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[Sīrat al-malik al-Badrnār Ibn-an-Nahrwān: New Edition of a Popular Folk Tale ]
القراءة الشعبية للتاريخ تحقق المزيد من الفهم والإدراك لحقائق تاريخ أية أمة .وهو ما توفر في السيرة الشعبية النادرة والمجهولة للملك البدر نار بن النهروان والتي تدور أحداثها التاريخية حول تحول القبائل التركية من الوثنية إلى الإسلام وعلاقاتها مع من جاورها وعاصرها من القوى كالمغول، ومنها قبيلة الخطا أو "القراخطائيون". الذين كان لطموحات ملوكهم أثر كبير في تغيير مجرى عدة أحداث تاريخية في المشرق الإسلامي في العصر العباسي سنة 536هـ/1141م من خلال خوضهم معارك عدة مع المنافسين لهم وفي مقدمتهم السلاجقة ثم اعتماد ملوكهم على عدد من الشخصيات العربية وثقتها بهم وبآرائهم ومشورتهم فيما يتعلق بإدارة بلاد الترك لتحقيق العدالة وضمان مصالحهم وأمنهم واستقرارهم مثل قبيلة الهلالية وأبطالهم . استلهمت السيرة عناصرها من الصراع العتيق بين القومية العربية والتركية والفارسية بمراراتها التاريخية التي تأصلت في نفوس الرواة وألهبت مخيلتهم لرسم صورة البطل الأسطوري النهروان الذي يسوى الهوايل ويهزم معسكر الشر والأصنام ويكون هدفه الأسمى نشر العدل بمساعدة أبطال العرب من قبيلة الهلالية

Popular reading of history achieves more understanding and awareness of the facts of the history of any nation. This is what is provided in the rare and unknown popular biography of the king al-Badrnār Ibn-an-Nahrwān, whose historical events revolve around the conversion of the Turkish tribes from paganism to Islam and their relations with the neighboring and contemporary powers such as the Mongols, including the Khata tribe or the "Qara Khitai". The ambitions of their kings had a great impact on changing the course of several historical events in the Islamic East in the Abbasid era in 536 AH/1141 AD through their fighting several battles with their competitors, most notably the Seljuks, then their kings' reliance on a number of Arab figures and their trust in them and their opinions and advice regarding the administration of the lands of the Turks to achieve justice and ensure their interests, security and stability, such as the Hilali tribe and their heroes. The story was inspired by the ancient conflict between Arab, Turkish and Persian nationalisms, with its historical bitterness that was rooted in the narrators' souls and inflamed their imagination to draw the image of the legendary hero Nahrawan, who settles the calamities and defeats the camp of evil and idols, and whose ultimate goal is to spread justice with the help of the Arab heroes from the Arab Hilali tribe, summoning events and characters from the Quranic stories and from the biography of Antarah and Saif bin Dhi Yazan.
A Performance of the Baja Ni Funeral Cycle in Tireli, Mali
Though the Dogon are well-described, their culture still holds surprises. One of these is the cycle of songs called baja ni, which is at the heart of their funerary rites. Surprisingly, these songs have a historic author, a blind poet/prophet who roamed the area in the 19th century and left a huge heritage of songs and prophecies. This book gives the full text of one performance of this legacy. The lyrics cover a range of topics, from comments on historical events to philosophical musings about life and death, and from remembering the departed to celebrating the joys of being alive.
This book offers a fresh perspective on the re-emergence of a classical literary genre, showcasing a fusion of tradition and innovation. It examines the cultural dynamics that shape the development of Arabic maqāma in Nigeria. The maqāma, a genre traditionally associated with the MENA region, experienced a revival and gained relevance among contemporary Nigerian writers. Through meticulous exploration and in-depth interviews, this groundbreaking research offers invaluable insights into the process of adaptation and evolution of the maqāma, witnessing its transformation into a thriving literary tradition. It thus unravels a vibrant, yet overlooked, chapter in African Arabic literary culture, redefining our understanding of its globalizing nature.
