary sources of the Arab-Islamic heritage, covering all periods and regions of the Islamic world. The series is open to works on theology, philosophy, law, history, religious sciences, natural sciences, and literature, reflecting the broad contributions of Islamic civilization to various fields of knowledge. Authors are encouraged to submit editions of previously unpublished manuscripts, or new critical editions, annotations, and commentaries that provide significant new scholarly insights. All works will be preceded by a solid scholarly introduction in Arabic, English, French, German or Spanish.

مصادر إسلامية سلسلة كتب تخضع لمراجعة مزدوجة تعنى بنشر تحقيقات نصوص التراث العربي والإسلامي مع تغطية واسعة تشمل جميع العصور وجهات العالم الإسلامي. تنفتح السلسلة على الأعمال في شتى المجالات من عقيدة وفلسفة وفقه وتاريخ وعلوم طبيعية أو دينية ودراسات أدبية وغيرها مما يعكس إسهام الحضارة الإسلامية الواسع في شتى حقول المعرفة. يشجع المؤلفون على اقتراح تحقيق نصوص لم يسبق تحقيقها أو تحقيق فريد أو تعليق أو شرح أو غير ذلك مما يوفر رؤى جديدة. على أن تقدم كل الكتب بمقدمة تفصيلية بالعربية أو الإنجليزية أو الفرنسية أو الألمانيا أو الإسبانية.
ومن خلال تقديم مصادر غير معروفة أو كانت تُعبر مفقودة لمدة طويلة سيتم تعزيز فهم أفضل للمجال. وهذا سيُظهر للباحثين جملة من تداخلات جديدة، ليس من حيث التناص والترابط بين المؤلفين فحسب بل أيضًا بين المجالات المختلفة التي يمكن أن نصنفها كتخصصات منفصلة من منظور معاصر.
Tunisia has often been commended for its progressive stance on women’s rights and viewed as a role model for family law reform in the Muslim world. Judging Women’s Rights, Gender & Citizenship in Ben Ali's Tunisia weaves together intimate stories and theory to demystify claims that the progressive laws supported gender equality in practice. Through the eyes of citizens and legal professionals, it reveals how women and men experienced their rights under Ben Ali’s repressive regime, tracing connections between gender, ethics and the law. This accessibly written book provides a vital backdrop for understanding contemporary debates in Tunisia where women’s rights remain a hotly contested topic.