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This book depicts peasants' struggles for the resistance to the advance of destructive production. It also socializes the results of research, which shows us the pressage of alternative forms of labour, which are based upon agroecology, in cooperation and corporativism besides the emergence of agroecology schools of one of the main social movements of the present time: the Landless Movement.
This book depicts peasants' struggles for the resistance to the advance of destructive production. It also socializes the results of research, which shows us the pressage of alternative forms of labour, which are based upon agroecology, in cooperation and corporativism besides the emergence of agroecology schools of one of the main social movements of the present time: the Landless Movement.
The 2020s is a time of competitive and systemic rivalry, when the value of each individual partnership, union, or alliance is increasing. In this regard, this wave of interest in LAC is not caused by a desire to expand trade and investment presence, but by the desire of new actors in the Americas to use the region to gain greater global geopolitical influence. This book addresses the question: What role do extra-regional actors—the US, China, the EU, and Russia—play in the new system of international relations formed in LAC at the beginning of the 21st century? Ultimately, the book opens up a new multilateral perspective on the role and place of LAC in global processes in the context of the interaction and confrontation between the worldviews of the West and the non-West.
The 2020s is a time of competitive and systemic rivalry, when the value of each individual partnership, union, or alliance is increasing. In this regard, this wave of interest in LAC is not caused by a desire to expand trade and investment presence, but by the desire of new actors in the Americas to use the region to gain greater global geopolitical influence. This book addresses the question: What role do extra-regional actors—the US, China, the EU, and Russia—play in the new system of international relations formed in LAC at the beginning of the 21st century? Ultimately, the book opens up a new multilateral perspective on the role and place of LAC in global processes in the context of the interaction and confrontation between the worldviews of the West and the non-West.