Volume Editors: and
The African American Novel in the Early Twenty-First Century comprises fourteen essays, each focussing on recent, widely known fiction by acclaimed African American authors. This volume showcases the originality, diversity, and vitality of contemporary African American literature, which has reached a bewildering yet exhilarating stage of disruption and continuity between today and yesterday, homegrown and diasporic identities, and local and global interrelatedness. Additionally, it delves into the complexity of the Black literary imagination and its interaction with broader cultural contexts. Lastly, it reflects on the evolution of the African American community, its tribulations, triumphs, challenges, and prospects.
établi sur la base d’ouvrages publiés et non-publiés, d’études et documents divers, de thèses universitaires, d’archives, et de recherches sur le terrain
Tashelhiyt Berber is spoken in Morocco. With approximately eight to ten million speakers it is the world’s largest Berber language. The lexical data for this work were collected, over almost forty years, from a great number of publications and from various archives. These data were studied and checked by the author and enriched by lexical data from the author’s own fieldwork. In this dictionary Tashelhiyt Berber words and phrase are presented in alphabetic order and written in a clear Latin transcription. Meanings of words and phrases are given in French. All lexical data in this work are fully referenced. This book is the first comprehensive dictionary for Tashelhiyt Berber.
établi sur la base d’ouvrages publiés et non-publiés, d’études et documents divers, de thèses universitaires, d’archives, et de recherches sur le terrain, vol. 1
Tashelhiyt Berber is spoken in Morocco. With approximately eight to ten million speakers it is the world’s largest Berber language. The lexical data for this work were collected, over almost forty years, from a great number of publications and from various archives. These data were studied and checked by the author and enriched by lexical data from the author’s own fieldwork. In this dictionary Tashelhiyt Berber words and phrase are presented in alphabetic order and written in a clear Latin transcription. Meanings of words and phrases are given in French. All lexical data in this work are fully referenced. This book is the first comprehensive dictionary for Tashelhiyt Berber.
établi sur la base d’ouvrages publiés et non-publiés, d’études et documents divers, de thèses universitaires, d’archives, et de recherches sur le terrain, vol. 2
Tashelhiyt Berber is spoken in Morocco. With approximately eight to ten million speakers it is the world’s largest Berber language. The lexical data for this work were collected, over almost forty years, from a great number of publications and from various archives. These data were studied and checked by the author and enriched by lexical data from the author’s own fieldwork. In this dictionary Tashelhiyt Berber words and phrase are presented in alphabetic order and written in a clear Latin transcription. Meanings of words and phrases are given in French. All lexical data in this work are fully referenced. This book is the first comprehensive dictionary for Tashelhiyt Berber.
établi sur la base d’ouvrages publiés et non-publiés, d’études et documents divers, de thèses universitaires, d’archives, et de recherches sur le terrain, vol. 3
Tashelhiyt Berber is spoken in Morocco. With approximately eight to ten million speakers it is the world’s largest Berber language. The lexical data for this work were collected, over almost forty years, from a great number of publications and from various archives. These data were studied and checked by the author and enriched by lexical data from the author’s own fieldwork. In this dictionary Tashelhiyt Berber words and phrase are presented in alphabetic order and written in a clear Latin transcription. Meanings of words and phrases are given in French. All lexical data in this work are fully referenced. This book is the first comprehensive dictionary for Tashelhiyt Berber.
établi sur la base d’ouvrages publiés et non-publiés, d’études et documents divers, de thèses universitaires, d’archives, et de recherches sur le terrain, vol. 4
Tashelhiyt Berber is spoken in Morocco. With approximately eight to ten million speakers it is the world’s largest Berber language. The lexical data for this work were collected, over almost forty years, from a great number of publications and from various archives. These data were studied and checked by the author and enriched by lexical data from the author’s own fieldwork. In this dictionary Tashelhiyt Berber words and phrase are presented in alphabetic order and written in a clear Latin transcription. Meanings of words and phrases are given in French. All lexical data in this work are fully referenced. This book is the first comprehensive dictionary for Tashelhiyt Berber.